“Now, tell me your plan, peace.

After the food and drinks were served, Ding Junzhe picked up a peanut and put it in his mouth, then opened his mouth to clarify the topic.

Chen Pingan glanced at him and noticed the clarity and seriousness in his eyes, and then felt relieved.

Li Hongzhong then asked: "What are you two talking about?"

Chi Yonghao said nothing and slowly took the food into his mouth.

Chen Ping'an smiled at Li Hongzhong, "Nothing, I just plan to specialize in financial products such as futures and foreign exchange in the future.

I really have no interest in other industries. "

Seeing that they were all waiting for him to continue, he continued: "This is actually my personal matter, just my future plans.

But I recently discovered that if I want to grow big, make a name for myself, let people know that there is such a company to invest in, and the rate of return is pretty good, I need help.

What I'm facing now is that no one can help me. "

"How are your results now? If they are very good, you can hire someone to work with you!" Li Hongzhong replied casually as he did not understand where his concerns came from.

Chi Yonghao nodded, "Yes, the competition for jobs is so fierce now, the people in our dormitory are pretty good, everyone has their own place to go, so we don't have to worry about work.

But there are still many people who cannot find suitable jobs.

For those who cannot find a job, there must be someone superior, but they are just not very lucky.

When you actually open a company, you can even come to school to recruit! "

Ding Junzhe thought for a while before speaking.

“You don’t have to worry now.

Didn’t you say you need an economics major?

I'll ask my cousin to help you ask how many people in the economics department have yet to find an internship unit. You should be able to recruit people by then. "

Chen Pingan wanted to say that what he needed was someone he could trust, not someone who came to hang out for a while and then ran away.

But the words really couldn’t be said.

No matter when, except for his family, I'm afraid he has no way to completely trust anyone.

What's more, it's not just him, Chen Xiaolong also told him about this topic, and his father Chen Shaohua also told him.

Never trust the people around you completely unless they are your family.

"I am confident that I can prove my ability to make money in the market, but this is not important. What is important is that I need someone to do some basic information analysis work for me.

Otherwise my workload would be a bit heavy.

Of course, this is also because there are so many varieties that I want to make.

For example, if I only want to do gold futures or stock index futures, I won’t touch the others.

Basically, except for some major economic news, I don't need anyone to help me.

It’s just that I want to make more varieties and accumulate more experience.

For example, I want to make PTA now. Since the explosion of the styrene factory in country M, the spot price in the market has risen sharply, and the futures price has also risen accordingly.

For example, if you are a factory owner, and the price is so high now, you must still buy it, otherwise the consequences of the factory shutting down production will be serious.

Regardless of whether the workers have food or not, you still have social responsibilities to shoulder, and the government will not allow you to stop production directly.

To know that a factory has stopped production, you need to report it to the government. "

Ding Junzhe nodded and said: "Yes, this is indeed the case, my factory is like this.

If you want to stop production, you must report to the government. "

Chen Pingan nodded to him and continued: "The price of raw materials has increased, and your costs have also increased. In order to stabilize production, you have to reserve some raw materials to maintain a safety stock level.

But what if after a while, the market price drops?

This requires you to be able to hedge the risk of price reductions on this product, so you need to make money from other places to make up for the loss of this part of the price reduction. This should be easy to understand. "

When they all nodded in understanding, he smiled at them.

“So, at this time, you can choose between funds or stocks.

Of course, you can also choose to trade stocks and futures by yourself, but that also requires you to have someone or yourself to have time.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing is left to professional fund companies.

The purpose of this kind of investment is mainly to hedge risks, not just to make money.

It's just that most small factories don't have the financial strength to invest.

What I want is to recruit a group of people to do this in the future. "

Chi Yonghao said: "I have never understood the fund company, so I won't say anything."

He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it himself.

Li Hongzhong frowned and thought for a while, "Ping'an, I don't understand much about this, but I think what you said makes sense, and it is indeed a good idea for the factory owner.

I just don’t know what you can do to convince them to invest in you? "

Chen Pingan took out his phone, opened the account interface and put it in front of them.

“So far, I have received 6 million in investment funds, but I haven’t started operations yet.

My own money is less than 10 million, all earned by myself. "

His calm expression made the three of them find it hard to believe.

Ding Junzhe picked up his mobile phone and took a look at it, then handed it to Li Hongzhong silently, and then passed it to Chi Yonghao.

Chen Ping'an looked around the lobby. Except for a foreigner who looked about forty years old and was sitting there silently eating hot pot, which seemed a bit unusual, separated by a partition from them, the others were all with classmates or friends. together

There are a lot of people in the hot pot restaurant and it is also very noisy.

They didn't speak loudly, and Chen Ping'an wasn't worried about being heard.

Taking his phone back and putting it aside, he spread his hands and said, "So, you all understand what I want to do?"

Ding Junzhe drank a glass of wine, put down the glass and said, "Now I finally understand the gap between you and me.

You are a talented player, I am a hard-working player.

Don't worry, my cousin, I will definitely help you ask if there is anyone who hasn't found an internship unit yet. "

Chen Ping'an smiled and said: "Actually, the things they need to stamp for their internship are really simple.

I can stamp them whatever I want.

However, I have no plans to open a company now, at least I don’t have absolute confidence yet, and I don’t have any certification, so I wouldn’t be able to open one even if I wanted to.

But I can ask my home company to stamp them, so that’s not a big deal. "

When he said this, he also knew that today could only be regarded as a dinner party, and in fact no substantial progress had been made.

Regarding the matter of the intern, he indeed had not thought of this, but now that he knew it, there was no need for Dong Wanwan to ask. He could also handle the matter through Huo Shiyun or his aunt.

Regarding this matter, I’d better wait until I see my eldest aunt in a few days and ask for advice directly...

"Okay, okay, I've finished my business. Let's talk about where you plan to go during the winter vacation? Are you going to go home directly for the New Year or stay in the capital?

If you stay in the capital, you must tell me and I will make sure that everything is clearly arranged for you. "

Roasted Chicken drove his three roommates back to school. His car was registered and he could enter and exit the Beijing University campus at will. Ah Qi stayed with Chen Pingan at the hot pot restaurant and waited for him to come back.

"Brother Qi, come with me for a walk."

After drinking, his whole body became hot. He stood on the brightly lit street, breathing the cold air and feeling like taking a stroll.

Ah Qi nodded without saying a word and walked side by side towards the other end of the street.

Neither he nor Ah Qi noticed that there was someone following them at this time.

But he and Ah Qi kept walking, with no intention of stopping.

Seeing the students on the snack street laughing and laughing, Chen Pingan couldn't help but smile on his face, but neither he nor Ah Qi spoke.

But Ah Qi took out a cigarette and lit one.

He is not a big smoker and smokes one occasionally.

Chen Ping'an turned to look at the smoke breathed out by Ah Qi, and suddenly said: "Give me one to try."

The two of them walked out of the snack street and came to the main street when Roast Chicken called and told them not to leave, otherwise he would have to go around a long way to pick them up.

The two of them stood on the roadside and looked at the winter night in the capital, watching the white breath exhaled from the mouths of passers-by being particularly obvious under the light.

Ah Qi suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand to knock someone down to the ground.

Chen Ping'an was a little dizzy after drinking, and after such a cold wind, he was already a little dizzy.

He turned around and looked at Ah Qi pressing the man down and asking something, but he didn't hear clearly.

When he came back to his senses, he looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

A foreigner.

The painful tears and runny nose on his face was a bit funny, but Ah Qi didn't do anything anymore and just asked him to stand one meter away.

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