"Brother Qi, what's going on with him?" Chen Ping'an felt dizzy and wanted to vomit.

But he still insisted on asking.

"I said I'm looking for you!" Ah Qi's eyes looked a little strange.

Chen Ping'an didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Ask him what's going on, and ask him to leave his contact information. If he has anything to do, we can wait until tomorrow.

I was blown by the wind and felt very dizzy.

When will Brother Chicken arrive? I feel like vomiting..."

He was muttering here, but Ah Qi on the other side had already pushed the man aside and started asking in a low voice.

Normally, he only needed to push the person away, but when Chen Pingan said to ask about the situation, he could only do it.

After a while, Ah Qi took a photo of the guy under the light, and then sent him away.

The man obviously didn't want to leave, but he had experienced Ah Qi's strength and kung fu just now, and he was a little scared and a little reluctant to give up.

Chen Pingan was retching while holding on to the street lamp pole, and didn't even see him.

Ah Qi held his cell phone and fiddled with it for a while, then came over to support him and said, "There is still another intersection to the roast chicken.

This guy's name is Edwards, and he says he wants to do a business deal with you.

I have left his phone number and taken photos. If you are free tomorrow, you can make an appointment to meet him.


He hesitated for a moment and then said, "I think he followed you with a purpose.

He also came out of the hot pot restaurant just now. "

Chen Ping'an didn't spit out anything, but it made himself uncomfortable.

"Brother Qi, you didn't ask him what his business is?"

He raised his head and glanced at the man who was still standing not far away, and waved to the man to follow him.

After walking about one meter away, the man stopped and asked, "Can you still communicate clearly now?"

Chen Pingan looked closely and saw that the man was obviously a foreigner and quite tall, at least taller than himself.

"Hey, you speak Chinese very fluently! What do you want from me?

I probably don’t know you! "

Although he was dizzy, he was not actually drunk and knew what he was doing.

Edwards stared at him for a while, then took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over.

“My name is Edwards Cooper, and you are clearly in a state that is not suitable for communication.

I implore you to contact me tomorrow when you are sober. "

Under the light, the outline of his face is very three-dimensional, and the shadows reflected by the light make people have a deep impression of his appearance.

After Ah Qi took the business card, he bowed slightly and turned to leave.

He just left without giving any explanation.


Chen Pingan took the business card and looked at it under the light.

The business card is very delicate, made of an unknown thin metal material, and looks very classy.

"Forget it, no matter what he wants to do, let's wait until tomorrow. I just want to go home and sleep." He muttered while supporting Ah Qi.

Ah Qi supported him while observing the surrounding situation.

It was only when Edwards got within two meters that he realized that he already felt he had neglected his duty.

He really didn't expect that someone would be following him, and he hadn't discovered it yet.

If he hadn't just caught a glimpse of the figure behind him standing there motionless from the corner of his eye, he might have really ignored it.

A few minutes later, the Volvo pulled up beside them.

Ah Qi opened the back door of the car, helped Chen Pingan get in, and then sat in the back seat.

"Something happened just now. Send him back first, and I will explain to you later."

Liu Qing never expected that Chen Ping'an could go home like this.

With an apologetic look, Ah Qi talked about the dinner process tonight and who was eating with Chen Pingan.

Liu Qing quickly poured a glass of lemonade, and she and Chen Shuhui helped him drink it.

Then he asked Ah Qi to help him into his own room, and then he was done.

But no matter how much Chen Shuhui disagreed with his smell of alcohol, he no longer knew.

After drinking, not only did the people blow the wind, but they also came back in the car, and the people who were not drunk in the first place looked as if they were high.

Chen Ping'an, who was dizzy, lay down with all his clothes on and slept until noon on Sunday before he finally recovered.

Chen Shuhui had just finished her meal and had already gone out to class.

Liu Qing enrolled her in the tutoring class, and it was absolutely impossible for her not to go.

Liu Qing left preserved egg and lean meat porridge for him in the pot. He found it and ate two bowls, then began to think about what happened last night.

He vaguely remembered that someone gave him a business card. He walked to the door, took out the business card from the pocket of his down jacket, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully for a while.

It just has a name and phone number on it.

On the back is a pattern.

He couldn't tell what that pattern was no matter how he looked at it.

Like a symbol, like a pattern.

What does this thing mean?

After thinking for a long time, he took out his mobile phone and called Ah Qi, intending to ask him to come over and ask about last night.

Ah Qi had already explained the process to Roji last night, and even gave him his phone number and photos. After receiving his call, he quickly came over and knocked on the door.

After Chen Ping'an opened the door and let him in, he asked, "Have you eaten? The preserved egg and lean meat porridge made by my mother is very delicious."

Ah Qi quickly refused: "I have eaten the roast chicken."

After Chen Pingan nodded, he took out his business card and put it in front of him, "Does this thing belong to the person last night?"

Ah Qi nodded, "He and you both ate in that hot pot restaurant last night, and he followed you out.

He only said that he wanted to do a business with you. He did not tell me the specific situation. He said that he could only tell you. "

"What do you think he wants from me?" Chen Pingan scratched his head and felt his scalp was itchy.

"I don't know, but if you want to date him, it's best for me and Rooster to bring two more people with you.

Although he meant no harm last night, I can't guarantee that he won't have any surprises when he sees you again. "

Ah Qi said very seriously, Chen Ping'an waved his hand and said: "Whatever you want, I want to take a bath, and then ask him to come over and chat.

To be honest, I'm really curious about what kind of business he can do with me?

I'm not a business person, so I'm quite curious. "

After Ah Qi left, he watched the famous film for a long time, but still couldn't think of anything.

He simply took out his phone and called the number on the business card.

The phone rang a few times and was immediately connected.

"Hello, I'm Edwards Cooper."

Fluent Chinese and a steady voice show that the other party's emotions are very stable.

"Well, I'm the person you were looking for last night, but I drank too much last night. Do you still remember me?"

Chen Pingan asked awkwardly.

"I remember you, sir. I'm sorry I don't know your name yet."

"You don't know my name, then why are you following me?" Chen Ping'an was a little surprised.

"I have a business I want to talk to you about, and I hope you can give me this opportunity." Edwards' calm voice came from the phone, making Chen Pingan's mood gradually calm down.

"Well, I'll go to Peking University in about an hour and a half. If you can get into Peking University, then let's meet at the Starbucks on the Peking University campus at half past two.

If you want to do business with me, you better have a very good reason. "

Edwards chuckled, "Okay, young sir, I will be waiting for you on the second floor of the Starbucks on the Beijing University campus at half past two."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ping'an hesitated even more.

This guy can come in and out of Beijing University at will. What does he do?

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