The stock opened lower with a gap, most people know what this means.

It would be unreasonable if it fell to the limit directly.

There is nothing much to say about the stock price trend, it is simply falling slowly, and the amount of takeover orders is not small.

It is just after 10 o'clock that the trading volume began to shrink.

"Brother Zhe, throw out the tickets in your hand." Chen Pingan suddenly spoke, which scared Ding Junzhe who was watching the market.

"Got it, throw it all out."

After a series of fierce operations, more than 100,000 hands were thrown out, but the price was only hit to the buy three price.

But this effect, at this point in time, is very intriguing.

The low opening at the opening, to use the usual saying, is that everyone is not optimistic, and it must fall today.

Half an hour after the opening, although the price is falling, that is because today's run is only the first batch, and the subsequent large forces should be undecided at this time.

The takeover funds of Lao Jiumen are large, but Tang's Pharmaceuticals is falling slowly, but steadily.

After this happened, the price of Lao Jiu Men began to rise little by little.

Ding Junzhe sold all the tickets in his hand, but it seemed to have no effect.

Tang's Pharmaceuticals fluctuated and the decline began to accelerate.

Chen Pingan smiled, "Dong Wanwan, sell the Tang's Pharmaceuticals in your hand."

Dong Wanwan did as she was told, and the stock price was instantly smashed down by more than three yuan, and the decline was more than 7 points at this time.

Tang's Pharmaceuticals was smashed, and retail investors could not sit still.

I only have tens of thousands of yuan, I can't bear it, I'm leaving!

Although there are takeover orders, the strength is not strong.

Chen Pingan glanced at Edwards and asked, "Where did this takeover order come from?"

Edwards shook his head, "Not sure, hard to say."

Chen Pingan nodded, "Chen Xiaolong, Huo Shijun, smash all the remaining Tang Pharmaceuticals in your hands!"

"Got it!"

"Got it!"

Chen Pingan whispered to Edwards, "Is someone doing the same thing as I did last time?"

Edwards shook his head slightly and said, "It's not certain yet!"

Ma Changwei and Huo Xiuwen always sat on the side, either smoking or drinking tea or coffee, anyway, they just kept silent and watched quietly.

They are not fools.

It is clear that Chen Pingan bought yesterday and bought while smashing the market today, with the purpose of driving down the stock price.

Making the two pharmaceutical stocks of the Tang family cheaper, while buying more chips, it is convenient to continue to smash the market later.

This step is to make the Tang family suffer losses in terms of economy and valuation, but the Tang family will not suffer any substantial damage.

As for Chen Pingan's losses, it is still difficult to predict.

Although the futures market has already started, there has not been much position so far.

Once the action is too big, it will attract the attention of those who are interested. Although the two of them are just spectators, they also want to know what will happen in the end.

Trading is a very laborious thing.

Chen Pingan calmly directed four traders, plus himself and Edwards were also operating, a total of six people.

At the close of the morning, the two target stocks did not hit the limit down board. After the closing, Chen Pingan did not let Ding Junzhe and the other three leave, but discussed with Edwards in front of them.

"Although the trading volume on the market is quite large, compared with the previous few days, it is only more than double but less than double."

"This shows that these two stocks are usually very active. The strength of the takeover is very strong, which I did not expect.

So... continue to buy in the afternoon to push up the stock price or what?" Edwards asked gently.

Chen Pingan seemed to be talking to himself, "The funds currently used are too little, and the chips are too few.

Not enough, far from enough!"

He looked at his computer screen, and the mouse in his hand moved quickly, clicking here and there.

"Less than 600 million yuan flowed out this morning, too little, too little. There is no sign of funds being used to make a profit, could it be that someone is really making a profit?"

Chen Xiaolong suddenly said, "Just do it, why are you worrying so much!"

Chen Pingan looked up at him, then lowered his head and continued to look at the computer.

After a while, he said, "Let's go eat."

This was the order to leave. After everyone left, he whispered to Edwards:

"That's right, just do it.

No matter what, I don't believe that anyone can use more than 20 billion on these two stocks.

I don't believe that I can't do anything even if I throw it all out!

Time is getting tighter and tighter. Maybe the warehouse will really burn down!"

Edwards sighed, "How to compensate?"

Chen Pingan thought for a while and said, "No, if it's a warehouse, it's insured.

But the Tang family will definitely not get this batch of raw materials.

Neither the middlemen nor the growers will suffer much loss."

After a pause, he grinned and said, "As for the insurance depends on fate!

How many of these two tickets do you have?"

Edwards laughed, "Not much, not worth your attention.

But there are already some bottom positions for soda ash and corn starch, and they are still in a slightly loss-making state."

Chen Pingan closed the computer, nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, I can make it back!"

"Of course." Edwards replied with a smile.

In the afternoon, Chen Pingan asked everyone to keep buying at the current price.

Keeping the current price buying status all the time sent a wrong message to retail investors.

That is, people are buying these two stocks crazily.

The stock price slowly recovered until the closing at three o'clock. Tang's Pharmaceutical closed down 2.7 percentage points, and Lao Jiumen closed down 1.83 percentage points.

It can be said that on the second trading day after Tang Qian's death, the turnover rate of these two stocks went up, but the stock price did not fall much.

Various news and analysis masters in the market continued the old tradition and began various analyses.

Chen Pingan was completely indifferent to this.

He had too few chips in his hand to shake the current trend.

The F10 of the two stocks showed that the top ten shareholders were all truly powerful companies.

There was no hot money or super retail investors in the top ten.

There were two Guo Jia teams in it, but this did not require too much consideration.

Everything was just a business behavior.

Fang Junhong had just returned to Yuncheng when he received a notice from Party A, asking him to attend the project progress report meeting.

During this period, he had dealt with the three CEOs of Party A many times.

Two from the Chen family and one from the Huo family.

When he went this time, he brought Fang Qingyan with him.

The meeting was held by the government. The initiator and organizer were all the government, and even Party A was only in a co-hosting position.

What really made Fang Junhong feel incredible was that the biggest leader present was not from the city, but the provincial leader himself sitting in the middle.

Huo Zhiguo.

When Fang Junhong heard this name, his first reaction was Huo Zhinian, the financial manager of the project.

What the hell!

He was not the only one who had this reaction, none of the subcontractors present had a good look.

No wonder!

This Party A is so awesome, if you agree to the conditions, you will do it, if you don’t agree, you will get out.

Before, he asked the Fang family to pay an extra 500 million yuan in deposit, which was not the content of the original agreement at all.

But he endured it.

Now it seems that endurance is right.

The person on the stage is the biggest boss in Yun Province, no one else.

There are also the same generation relatives of this boss on the stage, and the two Chens on Party A...


Why doesn’t my Fang family have such a foundation?

Why didn’t you let me be the head of the family back then?

Fang Junyi, that bastard, is not as good as me in knowledge and ability.

If I were the head of the family, how could the Fang family have gotten to this point in all these years?

Being manipulated like this!

Hate it!

I hate my father, I hate my elder brother!

I hate Chen Pingan!

With such ability, he left the Fang family and went to the Chen family. Now he doesn't even want to look at his biological father.

When he thinks of the way Chen Pingan looked at him that day, just like an object on the wall, his face is hot!

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