Tang Xicheng personally supervised the purchase of the hotel.

This supervision did not mean that he personally went to buy, but that the delivery person could only deliver the goods to the backyard, and did not even have the opportunity to enter the kitchen warehouse.

There were only less than a hundred people's meals, and there was really not much.

The hotel is now completely isolated from the outside world.

Even Chen Shaojie had not come. He had decided to go to Europe, so this period of time was waiting for Chen Shaohua to come back from Yun Province, and the two brothers were planning or talking in secret...

The lunch prepared by the restaurant was actually not complicated.

It was mainly light, with a total of 8 dishes and two soups, just like a buffet, you can eat whatever you want and do it yourself.

As for drinks, you can take whatever you want.

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There were two bodyguards standing at the door of the restaurant, which was a daily behavior.

Based on the transaction instructions issued by Chen Ping'an in the morning, only 10 people were actually involved, and the others really watched the whole process.

"What do you think Mr. Chen is?"

"Need I tell you? He's a young man from the Chen family, but I haven't heard of him before."

"Just because you haven't heard of him doesn't mean he doesn't exist. Maybe he came back from abroad? Didn't you see a foreigner with him?"

"Maybe, but it's not important to us.

The main thing is that I think the level and structure he talked about are really good..."

"This is a must. I studied the level and structure all night last night. You know what, it really works well in stocks! If you ask me, apart from anything else this time, it's already good to learn the skill of observing key points."

"Indeed, but I don't think his arrangement this morning is that great.

Really, the funds used in the morning were less than 500 million.

If you want to make huge profits in three or two months, there is no way There are a certain number of long orders in hand, which is to push the index up. This process alone will use up half of the money.

To be honest, I am not optimistic about making the 20 billion he said.

The amount of funds is too large. It is easy to turn a small ship around, but it is difficult to turn a big ship around! "

"You are not the only one who has this idea, right?"

"There may be many people who think so, but it has only been half a day, and your conclusion is a bit too early. If you say so at the end of the month, it is almost the same."

"It is really not easy to do a single product, just the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300. If IC and IH are added, I think the possibility of success is about the same.

But I am worried whether Mr. Chen can see it.

After all, there are 40 of us, even if we participate in batches and phases... Damn, what did I say?"

The person next to him almost laughed.

"You mean there are too many people!"

"To be honest, if you can really construct a perfect opening trend structure, I don't doubt that Mr. Chen can do it."

"Haha, I still keep my opinion. Do you really think he is the only expert in the market? The key points can basically be seen by big companies, but the operation methods are different because of the different amount of funds.

Who doesn't touch anything except futures?

If you ask me, unless he already has a complete trading plan and arranges the funds and time according to the trading day, I really have to keep my opinion."

"Your opinion is shit!"

"Fuck, what did you say? Say it again if you have the guts!"

"What are you doing? You are all workers, don't make yourself uncomfortable!"


Chen Ping'an did not have a detailed trading plan, and he knew it himself, but fortunately, this is not a company, and he doesn't need to explain to anyone.

At 12:55, he and Edwards appeared in the meeting room on time.

At 1:00, he did not issue any instructions.

The index is still rising by inertia. Some people start to close their positions after seeing the slowdown in the growth rate. Edwards stares at the seats. He only needs to observe the actions of these professional institutions. He will not participate in other things.

Long opening, long closing, short opening, short exchange, long exchange, long and short...

Various transactions continue to appear. The largest orders are sporadic orders of 10 or 15 lots.

But these are not traded orders.

The difference between long and short orders has become larger and larger.

Chen Pingan looked at the long orders piled up below and the short orders above without saying a word.

At 14:00, buy one point at 3130.06, 98 lots.

Sell one at 3130.08, 52 lots.

The difference is 46 lots.

The price does not move for the time being, and it fluctuates between the upper and lower fluctuation values.

"No. 2, eat the short order in two times!" Chen Pingan suddenly opened his mouth and issued an order.

52 sell orders were eaten by one order of 30 lots and one order of 22 lots. Not many people followed the trend to do more.

Selling orders continued to appear on Buy 1, and the point was still 3130.08

"No. 2, keep going up! Keep buying small orders!"

When there were three consecutive orders of 15 lots each, Chen Pingan frowned slightly.

15 lots, about 4.5 million, three orders are 10 million.

This is not done by retail investors, it is definitely an institution.

He walked to Edwards and glanced at Edwards' screen.

"It's Shanghang Road in the Magic City." Edwards' voice was not loud, and the traders sitting in front could hear it.

Chen Pingan smiled, "Don't worry about him, No. 2 continues, no need for big orders, just keep the small orders."

The word "maintain" can be understood as not falling below a certain position, or in other words, it doesn't matter if it doesn't fall or rise.

"What I mean by maintain is not more than one point. If it breaks, you pull it up, and if it rises, you don't care." Chen Pingan explained in time.

As time went on, it was 2:30 in the afternoon, and Chen Pingan still didn't give any instructions. The funds in account No. 2 were almost used up, so he hurriedly reported.

"There are still 120 million funds in account No. 2."

Chen Pingan glanced at him and said, "Stop."

The room fell into silence again, and the intraday trend on the big screen began to slowly fall back. Chen Pingan didn't speak.

When the time came to 2:55, Chen Pingan said: "No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, push the index up, and hit 3136 at the close. Take as many short orders as you can, don't stop."

As soon as he said this, the three traders began to type on the keyboard slowly.

I don't know if they had discussed it well, and they didn't use a lot of funds, and they took small orders slowly.

Until the last 30 seconds, the first sell order went straight up and started to sweep up.

Several consecutive large orders of hundreds of lots directly welded the closing point to 3136.

At the close, there were as many as 176 short orders at 3136.02, but there were still as many as 428 unfilled orders at 3136.

Edwards spoke.

"In the last minute, there are 4 more institutions following the trend and going long. The funds on the market are 2.4 billion."

Chen Pingan raised his eyebrows and said, "Not much!"

Edwards nodded, "Not much, but they are also maintaining the index's upward trend. There is a high probability that they will continue to go long tomorrow."

Chen Pingan turned his head to look at the traders below and said, "It's closed. You can review it yourself later.

Let me talk about the current structure.

The trend level is still 5F. Now it is the second 5F. If you look at it in the 1F cycle, this big bald positive line in the last minute will give everyone a very clear signal, that is, someone is determined to go long.

And I can tell you now that what can be expected tomorrow is the enlargement of the second 5F, that is, at least tomorrow morning will be bullish.

We will see the specific situation tomorrow.

That's it, you can discuss it casually."

Giving Edwards a wink, the two of them left the meeting room with their computers.

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