After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 383 Isn’t Ding Junzhe’s grandfather also my grandfather?

Chen Shaohua was so angry that he was shaking all over while listening to the phone.

"Protect yourself, I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Shaojie's first call was to the head of the Chen family's legal team.

"Lawyer Gong, my son was attacked by a car on Chang'an Avenue, and the police have arrived. I'm rushing over now, how long will it take you to get there?"

Gong Xinping is nearly sixty years old. He has been working with the Chen family for so many years and is also a well-known lawyer in the industry.

Whether the Chen family has any problems or not, the annual consulting fee is 10 million. When there is a case, the fee is charged according to the law firm's standards.

The goal is to have someone who can come at any time and get things done.

This kind of lawyer is common in every family.

Gong Xinping immediately said: "There is already a video in the media, it's very intense. I'll be there right away.

As long as Mr. Chen is not injured, leave the rest to me."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Shaohua took a deep breath and called Tang Xicheng.

The call was quickly connected.

"Second Master."

Tang Xicheng has been protecting Chen Shaowei and Chen Shaokai, two of the Chen family's core members, in Yuncheng recently, and has basically never left Yuncheng.

Not only that, his own family has taken on several lucrative jobs and is working hard.

Chen Shaohua suppressed his anger and said, "Take your people to the Magic City. The second lady of the Tang family, Tang Qian, I want to see news that she is dead within a week!

If necessary, find a way to get weapons yourself."

Tang Xicheng's habit is to find out the cause of things. Although he could hear that Chen Shaohua was very angry at this time, he still asked:

"Second Master, what's the reason? I want to determine what method to use."

Chen Shaohua said, "Just now her killer wanted to kill Ping An on Chang'an Avenue. This is the second time."

Tang Xicheng was shocked, but immediately calmed down and said in a deep voice, "Okay."

After that, he took the initiative to hang up the phone.

One week, very tense!

What he didn't know was that after Chen Pingan hung up the phone to him, he called Edwards.

"Tang Qian's people are taking action on the street. You will see the news soon.

Let Scorpion kill that woman, the sooner the better."

He hung up the phone after he finished speaking. The police had already pointed their guns at the people in the SUV and asked them to get out.

He, Shaoji and Ah Qi should be the next ones.

When Edwards answered the phone, he heard the noisy sound over there, along with the sound of sirens and the roar of the police.

After the phone was hung up, he thought about it for a while and called Ben Dict.

After a brief explanation, he transferred 5 million to Ben.

The money must be given. It is hard to say whether guns and ammunition can be obtained, but cold weapons are definitely no problem.

These things can be bought casually.

As for how many people Scorpion sent and what method to use, he didn't care.

But in terms of time, he also required that he heard the news of Tang Qian's death within a week.

To be honest, mercenaries are fine for protecting people, but if they really want to do something murderous, they are not the best choice. It's not that they are not capable, but that their profession is not suitable.

This is like a person who studies architectural engineering should do design after graduation, but the boss asked him to build a building...

He knew this truth, and Ben Dict, as the head of the mercenary group, naturally knew it even better.

Looking at the extra 5 million in the account, he hesitated for less than five seconds and made a phone call to entrust the matter.

Then, he continued to stay in Shandong Province, facing the planting base not far from the window and continued to play games.


When Chen Pingan returned home, it was already night.

If there were no surveillance cameras on the road to prove that their records were not lying, this matter would be really hard to say.

As for being asked who they thought was going to attack him, Chen Pingan didn't know.

When Chen Shaohua and Gong Xinping brought him and Roast Chicken Ah Qi out, Chen Pingan sincerely thanked Lawyer Gong.

In fact, lawyers can't play a big role in this matter, and all the procedures should be followed.

But the lawyer can let him leave the police station as soon as possible.

If this happened somewhere else in Beijing, it would be really easy to solve.

The problem is that this happened on Chang'an Avenue, and the influence is simply heaven-shattering.

All major platforms are busy deleting posts frantically, not to mention blocking accounts. Any related videos will soon disappear.

There is not a single word on the hot search, which was directly deleted by the platform.

When the Chen family father and son separated, each had a car, and now when they come back, there are 7 cars in a row.

Chen Pingan didn't even go home. He was worried that he couldn't control his expression and emotions, so he simply stayed in the Chen family hotel.

Shaoji and Ah Qi's expressions were also very ugly. Although Chen Pingan was not injured, he was frightened!

Chen Shaohua still has things to do. On the one hand, he has to clear the hotel to prepare to receive various partners, and on the other hand, he has to communicate with Lawyer Gong.

In addition, he has to prepare the conditions for the meeting the day after tomorrow, which is really busy.

The hotel was once again packed by the Chen family bodyguards.

Chen Pingan asked Shaoji and Ah Qi to go home to get his luggage, including his documents and computer, and sat alone in the room thinking.

Angry is really angry, it can be said that he is shocked and angry.

He practiced Tai Chi several times in the room to calm himself down.

After taking his computer, he began to prepare for the meeting the day after tomorrow.

Roast Chicken and Ah Qi lived directly outside the suite, and he was speechless because of their attitude.

What dangers could there be in his own hotel? But the two insisted, so he couldn't say anything.

These two were not only bodyguards, but also half masters.

After he informed Edwards of his location, Edwards arrived at the hotel with his luggage more than half an hour later.

He was not safe, which made Chen Pingan a little angry.

The two began to plan the formal meeting procedures of each company and the details of the investment ratio and profit sharing.


Dong Wanwan was going crazy!

Chen Pingan dropped out of school. Teacher Qiao Bo said that his mother Liu Qing personally handled this matter.

Before she could come to her senses, Huo Shiyun went through the procedures for suspension of study.

He didn't even tell her!

Are they still best friends?

She called Huo Shiyun, but Huo Shiyun always said that she couldn't come out at home, and she refused to tell the specific reason for the suspension of study.

Dong Wanwan thought about it and didn't understand it and wanted to cry, but the thunder rolled down, and her handsome cousin also dropped out of school!!!

Usually beautiful and smart girls or women have a special ability, called intuition or sixth sense.

She gritted her teeth and believed that these things were related. What made her angry was that she didn't know anything!

How could she bear this?

No matter if her uncle or aunt could bear it, she couldn't bear it anymore.

She bombarded Ding Junzhe with phone calls, but didn't get anything out of him.

This time Dong Wanwan was even crazier. She called her mother and cried.

Accusing Ding Junzhe of dropping out of school without telling her the reason, and her aunt refused to tell her. She wanted her mother to go to the northeast to see what was going on with her own eyes.

Finally, her mother agreed to help, and the damn Ding Junzhe called and said that he followed his grandfather to Beijing.

But now, my mother has set off!!!

However, Dong Wanwan soon became happy.

Isn’t Ding Junzhe’s grandfather also this girl’s grandfather?

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