On the way home, Chen Ping'an thought over and over every word he and Huo Shiyun talked about when they met.

He admitted that he didn't handle it well and that some words were actually unnecessary.

69 Book Bar→69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵.𝔫𝔢𝔱

But at that time, I did think that Huo Shiyun underestimated herself, and at the same time, she felt that she was seeking medical treatment indiscriminately due to a sudden illness.

Although he doesn't have much experience, most of the marriages he has seen and heard of are actually quite good.

Whether it is the emotional issues between the two or the help they will provide to each other's families after their marriage, there is no doubt about it.

Although this kind of marriage was indeed a bit excessive at the beginning, when he assumed the role of the head of the family, he had to admit that marriage was indeed the investment with the lowest cost and the highest return.

Of course, the women of the family must undergo strict training, cultural level, art appreciation level, etc., and they must always excel in one field.

For example, the third aunt, and another example is the eldest aunt.

Even the biological mother Zhao Wei cannot be said to be low in artistic attainments, but she has spent so many years focusing on her family after marrying Fang Junhong.

In other words, Chen Pingan believes that even Huo Shiyun's two sisters will bring immeasurable value to the Huo family or the families of Lin Ruijie and Zhu Zhengyang after they get married in the future.

First of all, the Huo family's business status in the capital definitely needs to be taken seriously. Moreover, no one dares to ignore the Huo family's old man's status in politics, unless the old man becomes an immortal, which is another matter.

But with the help of the Huo family, any company can definitely rise quickly.

There is no doubt about this.

This is also the reason why the Huo family carefully selects their marriage partners.

The reason why the Chen family was not selected is probably because the Chen family has grown up too quickly in recent years.

It was almost eleven o'clock when I got home.

What surprised him was that his mother and father were still watching TV in the living room, while Chen Shuhui was eating snacks, as if the TV the three of them were watching was very interesting.

"Brother, are you back?"

Seeing him come in, Chen Shuhui immediately put down what she was holding and ran over to show her courtesy.

Chen Pingan methodically took off his coat, changed his shoes, then greeted his parents, and finally raised his hand to hold Chen Shuhui's head.

"What do you want to do? Tell me directly and don't beat around the bush with me."

Chen Shuhui struggled with a smile and said, "Brother, no, how could I, a good person like me, extort money from you?"

Chen Pingan's hand pressed her head, and the girl danced but couldn't reach Chen Pingan.

Chen Shaohua and Liu Qing watched them playing with smiles, and did not stop them. They just looked at them with smiles.

After Chen Pingan changed his shoes, he said, "It doesn't matter what you want. As long as your brother and I can afford it, just ask."

Chen Shaohua spoke, "Who are you going to see?"

Chen Pingan quickly replied: "Huo Shiyun, Dad, you have seen her many times."

Chen Shuhui raised her head and asked, "Is that the beautiful Sister Huo?"

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded, "Well, that's her."

Chen Shaohua asked: "Her? Why are you looking for her so late?"

Chen Shuhui giggled and said, "You must be dating my brother! Mom, let me tell you, Sister Huo is really beautiful!"

Liu Qing smiled and said nothing.

Chen Ping'an walked towards the sofa and sat down and said, "Don't blame me, I'm not dating anyone. She came to me when she had something to do."

Chen Shuhui made a face, "I don't believe it. Brother, there is nothing embarrassing about falling in love. Really, there are people in our class who are in love, and they are in love every day. Everyone who sees it is envious."

Liu Qing raised her hand and slapped the girl gently on the head, "If you dare to fall in love prematurely, believe it or not, I will have your little boyfriend killed and then lock you up!"

Chen Shuhui rubbed the top of her head and said: "I won't fall in love prematurely. What do high school students know? Being tired of being together every day affects learning.

I can do whatever I want on my own, and besides, my sister can’t let boys approach me after school.

I don't have time to interact with them either. "

Chen Shaohua winked at Liu Qing and then stood up.

"Peace, come to the study with me."

"Is this why she came to you?" Chen Shaohua looked in disbelief.

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded, "Yes. Then I asked her to find Edwards and his wife and learn some skills in their company.

She originally wanted to follow me, but I didn't agree. "

Chen Shaohua sat up suddenly, "Edwards Cooper, are you coming back?"

"If he didn't lie to me, he should have arrived on the third or fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

But I haven't received the flight information yet.

He only called me in the afternoon and told me that he would let me know when the flight was scheduled.

When the time comes, I will take Huo Shiyun with me to pick them up.

It will probably take a day, and I may not be back for dinner that day, so I have to arrange a pick-up for him and his wife. "

Chen Shaohua touched his chin and pondered for a while, "Do you want to drag Edwards into the Chen family?"

Chen Pingan shook his head, "No, if he is willing to follow me, he can only be mine. After all, I paid for the 10 million and did not reach out to my family."

"so what?"

"So no matter how capable he is, if he is willing to follow me, he can only follow me. Otherwise, he will pay me back the money with interest and give me a report every year. This matter is over." Chen Ping An said it very calmly, and did not feel at all that what he said was excessive.

But what he didn't say was Edwards and his wife's shares in the company.

He didn't plan to tell anyone about this, including his parents.

At least not now.

"You young people, you can handle your own affairs. I believe Huo Zhiqiang will not care about this.

But I never knew anything about his other two daughters before, but you did provide me with three names.

Lin Ruijie, Zhu Zhengyang, and Gao Can, right? "

"Yes, but Huo Shiyun said that the fourth child of the Lin family didn't seem to be a good person, so I didn't ask much about it.

However, Zhu Zhengyang's father is a major general, which is easy to check.

The last one is from the Gao family. You should have information on this. "

Chen Shaohua waved his hand and said: "It's okay, your uncle is full of this information in his mind, you can just ask him later.

But you asked just now, who leaked the information about your money-making? I also think that it was only after your uncle told your eldest aunt that it was leaked.

From now on, you just need to know about this yourself.

When you want to tell me, say it at home and don’t tell your third uncle. "

"Oh, I got it." Chen Pingan didn't ask more about why. It had nothing to do with him, and if it wasn't to prove something, he had no intention of showing off.

In history, many futures tycoons were deceived and lost their entire fortune just because they showed off their performance.

After he agreed, he asked again: "But if you really give me so much money to operate, it will be leaked when the time comes.

What will I do then?

I absolutely can't do it alone, I don't have enough time!

Sometimes it is necessary to use a lot of orders in a few seconds to push the price..."

Chen Shaohua was silent for a while before saying: "I understand, I will discuss it with your third uncle, you don't have to worry about this.

In addition, the bodyguard will also provide you with more.

Once the news leaks out, I'm afraid there will be greater pressure. Whether the Chen family can handle it is a question. "

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