After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 326 Who will start the first wooden warehouse?

Chen Ping'an didn't care at all.

What he didn't care about was what industry the Fang family was working in now.

After the girl left, he immediately turned on the computer and started searching for relevant information.

Not surprisingly, he saw the beautiful face and enviable figure of the third sister Fang Zhidie in the stills.

After reading the plot introduction, he sneered and put down his phone.

No matter what the original intention was, whether it was for money or for fame, this was actually incomprehensible and unacceptable to him.

It can't be said that those four years were abused, but how could I forget every bit of being despised and slandered?

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Besides, his memory is already one in a million.

Fang Hongjun's deep thoughts are completely a dimensionality reduction attack on his previous life.

Although Fang Hongjun is dead, he still has a father, three sisters and a mother.

As for the fourth sister, although she rarely said bad things to him and completely ignored him, he did not hate the fourth sister Fang Miaoxuan.

Because Fang Miaoxuan ignored everyone in the Fang family, and even Fang Hongjun's attitude was worse.

This is why Fang Hongjun personally killed Fang Miaoxuan in his previous life.

In this life, the two of them could not see each other, and they treated each other as complete strangers.

But why did the second sister write such a script?

Did she want to embarrass me?

What good would it do to her?

Or, because the investor was the Fang family's company, this was the Fang family's intention?

So what was the purpose of the Fang family doing this?

Didn't Dad think of this?

It shouldn't be!

After thinking for a while, he picked up his phone and called Tang Xicheng, asking him to help arrange someone to check the detailed background of the producer of this TV series.

Everything, let's talk about it after these two months.

In the next three weeks, Chen Pingan continued to let the trader close all the short orders and started to go long.

More than 20 accounts were long at the same time, and the index began to rise slowly and also began to bring profits to all accounts.

Intraday trading volume began to increase, and the market was obviously much more active.

When the trading volume began to increase day by day, Chen Pingan began to increase the holdings of accounts 1-10 to 60% and then stopped, while others continued to buy long.

The size of each order did not exceed 10 lots, and he persisted for more than two weeks.

In late March, the index began to fall.

Chen Pingan watched the trend level expand from 5F to 60F and completed the trend structure of retracement. On March 27, the positions of all accounts in Chen Pingan's hands were close to 70%.

From March 28 to the close of Friday, April 4, Chen Pingan did not make any operations for more than a week.

For more than a month, he watched various funds come in and out.

What made him feel a little scared was that the trend was basically completing the last structure according to his idea.

When the trend structure came to 1F, 5F, and 30F and reached the end of the structure at the same time, he launched the first huge long order to pull up.

Pre-market meeting on April 7.

Chen Pingan stood at the front and said:

"If there are no accidents, there will be a structure with multiple levels of downward trends completed at the same time this morning.

The oscillation of the relay platform at the 60F level will end, which means that from today, even if I don't do anything, there will be experts who will start to pull the index higher.

This is good for everyone.

It's just that someone will lose money, but that person will not be me!"

He glanced at Edwards, saw him nodding seriously, and continued:

"No matter how much money comes in, as long as it is a short position, it will be killed by us.

The short position will not die, and the long position will not stop!

But we are not fighting alone.

On this platform, the positions of longs and shorts have reached a height that cannot be ignored.

Next, what we have to do is to push the point up, and then close the position and leave with the money!"

For more than a month, he has only done one thing, that is, to continuously increase the positions of all accounts with small orders, even if he loses money, he has not stopped.

So far, the profit in each account is not small, but not much.

For more than a month, the futures index has risen by nearly 90 points.

After more than 20 days of volatility, both long and short positions have increased to a terrifying height.

As long as the volatility does not continue, it will inevitably become a battlefield between longs and shorts.

Either the long side forces a short squeeze, or the futures index is smashed down.

And now Chen Pingan's position has exceeded 90,000 lots after tossing back and forth, and nearly 7 billion has been invested.

It can be said that no institution will hold such a large position in stock index futures.

The traders present naturally have an account in their minds. They also know that Chen Pingan has been resolutely going long since March.

The small order increase is nothing more than not wanting to be noticed by too many people.

But people who really have connections and abilities can naturally find this information.

The bet is nothing more than a point.

Those who know, are they willing to go long together, or do they want to eat up Chen Pingan's nearly 10 billion funds in one bite.

The big screen has entered the call auction stage.

With Chen Pingan's speech, everyone's mind was affected.


The opening point of 3128.06 is not the bottom line of the oscillation range.

The previous low is 3126.82, and the range from here to the lowest point can be regarded as a support range.

In Chen Ping'an's eyes, as long as the index does not break 3126, it is considered stable, and there is no shortage of retail investors who want to make profits from the oscillation space.

This is what Chen Pingan wants.

With a little more effort, the index can break through the platform, depending on who initiates this effort.

As long as the retracement after breaking through the platform does not break 3184, even if the oscillation trend ends, the futures index will undoubtedly start a round of rise.

Limited by the 60F level, it takes at least one month for a trend at this level to end.

And this is the second 60F level rise, and there is a third one behind it.

But he has no time to participate, and he doesn't even have time to participate in the opportunity to short the retracement after the second one.

What he can eat is this unilateral trend of the platform rise!

The premise is that his remaining funds can hold on under the crazy pressure of the shorts and let the index continue to rise.

Chen Pingan has enough funds for the last round of suppression.

When making this preparation, he did not consider the existence of friendly forces, because no one is trustworthy, especially in this market.

The index began to fall, and the number of shorts in the transaction details continued to increase, but Chen Pingan remained indifferent.

He was waiting.

What he was waiting for was to see if anyone started to make large orders to buy on the line under the support of this platform.

If there was, he would add fuel to the fire.

If not, he would start to exert force on the most important 3126 to show his attitude and position.

At this time, there was no need to hide, and he could not hide.

Because the position was there.

Edwards and he had to count the positions of the institutions entering the market every day.

It depends on who will start the first wooden warehouse!

3126.48, the first large long order appeared, a full 66 lots, then 88 lots, and 99 lots.

Chen Pingan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Here it comes!"

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