When the time came to 9:10, Chen Pingan looked up and pointed at the blank screen and said:

"The total number of bilateral transactions per account per day cannot exceed 500 lots, so, I say it again, don't make mistakes, and order withdrawals must also be counted!"




"Don't worry, Mr. Chen."

"No mistakes."

Listening to the voice below, he nodded and said nothing more.

Edwards did not intend to use his own money to make a fortune.

He was indeed the kind of person who was not short of money.

If his account had not been frozen by his uncle and his wife had not been locked up and could not be contacted, he would not have been desperate to cast a net all over the street to find a sucker.

As a noble, he has his own pride.


“No. 1 to 4, open more orders. Each order should not exceed 20 lots, and add 4 points each time.

Each person places two orders in one minute.

No. 5 to 10, wait for my instructions.”

9:29, index point 3112.04

“No. 1 to 4, stop.

No. 5 to 10, take over and continue to open more orders. No more than 20 lots per order, place orders continuously. Start pushing points.”

Watching the index start to rise, there are almost no short orders.

Such dense large orders, and matching transactions have begun, giving everyone the impression that someone is determined to go long today.

More and more orders follow to open long orders.

9:30, the official trading begins, and the opening point of IF4805 is 3114.74, which is one fluctuation value away from the point required by Chen Pingan.

Everyone stared at the jumping index point on the screen with bated breath.

No one spoke.

The constantly changing numbers in the transaction details column on the right make people feel extremely nervous.

One lot, that is hundreds of thousands!

So far, Chen Pingan has only spent 100 million yuan.

Taking advantage of the call auction and the index trend at the opening, retail investors who followed the trend directly pushed the price up to 3115.04.

At this time, there were orders to close positions, but Chen Pingan never moved.

After several consecutive orders of 15 lots of short positions appeared, the index was hit to 3114.80, and Chen Pingan suddenly said:

"No. 1, open long positions continuously, force short."

In the huge conference room, only the sound of the No. 1 trader typing on the keyboard could be heard.

No one dared to speak at this time.

Whether for Chen Pingan or for them, it was the first time to net so much money.

But they didn't know that this was Chen Pingan's first time.

The expressionless Chen Pingan gave them the impression of calmness at this time, and these two words were their impression of Chen Pingan at this time.

It's not that no one has thought that there are big funds holding large positions in the CSI 300 stocks. If the stocks fall sharply, then they will have to short on IF to make up for the losses.

But they can think of it, can't Mr. Chen in front of him think of it?

In comparison, the volatility of heavyweight stocks is small because the circulation volume is too large, so the volatility is small, but there are exceptions to everything, right?

But Chen Pingan has never considered this issue.

His target is retail investors.

He has never thought about full position, at most 90% position.

But he has never thought about doing intraday.

If more than 10 billion are all done intraday T+0 transactions, he will be investigated in less than three days.

So what he can do is to split the funds and do it in waves.

IF4805 is the best target, without a doubt, and it is also the futures with the largest trading volume.

On the time-sharing chart, the white line rises slowly, and there is not much fluctuation.

At 9:35, after the first 5 minutes, the index has climbed to 3114.94. At this time, all kinds of orders have come out, and the closing and opening of positions have increased simultaneously. In the following ten minutes, the index has been tossing back and forth within one point.

At 10 o'clock, Chen Pingan finally spoke again, "No. 1, continue to open long orders, the number of each order shall not be less than 10 lots, and the maximum shall not exceed 25 lots. The number is up to you.

Maintain the frequency of 5 orders per minute. When the funds in your account are 100 million, tell me and stop the operation.

Others are not allowed to talk or whisper.

I allow you to record the transaction records for your own study in the future, but do not affect anyone."

Chen Pingan's voice was not loud, but it was clearly audible.

The man at No. 1 forced himself to control his emotions, fearing mistakes when operating.

To be honest, Chen Pingan gave him plenty of time, and did not require these operations to be completed within a certain period of time, but had requirements for the funds that must be paid out.

But to be honest, he had 300 million funds in his account, and it would take a long time even if he opened orders continuously.

At the selling position, the orders that wanted to close the positions and take profits began to be slowly eaten up by No. 1.

The index began to rise slowly again.

At this time, the trend on the time-sharing chart began to rise slowly and steadily.

It's just that the speed was not fast.

The tiny fluctuations in the burrs cannot affect its upward trend.

Seeing that the long orders following the trend began to increase, Chen Pingan was relieved.

The result he wanted was actually not just this.

He estimated that he would actually only have 49 trading days until the holiday in May.

This also includes the 4 hours of night trading.

It takes 8 hours a day and you have to concentrate on the whole process, which is actually very hard.

In particular, he also made a simple trend prediction chart, how to make so many orders escape in the end.

Although I didn’t go into details about what kind of graphics I had to spend money to draw every day, I generally knew how to draw the best pictures.

It is impossible for any trend to continue to rise without falling or trading. All he has to do is ignore small consolidations and retracements.

At least at the beginning, you must ensure that the funds that have been invested will not be liquidated.

At the close of the morning, the index stopped at 3129.86.

At this time, there are 37 lots left for buying one, and 75 lots left for buying one.

According to this value, the afternoon opening must be a rising start.

In two hours of trading in the morning, Chen Ping'an spent more than 300 million in funds, but he did not change his mind about continuing to push the index.

"Okay, let's all go to the restaurant to eat.

The meal has been prepared, and I will be back after half an hour. "

Chen Pingan said simply and let everyone leave.

Edwards sat on the chair, looked at Chen Pingan's expressionless face, and asked softly: "Are you feeling tired?"

Chen Ping'an did not answer the question, but asked: "Have you seen how much money has come in?"

Edwards smiled, "There wasn't much money coming in before 10 o'clock. I roughly counted it, and it didn't exceed 2 billion. But..."

"But they saw the determination I showed during the bidding stage, so they followed suit and did too much, right?" Chen Pingan interrupted.

"That's right. There are 47 seats in total. Do you need to read it again?"

Chen Pingan shook his head, "No, it's just preparation now. This kind of thing will take a month. In the preparation stage, I will invest up to 5 billion. After that, I will not move unless it is in a key position.

Wait until April to start the real competition. "

They never ate with the trader and went directly upstairs to their room.

The meals have been delivered to his room.

At this time, in the restaurant, the traders began to express their different opinions.

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