After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 400 Public opinion, let the emotions be suppressed for a while

“The cause of Tang Qian’s death from the Tang Dynasty Fund is a mystery!”

"The strong woman in the prosperous Tang Dynasty lost more than 1.5 billion yuan in the first half of the year!"

Among the many hot topics, these two are the most popular ones.

Not only quoting the content of the official announcement, the subject speculated that the losses might be irreparable and investors could not bear the losses. Tang Qian might be killed as a result.

Of course this is all speculation.

But the fatal thing is that someone from the Modou Hospital followed the post.

"Tang Qian was not only poisoned, but the murderer was afraid that she would not die, so he strangled Tang Qian, who was already poisoned, with a wire in her own red Ferrari."

Damn it!

This reply has been quoted countless times.

As we all know, the official will only reveal that XXX was killed, but the cause of death will not be written out.

What's bad is that the person who posted the message is a newly registered account and claims to be from the hospital.

As for the post, it was deleted by myself not long after it was posted, but on the Internet, it’s better not to show up.

Spread as soon as it appears.

The news had gone viral early Saturday morning.

"This is Chi Guoguo's paid murder!"

"Awesome, I can't understand the world of rich people. Fortunately, I don't have money!"

“The details of Shengtang Fund’s trading operations in the first half of the year are revealed!”

"There were so many big events in the capital market in the first half of the year. Why did she lose so much on something?"

Follower: “I was fortunate enough to participate in the stock index futures war in March and April.

Unfortunately, Xiaosheng was affected, and he earned more than 800,000 yuan with tears in his eyes. [Transaction record.jpg]”

"I made hundreds of millions of dollars with tears in my eyes. [Transaction record.jpg]"

"I really lost money! [Transaction record.jpg]"

"Thanks to the war, this girl has earned two houses. [Transaction record.jpg]"


"Fuck you!"



Many people followed.

Some make money and some lose money.

Those who made money scolded those who lost money, "You can't make money in this kind of market, Leek, your husband wants you to go home to nurse the child."

The person who lost money retorted: "I made a mistake because I had so much money. As a result, I didn't even have a chance to close my position! A trader who is better than a dog deserves to be struck by thunder from heaven!"

It is true that masters come from among the people.

Someone posted a separate post [The Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Battle in the First Half of the Year], posting the stock index futures trend chart for March and April, and even detailed the operations of various parties' funds on it.

Although they are all guesses, they are generally correct.

This post was quickly forwarded to various professional forums and stock exchanges, causing too many leeks to study it in depth like a fascination.

Of course Chen Pingan also saw the news.

Some of them were published by him, but most of them were spontaneous discussions among the people.


There's still tomorrow!

It won't open until tomorrow...

The forecasting party has already begun to predict the trend of Tang family-related stocks next Monday.

Some people even pointed out that the sudden drop at the closing price on Friday morning and the market support in the afternoon were probably related to Tang Qian's death.

The awesome idler even made a screen recording. Which one of buying ten to buying one is not tens of thousands of hands?

The red numbers were placed in front of me, and then everything became chaotic.

Discussions and speculations have always been very popular.


In a hotel suite.

Edwards, Chen Pingan, Ma Changwei, Huo Xiuwen, and Chen Xiaolong were sitting scattered in the living room.

"Tang Qian has attracted enough attention.

Two days of deliberation and thinking time for the organization over the weekend are enough. On Monday, follow the trend and smash the market. "Chen Pingan said through gritted teeth.

“Large investors and institutions still have a lot of chips that they have not released.

This time I will not worry about retail investors and institutions. As long as I have enough chips, I will keep smashing the market.

Also start to slowly increase the positions of soda ash and corn starch on Monday. "

Edwards smiled and nodded, "Okay boss, let Ding Junzhe and Chen Xiaolong do long futures. As for the two ladies, just operate stocks.

Make the division of labor clear to avoid making mistakes when you are in a hurry. "

Huo Xiuwen knew that Mr. Cooper was Chen Pingan's think tank, so all these ideas came from him?

But there's no evidence for this idea, and Mr. Cooper himself never said it wasn't, but he didn't admit it either.

And Chen Pingan said that this person is his think tank. There is no group, just one person.

Chen Pingan glanced at Chen Xiaolong and said, "Okay, that's it."

Chen Xiaolong glared and said, "Why are you looking at me? You just give the order and I will do it. Are you looking at me because you are worried that I will make a mistake?"

Chen Ping'an didn't give him any cooperation at all, and said calmly: "If you make a mistake, the loss will be the Chen family's. I will check every record."

Chen Xiaolong said angrily: "I won't make any mistakes."

Ma Changwei looked at this and that, but didn't speak.

He kept his promise and treated himself as mute without saying a word.

Huo Xiuwen said: "I understand."

Chen Xiaolong immediately asked: "Brother Huo knows something, can you share it?"

Huo Xiuwen said calmly: "It's just that my cousin doesn't participate in futures trading."

Edwards smiled and said: "The two ladies are obviously relatively new to trading, and the cost of futures is too high.

Although the unit price of stocks is also high, as long as the price can be kept down, the loss caused by a little mistake when all the chips are finally eaten up is nothing. "

Huo Xiuwen immediately nodded and said, "Mr. Cooper, you don't need to explain to me."

Edwards waved his hand, "We have a cooperative relationship. Let you know all the details for you to see and listen to. Some things are not as solid as what you see and hear with your own eyes. "

on Monday.

After breakfast, everyone came to Chen Pingan's suite living room on time at nine o'clock.

The two additional conference tables were placed together, and Chen, Ding, Dong, and Huo sat together.

“Today’s task is to follow the trend and smash the market while continuing to buy two underlying stocks at low prices.

The call auction is set to buy at the lower limit, and each account places a buy order of 100,000 lots.

That's the order now, don't ask any questions.

Listen to my instructions in the market, and you can smash the market when I tell you to. "

No one spoke, they all nodded silently to express receipt.

Chen Pingan smiled, "If you want to give feedback, for example, if I say Brother Zhe put 10,000 hands to hit the market, you have to say you received it.

Otherwise, I don’t know if you heard me clearly. "

Ding Junzhe's face turned red, "Received. Ten thousand hands."

Dong Wanwan glanced at Huo Shiyun, then said, "Copy that."

Huo Shiyun said nothing, but looked up at Huo Xiuwen. When she looked over, Huo Xiuwen gave her an encouraging smile.

Chen Xiaolong weakly replied "Copy that".

The collective bidding has begun.

There are no details at this time, only a number above and below. Green sell orders pile up crazily, the price keeps jumping, and buy orders keep lowering the price.

It was 9:20, and Chen Pingan spoke.

"Pending orders are down to the limit, 200,000 lots per person."

The keyboard buzzed.

At 9:25, there were not many canceled orders, which shows that weekend public opinion has a great impact on market sentiment.

Chen Pingan looked at the screen calmly.


The two tickets jumped and opened lower by more than 4 points almost at the same time.

Edwards stared at his screen and whispered, "No movement."

Chen Ping'an replied: "It will happen. Wait patiently and let your emotions compress for a while."

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