After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 528 How can there be such a beautiful thing!

"Not to mention, I guess both Huo Zhiqiang and Huo Xiuzhu have the intention of letting Huo Shiyun marry our family to tie me up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Qing's expression changed.

Chen Shuhui shouted: "No!"

Liu Qing said angrily: "How can there be such a beautiful thing!

Although Shiyun’s child looks pretty good, we don’t want this kind of marriage with utilitarian purposes! "

Chen Shuhui has already stood up.

Her face turned red and she said, "I thought she was so nice to me, but it turns out she is attracted to my brother!

Dad, didn't you say you wouldn't use us to get married? "

Chen Shaohua said: "I said it, and your brother didn't say this, I don't know yet!"

Chen Pingan comforted: "I'm just speculating. Huihui, come and sit down, don't be angry!"

Didn't I discuss this with the whole family? If I want the Huo family to help, how can I do it without paying some price?

When dealing with the Tang family, wasn't the reason why the Huo family contributed so much because of those very high-quality assets? "

He turned to Chen Shaohua and said, "Huo Shiyun is quite smart. Dad, do you still remember Gao Can from the Gao family?"

Chen Shaohua nodded, "Nothing special, but he is quite a calm person, and he is relatively low-key in the workplace.

If you really want to get married, it is actually a good match.

The Huo family has a good eye for selecting people. "

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded, "This shows that I am also very good. Haha...

I haven't thought about how much it will cost. Apart from marriage, everything else can be discussed.

It is absolutely impossible for me to become a member of the Huo family. "

Chen Shuhui puffed up her cheeks, pursed her lips, and suddenly said: "I will never play with her again. Even if she comes to me, I will ignore her!"

Chen Pingan shook his head and said: "Hui Hui, you must learn to control your expression and emotions.

Even if you don't like her, you don't have to break off the relationship. Think about what you can do with her or what purpose you can use her to achieve.

The relationship between people is inherently one of mutual use. If you are not worth being used at all, then there must be no one around you.

I am favored by the Huo family now simply because I can make money for them.

My value is making money, which is the lowest value. It is no different from those working people outside.

Even if I am extremely good and can provide emotional value, they don’t need it! "

Chen Shaohua smiled and said, "In other words, in order to win over your brother, the Huo family used Huo Shiyun to provide another kind of value, but your brother doesn't need it."

Liu Qing stood up and said, "Huihui, come upstairs with me. Your dad and your brother still have something to talk about. I don't think it's appropriate for you to continue listening."

Chen Shuhui looked at her face, stood up and said through gritted teeth: "Brother, you can't marry anyone without my nod!"

Chen Pingan nodded dumbfounded, "Yeah, okay. I'm only 21 years old, it's still too early to get married!"

Chen Shuhui didn't care so much. After hearing his agreement, she followed her mother upstairs.

"when are we leaving?"

"Originally I wanted to meet and talk with the Huo family, but now, I think it is better to communicate by phone or other means.

Let's leave in two days and go directly to Austria.

On the domestic side, I asked Mr. Cooper to stay and block it for me.

He is a foreigner, which gives him an extra layer of protection. "

Chen Shaohua thought for a while and asked: "Will the Fang family deal with the Zhao family in the future? What should we do with your sisters?"

Chen Pingan shook his head and said: "After the Fang Group, there is the Zhao family. I can do this by using the excuse that my biological parents are not good to me.

Anyway, I don't want to be wronged.

So there is an excuse to deal with these two families.

After these two families collapse, let’s talk about the Fang family in the capital. "

He scratched his head, then picked up the cigar on the table and handed one to Chen Shaohua, and then lit one himself.

"My image of vengeance should have been established after these things.

On the one hand, I really want to take revenge, and on the other hand, I want to avoid some trouble.

I just don’t know how much trouble it will cause you. "

Chen Shaohua waved his hand, "It's a small matter!

Leave the business in Yuncheng to Huo Zhinian and Shaowei Shaokai, and the business in Beijing will slowly be handed over to your second master.

Your grandfather and the others had discussed this while you were away, and now it’s just a matter of time.

What I need to remind you is to go abroad as soon as possible.

In addition, over in Yuncheng, it was Roji and Ah Qi who killed Xue San in the first place, and they were also the ones who went abroad to kill Fang Hongjun.

You'd better change someone to go to Yun Province to help you find out what happened after you were born.

It's a bit dangerous for both of them to go. "

Chen Ping'an nodded, "I'm short of people now! It would be easier if we were abroad, just spend money to hire people."

Chen Shaohua knocked on the table, "I know you deliberately wanted to create a sense of alienation between you and the Chen family. Although it failed, it was not without effect.

I don't care about this aspect, they are considered yours, you can figure it out on your own! "

Fang Qingyan and Fang Zhidie separated after leaving the hotel.

After returning to the rented house, Fang Qingyan took a shower and ordered another takeaway. While eating, she began to worry about the future of the Fang Group.

She really wanted to stop Chen Pingan, but she also knew that she didn't have the ability.

She doesn't have many friends.

There is only one person of the same sex, Gu Baibai, and Gu Baibai is very possessive, so she doesn't have many opportunities to interact with other women.

Not to mention friends of the opposite sex.

Thinking of this, she felt that she was the most pitiful one.

Her father's straightforward words chilled her heart.

Originally, they were planning to arrange marriages for the sisters!

They were not young anymore. She was already 27 and would soon be 28...

As an old woman, although she was not so hungry for men, she should also make some plans for herself.

She dedicated her best years to the company.

She came to Beijing according to her father's request, but now she has ended up like this. She was a little unwilling.

This can't go on.

After she finished her meal, she called Fang Jinglei and asked her to come over to talk.

When Fang Jinglei learned what Fang Junhong said from the phone, she immediately drove over and moved back to the yard with Fang Qingyan's few luggage.

Fang Jinglei also had a lot of things to talk to someone, but her mother Zhao Wei was obviously not a good person to talk to.

The two sisters worked together to clean up a room. After being exhausted and sweating, they took a shower and sat down to make tea. Fang Jinglei even took out a cigarette and lit one.

"Ping An said that what you said is absolutely right. I think you are just being self-moved!" Fang Qingyan hadn't even spoken yet, and the elder sister's instinct prevailed again.

"I know you don't like my behavior, but if you put yourself in my shoes, do you think I would like to do this?

Even if he is my brother, on the one hand, there is a family to eat, and on the other hand, there are so many people in the company to live. Do I just give up and go all out to beg Chen Ping An for forgiveness?

Of course you feel comfortable. With my mother in this yard and closing the door, how much do you have to do with what's happening outside?

What about me? The company has come to this point, and I have invested my best years in it. Do you want me to ignore it?"

Fang Qingyan became more and more angry as she spoke, "Two years, how many times have you met Chen Ping An? How many words have you said?"

"Yes! He accepted your apology, but did he say, forgive you?"

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