In fact, Chen Pingan's purpose is just to let the police know about this matter. If the green light can be maintained, that will naturally be a good thing.

It would be bad if they all stopped. Although they and Roasted Chicken would not be seriously injured if they bumped into each other from behind, the problem was that there were at least 4 people on the other side.

If there are weapons in hand, it's really hard to say what the outcome will be.

However, the three of them are not unarmed.

He did not keep the call as required, but hung up the phone and said: "Brother Ji, keep accelerating and get ready to take action.

I see them getting closer. "

Roasted Chicken had a gloomy face, glanced at the rearview mirror and said: "There are still about ten meters away, we can still hold on for a few minutes."

Ah Qi has already started to get the stick from the car.

He already had one on his waist, and this one was a spare.

He handed the stick to Chen Pingan with his backhand, smiled and said, "Sorry, I couldn't find them in advance."

Chen Pingan sighed: "It's okay, this is probably the person Tang Qian found. The four died last time, she must have been angered and lost her fucking mind.

I really don’t know if the police will be able to find her if they investigate to the end. "

I took the stick and tried the feel, and found it to be okay.

He has not stopped practicing whenever he has the opportunity this year. It can be said that his footwork is relatively stable.

With the stick in his hand, he actually had some eager thoughts to try.

Roast Chicken suddenly honked like crazy. The two cars in front were almost parallel, and there was also a car on the right, so there was no room for overtaking.

Roast Chicken gritted his teeth and said, "Sit tight, we're going to hit you!"

As soon as he turned the steering wheel, he veered off the road to the right and hit the left buttock of the car on the right side of the parallel vehicle.

Not only that, the car on the right side of the Volvo was so frightened that it slammed on the brakes.

Thanks to some experience and no direction, the car drew two dark skid marks on the ground.

The driver released the brakes and cursed loudly. Before he could even curse, the car suddenly shook and he was rear-ended.

He is quite lucky.

The car that was hit on the butt hit a parallel vehicle on the left and started spinning in circles. The people in the car were so frightened that they screamed wildly.

The Volvo had already flashed past him on his right.

Chen Pingan also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine if you crash a car, you can afford to pay for it, but if someone dies because of it, you'll still feel a little uncomfortable.

BJ 120 went around the rear-ending vehicle one after another, biting it hard.

Road monitoring has transmitted everything happening here to the big screen in the command center.

The police became busy.

About one kilometer away, there were red lights all the way from north to south, and the traffic police had laid nails on the ground.

The purpose is to stop these three crazy cars. No matter what they want to do, the crime of threatening public transportation safety cannot be escaped.

As for whether to kill someone, that's another matter.

Chen Ping'an didn't know this, but Roast Chicken had already thought of it.

One car after another was being overtaken, and the distance between the nearest BJ120 and the rear of the car was less than 4 meters, less than one car body. The situation was very critical.

Roast Chicken roared: "I'm going to brake, prepare for impact!"

Chen Pingan held the handle nervously.

Roast Chicken slammed on the brakes, and the tires made a screeching sound on the ground. Immediately afterwards, the driver's side was hit.

The Volvo didn't roll over, or even spin in circles.

Roast Chicken stepped on the brakes and the car's speed dropped to less than 80mph within half a second. This speed was very safe for Volvo.

As long as he is not hit directly on the side, his life will not be in danger.

But after he applied the brakes, he released the brakes and then stepped on the accelerator.

The first BJ120 did not apply the brakes at all after the collision, and its intention was to continue forward against the Volvo.

The second BJ120 rushed up from the right rear.

The crazy horn honking and crazy overtaking along the way have already caused the vehicles on the road to avoid or slow down.

The butt of the Volvo suffered the second impact, and Chen Ping'an and the others leaned back.

Roast Chicken was about to accelerate when Chen Pingan suddenly shouted, "Stop on the brakes! Don't let go!"

Rooster instinct hit the brakes as he said.

At this time, the Volvo car body has turned sideways, and the second BJ120 has overtaken it.

The first BJ120 accelerated like crazy against the Volvo's rear door.

The car window was broken, and Chen Pingan could clearly see the other person's face.

They were the faces of two strange young men with irritating red eyes.

He was very experienced in roasting chicken. He turned the steering wheel half a circle to the right and then tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

After ensuring that there was no risk of the Volvo overturning, he saw that the passing BJ120 was about to turn around, so he immediately reversed and stepped on the accelerator.

The tires were spinning wildly on the ground, sending up thick blue-white smoke.

Ah Qi put on his finger and started punching the front windshield. With just two punches, the glass shattered.

"Back up and back up!"

"The front is turning!"

He and Roast Chicken yelled crazily and told Chen Pingan the current situation while taking action.

The BJ120 on the left slid out against the left door. Because the accelerator was pressed all the way, the vehicle suddenly jumped out when there was no obstruction.

A few hundred meters ahead, two police cars with sirens on were already heading this way in the opposite direction.

But no one here cared. They finished what they were doing before talking about anything else.

When Chen Pingan saw Ah Qi breaking the glass, he smashed the window on his side with a baton.

The Volvo had already started to move backwards, and the two BJ120s had no time to brake, so they collided and stopped.

Ah Qi roared: "Hit it, hit it!"

Shaoji stepped on the brakes, and the Volvo stopped on the road. Then the tires brought a puff of smoke on the ground, and then accelerated to hit it.

The traffic behind stopped far away forty meters, and no car was willing to get close.

There were countless rear-end collisions behind.

The huge street was completely blocked in the westbound direction.

The BJ120 had not had time to completely separate, and the Volvo hit it head-on.

Before the Volvo stopped, Ah Qi had already pushed open the door and jumped out, and then Chen Pingan got out from the right side that was not hit.

The door on Shaoji's side was deformed, and he just got out through the window.

The sirens were getting louder and louder, and the police car was approaching. Chen Pingan did not take action. He stood there and watched the police car approaching in front of him.

But Shaoji and Ah Qi did not stop.

The two BJ120s were smart. One was pushing the Volvo, and the other started to reverse, obviously not planning to get out of the car.

It was impossible to run away.

There was nowhere to run.

It didn't matter if he was killed, or not, at least he would let the other party know that someone was going to kill him. As for the reason, the boss didn't say it, only that the other party knew it himself.

None of the young people was over 20 years old.

Even if they were in prison, it would only be ten years. The money given by the boss was enough for them to have food and clothing after they came out...

People who have seen the world and those who have not seen the world are definitely different.

None of the five young people had any controlled knives in the car or on their bodies, not even a stick.

The oncoming BJ120 had not reversed far enough before accelerating and hitting it, and the police car arrived.

Perhaps the police were really angry. The first police car hit the left rear wheel of the SUV from the outside, and the second one hit the main driver's door of another BJ120 parked diagonally.

After two loud noises, all the police cars broke down.

I don't know if they had asked for instructions in advance, but two policemen climbed out from the back seat, raised their hands and fired a few shots at the rear wheel of the SUV, and then shouted loudly: "Shut down, get out of the car!"

"Shut down, get out of the car!"

"Don't move!"

Shaoji and Ah Qi threw away the things in their hands, raised their hands and slowly stepped back.

Chen Pingan casually threw the baton in his hand on the ground, took out his mobile phone and called Chen Shaohua.

Chen Shaohua had not yet arrived at the office. After answering the phone, he heard Chen Pingan quickly say:

"I was attacked on Chang'an Avenue. The police have arrived. Bring a lawyer. The other side has two BJ120s. I don't know if there are other weapons. Shaoji and I have batons and brass knuckles, nothing else. Also, the police fired, and we were not injured."

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