After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 327 Then I'll take a ride for a while

"Everyone, open one long order, 66 lots."

(Purely made up, you can laugh, don't scold. In addition, the fluctuation unit of stock index futures is 0.2 instead of 0.02.)

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

The sound of keyboards rang out in the conference room, and Edwards' eyes were fixed on the computer screen.

Chen Pingan leaned back on the chair with his hands folded across his chest, staring at the picture on the big screen.

When long orders began to emerge, small orders of 1 to 5 lots began to swipe the screen frantically.

Short closing, short exchange, long opening, one by one refreshed the transaction record.

The index began to rise.

Chen Pingan didn't speak after saying that, and the room soon became quiet.

Some traders looked at the big screen, while others stared at the screen in front of them.

The atmosphere became a little tense.

Chen Pingan watched the index climb up little by little, and the trading volume began to accumulate.

When the index reached 3130.26, more than half an hour had passed, but the force was not enough.

"Not strong enough!" Chen Pingan said softly, "Does the short side want to trade time for space?"

"From 1st to 10th, push the index up as soon as possible, push in the middle, and stop when it reaches 3160."

He said this loudly, and everyone heard it.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Edwards, and seeing that he did not respond, he did not speak but continued to look at the big screen.

At this time, most of the transactions were one or two orders, not more than 5 lots at most, but when a series of 20, 30, 40 or 50 lots of long orders appeared, the selling point was quickly pushed up.

The time came to 10:30, an hour after the opening, the index had broken through 3165, and only needed to go up a dozen points to approach the upper line of the oscillation range.

This point is what Chen Pingan cares about.

He has already pushed nearly 20 points, and the funds used are not much.

The reason is that there are too many orders from retail investors, and the process of queuing for transactions is also the process of withdrawing orders.

But this does not affect the slow rise of the futures index point.

Above 3100 points, a 20-point increase is actually less than 1%, which is simply a normal fluctuation range.

But Chen Pingan knew that it must break through today.

Anyone who is a technical or chartist knows that if it can't go up today, the subsequent shock will be difficult to continue, and the shock level will inevitably expand.

In this way, today is the best opportunity.

Whether it is space or time, at this time, a balance position that must be broken by funds has been reached.

And this fund can withstand long positions, and the futures index will inevitably rise in one go.

Of course, if the fund strength is not enough, most people will continue to short after being beaten down, accelerating the decline of the index.

The problem is that the continuous large orders near 3126 are long positions as soon as the market opens.

And it is well known that the trend of the opening half an hour will determine the trend of the whole day.

What matters is an attitude problem.

And this, already has.

At 10:35, in just 5 minutes, the index was pushed to 3180 points by continuous long orders.

Chen Pingan leaned back in his chair and stared at the point of selling one, which kept changing back and forth, and never broke through the position of 3182.

This position is the upper limit of the range.

Everyone in the conference room stared at their own screens or the screens on the wall.

Everyone knew the importance of this position.

Is it a breakthrough or a continued shock?

It's time to choose.

"Accounts 11 to 27, small orders below 10 lots should be pushed slowly."

As soon as he finished speaking, a continuous +N appeared behind the value of 3181.98 for the first sell.

Chen Ping'an's face remained unchanged.

This is countless small retail investors taking profits.

But the amount of the first buy is also increasing. Not only are the long orders on Chen Ping'an's side increasing, but there are also dozens of long orders behind the +.

Look at the time. It's 10:45. The number of first sells has accumulated more than 800 lots, and it's still increasing.

The amount of the first buy is slowly decreasing.

This means that most retail investors think that it's good here, let me close the position and take profits!

The increase in the number of longs is double digits, and occasionally there is a gambler with one or two hands.

Chen Pingan seemed to have made up his mind and said, "From 1st to 10th, you have the most funds in your account. Eat up the empty orders above and push them up violently!"

Has the decisive battle begun?

This is the thought in the hearts of all traders, but as a trader, the action of the hands cannot be slow.

This opportunity to personally participate in a battle of tens of billions of funds is only once in a lifetime!

There will not be a next time, and even if there is, I will not participate in it myself.

At most, I just heard about it!

The sound of keyboards rang out, and the number of sells began to decrease sharply.

"This guy is too violent." A voice sounded in the trading room of a fund company in Shenzhen, and then said: "But I like this style. Rough and direct."

A company in Magic City.

Someone was laughing wildly.

"Since he is willing to send money, wouldn't it be unfair to him if he doesn't make money?

Smash the point down for me!"

Someone was also praising.

"Fuck, this guy is so bold, is he afraid that people don't know what he wants to do?

This is too crazy!

Tsk, tsk, hundreds of millions!"

Someone even directly ordered to follow suit and buy more.

"Push up and add more force!"


Kuang Jun said coldly: "Don't participate, close all orders. Now!"

More than a dozen traders behind him placed orders frantically.

The points on the big screen basically remained unchanged, but the trading volume was increasing wildly.

The transactions were often dozens of lots, rolling and disappearing quickly.

Also in Beijing, there were big investors quietly going long.

The retail investors were crazy.

"I'm so fucking awesome! I've made a profit from this wave of volatility from beginning to end."

"Should I follow suit and go short?"

"I've made ten years' worth of money this month. I'm not playing anymore! It's too scary.

It's obvious that there are big funds competing for this.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it, I'm leaving!"

The forces of both long and short sides threw in billions of dollars in a blink of an eye with a jump of 0.02 units.

There is no doubt that this morning's trading volume will surpass the day with the largest trading volume in this month.

Chen Ping'an watched various forces join in and start to add fuel to the flames, without any fluctuations in his heart.

This is normal.

The opening 66, 88, and 99 convey only one meaning.


There is only one resistance, short.

Whoever has more money wins.

It's very simple and direct.

It's just like playing cards. I follow you, and then I'll be 100 million higher than you. If you have money, you follow, and if you don't have money, I win.

The question is, how much money do you have?

How many hundreds of millions can you follow?

As the buy-sell ratio continues to approach and then quickly pulls apart, the bulls begin to pull the point up rapidly.

Soon, in just over ten minutes, the point exceeded Chen Ping'an's psychological position of 3184 and came to 3185.32.

From 3165 to now, Chen Pingan has used less than 2 billion yuan.

From the beginning to now, he has invested at least 7 billion yuan in total.

There is not much money available now.

The last battle has not yet arrived.

Calculating the funds on hand, he can use less than 2 billion yuan, and he must keep 3 billion yuan in the end to support the point and leave.

"Big funds are moving! Hangzhou funds are moving!"

Edwards' voice sounded in his ears.

Chen Pingan looked at the screen of Edwards' computer, and a value on it began to grow rapidly.

Turning his head to look at the big screen, the index sell value began to rise continuously.

The newly appeared sell orders were quickly eaten up, and the points continued to rise.

Chen Pingan was stunned for a moment, glanced at Edwards' computer screen thoughtfully, and nodded.

"Then I'll take a ride for a while!"

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