Chen Ping'an remained silent, picked up the tea cup in front of him, and took a small sip.

Huo Shiyun didn't speak either and waited patiently.

She was ready to fight today.

You don’t even have to worry about it anymore, this little time is nothing.

What she fears most is that Chen Pingan wants her to sleep with him. She doesn't care about anything else.

In the final analysis, I just don't want my life to be set by others.

After a long while, Chen Pingan raised his head and asked, "Why me?"

Huo Shiyun said without any hesitation: "You can make so much money so quickly in the financial market, I believe you can make more money in the next few years.

If you open a company and bring me with you, then I believe that I will soon be able to use your ability to increase my own worth a lot.

I'm not stupid. Even if I learn slowly, I should be able to operate independently in two and a half years. By then, I will be able to prove my worth even more.

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My family only wants profit, and I can bring them huge profits without reservation in exchange for my freedom of marriage. I don’t feel like I have anything to lose.

On the contrary, marriage is a lifelong matter, and I don’t want to be manipulated. "

Chen Pingan frowned and thought for a while, but it wasn't impossible.

The question is what can you get?

You can’t just work for nothing!

“So I wonder what I can get?

Suppose you learn from me and all your skills are taught by me. What benefits can you bring to me? "

Thinking of this, he asked directly without any cover-up.

There was no real relationship between the two, but he owed her a favor, which was true and could not be denied.

But Huo Shiyun didn't worry about it before, which shows that she doesn't think she owes her a favor.

"Senior sister, I will be very busy after the new year, and I once asked you to help me find an intern, but I don't need it now.

So I don't see your value to me. "

Huo Shiyun bit her lip, a look of struggle appeared on her face.

Che Ping'an continued: "Don't be nervous or embarrassed, I won't do anything to you, and I won't make any excessive demands.

To put it bluntly, I’m not greedy for your body, do you understand what I mean?

You asked me to help, no problem.

But why should I help you?

Don't tell me that you helped me contact my dad when I was kidnapped.

Are the two pieces of the same type or of the same nature? You can't let me help in vain! "

The color on Huo Shiyun's face slowly faded, "What do you want?"

"It's better to say...what can you do for me." Chen Pingan shook his head gently.

"I don't know what your future plans are, but if it's just for you to show your value in the Huo family, I think there are two types.

One is as you said, you can bring wealth to the Huo family.

For example, you can use one hundred million to get one billion. If you can do that, I think your father may not agree to let you get married at all.

Naturally, it’s best to keep this kind of money tree at home.

Another value is to use you to marry in exchange for political or other benefits.

Besides, what else?

If it's the first type, that's what I just said, you are valuable to the Huo family, but you are almost worthless to me.

Because I can make more money than you, and faster than you.

Do you think this is true? "

Huo Shiyun gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you want?"

Chen Ping'an shook his head and sighed: "Senior sister, please go back.

If I help you, I may face your brother's anger, which I can't bear.

On the other hand, I don’t want to work for nothing. That's for sure and I'm not afraid to tell you.

But you also have no way of providing me any value.

Even if I help you, I still need to silence some people. I'm not a loner either. "

Huo Shiyun's heart felt like it was sinking to the bottom of the sea.

She didn't know how to get the talented boy in front of her to help her solve this problem.

But equally, she doesn't know what value she can provide to the other party.

Facing her father and eldest brother, as Chen Pingan said, as long as she can bring tens of billions of value to her family, she can live the life she wants independently.

But the premise is that she can get help from Chen Pingan, and the premise of this is that she must show value.

This is a cycle.

It wasn't that she couldn't accept Chen Pingan's indifference.

It's just an exchange of interests. This is the most fundamental principle for people like them to interact with others.

The problem is that even though I understand it, I can't do anything about it.

Chen Ping'an sat opposite, holding a teacup in his hand and looking at the expression on her face.

A silence fell between the two for several minutes.

He watched Huo Shiyun's eyes slowly turn red, and tears slowly welled up.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down the fair and delicate face, then gathered at the chin, dripped on the cashmere sweater, and continued to slide down.

"Senior sister," Chen Pingan said.

Huo Shiyun raised her tearful eyes and looked at him.

"I have a friend who will come to the capital next year. You and I will pick him up then.

He and his wife have a trading company. Go and help in that company. Maybe you can learn something there.

But here, what you learn will not be of much help to your future situation. "

"Ah?" Huo Shijun opened her mouth, then took a tissue from the side and wiped her tears.

"For aristocratic families, either political value or commercial value must be reflected, and the rest are empty.

You can only show your father these two types of values.

With your ability, I believe you can only start from business.

It's not that you can't play in the financial market, but I can't take you to play with me.

You can go to my friend's company. Both of them are top students who graduated from Wharton Business School. There is a company in Beijing, you can learn from them.

I will help you make the contact.

As for whether you can learn something, how much you can learn, and how much value you can create, that's all your business.

If you need help, we'll talk about it later."

Huo Shijun Yun nodded, and when he was about to ask for some details, Chen Pingan continued: "I have never been to that company, and I have never met his wife.

I don't know the situation of the company, but what I know is that the couple can really make money.

If you learn the skills, after graduation, let your father give you a company to practice, and you should be able to show your value in business soon.

I don't know if you are willing to arrange it this way."

Huo Shiyun asked: "What is the name of your friend?"

"Edwards Cooper. The document you want to see from Professor Huo was written by him." Chen Pingan said lightly.

Huo Shiyun immediately knew the importance of this person.

"You're not kidding me, are you?"

Facing her hopeful eyes, Chen Pingan smiled and shook his head, "No. Do you know that I said that 10 million yuan of money in my account was transferred out in the middle?

It was for him.

So you don't have to worry that he or his wife won't teach you carefully.

At least, I believe his wife is not an ordinary person. She can go to Wharton and there is no mediocrity."

"Okay. I can agree to your three conditions. You don't have to shake your head. As long as you put it forward and it is something I can do, I will definitely fulfill it." Huo Shijun said very seriously.

Chen Pingan smiled, "Senior sister, don't be like this. I can't help you make money personally. Things in the financial market are simple, but you have no use for learning them.

On the contrary, I think people like you can better reflect your value by making achievements in business.

No matter how bad you think your current situation is, you are actually just panicking.

Whether it is Professor Huo, your father, or even your grandfather, you have not tried your best to fight for it."

Raising his hand to check the time, he continued, "It's getting late, I should go back."

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