After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 529: A mutually beneficial opportunity, do you want it?

"For two years, you just huddled in this courtyard and did nothing!"

"You haven't even found a boyfriend. Dad said he wanted us to get married. I guess it wasn't just words.

He really has this idea..."

Fang Qingyan is like someone who has been holding back for a long time. Once she starts talking, there will be no end.

"If he really bankrupts the Fang family, even if I'm ruthless and don't care about those employees, what will we eat and spend?

My mother and the Zhao family are supporting me with living expenses. My company is not making any progress right now. Although we have made some plans, I don’t even want to go on a business trip now..."

Fang Qingyan almost burst into tears as she spoke.

"Everything I do is for the company and this family, but now dad... really makes me sad!"

Fang Jinglei said calmly: "I'm not surprised at all.

Ever since I knew that Fang Hongjun was his and Qin Bailian's illegitimate son, I had doubted whether Ping An's loss was also his fault.

Because Qin Bailian was also expecting to give birth at that time.

He is the only one who has both motivation and ability!

I have completely lost any confidence in him. If it weren't for the chance to see peace tonight, I would not go to my uncle's house anyway.

I want my mother to take a look at peace...

I can't understand your thoughts. He doesn't deserve to be a father!

For his own sake, he deliberately deceived everyone. If Ping An had not made this clear, do you think he would have told us on his own initiative?

After Fang Hongjun takes control of the Fang family, Qin Bailian will also come to the Fang family. By then, what will happen to our mother and our sisters? Do you still have to think about it? "

Fang Qingyan shook her head, put away those bad images, stood up and asked, "Do you have any wine here?"

Fang Jinglei said: "In the wine cabinet, you can find it yourself.

I still haven't understood what you want to do.

Did you move here just to have someone to talk to?

Or do you just want to see my jokes?

Whether Ping An forgives me or not is his business. After accepting my apology, for me, the knot in my heart is gone.

I'm in a good mood now.

It's been two years and it's never been better. "

Fang Qingyan came over and sat down with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine, and said while opening the wine: "No, I want to make some plans for us sisters.

If the company is really collapsed by Ping An, the rest of us will not have a good life. "

Fang Jinglei chuckled and said, "How do you actually say it?

Of course I would like more money and a lot less worries.

The Zhao family gives me some, and I earn some myself, which is enough.

Even if you live here, it's enough. Of course, if you want to buy luxury bags and other brand-name goods like in the past, don't even think about it.

Can't afford it! "

Fang Qingyan poured two glasses of wine, took one herself and took a sip, "This is not enough! I also have savings, but it's still not enough!

No, I want to make money for myself! "

Fang Jinglei asked with a smile: "You should be not short of money after being the president for so many years. Our annual dividends are quite a lot of money."

You have more shares than I do, and your expenses are reimbursed by the company, so you should be very rich. "

Fang Qingyan was about to laugh, but then her face fell.

"The truly rich are those who are safe and wealthy..."

Fang Jinglei didn't say anything, picked up the red wine on the coffee table and drank it in one gulp.

The room was quiet for a while, and Fang Qingyan said quietly: "It's true! There is no good person in this wealthy family!"

Fang Jinglei said: "As for a boyfriend, I can have one! What about you?"

Chen Ping'an woke up early in the morning and told Rooster and Ah Qi that there was no need to go to Yun Province.

Then let Chen Shuhui contact Edwards about studying abroad.

Of course, all of this needs to wait for the college entrance examination results to be released before proceeding to the next step. All that can be done is some preparation work.

He himself had a video call with Bendict to promote the progress of the manor project.

The original plan to meet and talk with the Huo family has now been abandoned.

If the Huo family makes any request in person, it will be difficult to refuse. Let dad Chen Shaohua do this kind of thing.

What he has to do now is to leave the country quickly, lest the Tang family's new talker comes to seek revenge on him.

When the time came to 9 o'clock in the morning, he took the initiative to call Mao Peiyao and confirmed that the agreement was bilingual. Then he arranged for Roast Chicken to retrieve the equity transfer agreement prepared by Dacheng Investment. He wanted to take it away and let the guys from Scorpion sign it. .

The tea is the best Pu'er, and the movements of Chen Pingan's hands are very smooth.

After pouring a cup of tea, he pushed it to the opposite side and said, "Try it, the tea making methods are different, and even the same tea has different tastes."

Huo Xiuwen picked up the tea cup with a smile, smelled it, and then took a sip.

The cup was too small and it was gone in one sip.

He put down the cup and asked with a smile: "Why did you think of me today? Why didn't you invite me for tea when you came back a few days ago?"

"I really didn't have time at that time, I was so busy. I'm leaving the capital tomorrow. If I don't leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave."

Huo Xiuwen watched him add tea, reached for Chen Pingan's cigar box and took one, then picked up Chen Pingan's lighter and lit it.

“My dad hurt his lungs, so I couldn’t smoke at home.

My wife doesn't like me smoking, but we both work in the same company, which doesn't give me many opportunities to smoke.

Your cigar is really nice. "

Chen Pingan put down the Fairness Cup, "Want to buy it yourself!"

Huo Xiuwen laughed, "Chen Pingan, you asked me to come here, you didn't really want to show me your skills, did you?"

Chen Pingan picked up his cup, smelled it, nodded, and drank it in one gulp.

"Last year, I was hunted by Tang Qian, and the person who leaked my identity was Kuang Jun from Tianhai Fund, who belonged to Huo Xiuzhu.

I have reminded Huo Xiuzhu, but Kuang Jun is still alive.

If Huo Xiuzhu refuses to kill him, then he will kill me."

Huo Xiuwen's expression was a surprised expression, and Chen Pingan didn't care whether it was true or false, it didn't matter.

"My investment company will be established soon, and the head of the Huo family said he must invest.

So I have to run away quickly."

Huo Xiuwen smoked a cigar quietly, calculating and judging rapidly in his mind.

Face Huo Xiuzhu, Chen Pingan should have no chance of winning.

It's just the gap in background and strength, and has nothing to do with ability.

Chen Pingan added: "The shareholders of Tianhai Fund have no reputation, which is not normal.

Do you know who the real shareholders of Tianhai Fund are?"

Huo Xiuwen did not answer this question, but asked: "Are you sure you want to confront Huo Xiuzhu?

If you are not crazy, you should not attack the Huo family!"

Chen Pingan shook his head, "I don't have the courage, I only target Huo Xiuzhu.

I can't let him be the head of the Huo family anyway..."

Huo Xiuwen smiled and asked: "What do you mean by telling me this?"

Chen Pingan looked up and looked into his eyes, "I need your help, and you also need my help. Do you want a mutually beneficial opportunity?"

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