After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 243 Take care and take good care of your mother

Fang Junhong's raised hand stopped in the air.

He took a step back and lowered his hand.

The anger on his face slowly faded away.

"Zhao Wei, you are emotionally unstable right now. I see that your current state is not suitable for me to communicate with you at all.

I suggest you go to the hospital to have a good look and don't leave any root causes behind. "

He turned and walked towards the door to leave.

However, Zhao Wei still refused to let go of this opportunity to vent. She sat there with her back leaning against the sofa, her face flushed abnormally, and her breathing was a little short.

"That's right, I'm just not normal.

Isn’t this all your fault? Fang Junhong.

Do you think you are still young and handsome thirty years ago?

Hahaha... My son killed your son, I am happy, you know?

That bitch Qin Bailian is also dead.

How happy do you think I am?

I was so happy that I almost fainted. Can I feel normal? "

Fang Junhong stopped and turned to look at her.

He said nothing, just shook his head slightly, and walked out.

When the door closed, Zhao Wei kept saying, "I really shouldn't treat Ping An like that.

If only I had known earlier.

If I had known that Fang Hongjun was the illegitimate son of this old beast like you, I should have strangled him to death when he was a child..."

Fang Junhong stood outside the door, frowning even more as he listened to the sounds coming from the room.

After pondering for a moment, he walked down the steps and walked towards Fang Jinglei's room.

No one was clearing the snow in the yard, and the sound of crunching snow clearly reached my ears.

Fang Jinglei has changed into home clothes and is washing fruits in the kitchen.

Her living standard has never been low, and the habits she has developed since childhood are not easy to change.

"Jinglei, Jinglei!" Fang Junhong was knocking on her door.

Fang Jinglei walked out of the kitchen holding a plate of fruit and asked softly: "Dad, are you looking for me?"

Fang Junhong turned his head and glanced at her, nodded and said, "How long has your mother been like this now?"

Fang Jinglei walked over calmly, opened the door to the room and walked in.

Fang Junhong followed him across the threshold and walked in.

“Mom sometimes behaves very sober and rational, just like in the past.

Act normal to everything around you.

It becomes difficult to communicate only when talking about you and Ping An, so I basically won't mention anything about you and Ping An's brother now.

Although the doctor had seen it, he did not say what the situation was. He only said that it was due to a heavy psychological burden and some stress reactions.

As long as she's not stimulated, she's fine. "

Fang Jinglei explained calmly, and then asked: "You and my mother didn't talk well?"

Fang Junhong frowned and shook his head.

"Alas," he sighed, "I'd better take her to the hospital and take a look.

Aren't you worried if this continues? "

Fang Jinglei shook her head and said: "Usually I only go out occasionally, and most of the time I work in my room.

Mom rarely goes out now.

Except for occasionally going to the set to see Zhidie, I basically spend the rest of my time at home.

I told her to take her to the hospital and she would scream and cry for a long time.

I couldn't bear to let her cry like this, so I wouldn't take her to the hospital if she didn't.

After all, she's my mother and I don't want her locked up. "

"So you know that she is no longer normal, and you still want her to stay at home like this?"

"What else should I do?

Go to the police and say that my mother has a mental problem?

Let the police or the hospital take her away? "

She shook her head, "I am the only mother, and no one else is around her now, only me.

I'm the only one she can rely on, and I don't want her to suffer.

Moreover, when she is not sick, she is still very good. "

Fang Junhong's eyes darkened, he hesitated for a moment and then said: "Forget it, I'm leaving.

Since you don't want to send her to the hospital, take good care of her.

I'll transfer some money to you later..."

Fang Jinglei said softly: "Dad, I have money. My current income is pretty good. I guarantee that my mother and I will have no problem in our lives."

Fang Junhong sighed, "Although the company has been greatly affected now, I can still support you and your mother."

Fang Jinglei didn't speak, she just silently picked up the fruit and chewed it slowly.

Fang Junhong stood up, "I'm, take care of yourself and take care of your mother."

Fang Jinglei sat there without getting up. She watched her father walk to the door, open it and walk out.

She chewed slowly, then picked up another fruit and put it in her mouth.

Although Chen Xiaolong didn't like hospitals in rural areas like this, he also knew that if there wasn't a hospital with relatively simple conditions here, he might be able to pull out his small intestine.

As a result of the examination, the doctor could not determine any cause, but the symptoms were very clear: diarrhea.

He ran several times throughout the night, and what he pulled out in the end was basically water and intestinal juice, which was extremely damaging to the small intestine.

If not treated as soon as possible, it will eventually develop into red and white dysentery.

When Chen Pingan arrived at the hospital ward, he saw Chen Xiaolong who was undergoing infusion.

Although he was being treated and his vitality was severely damaged, he seemed to be in good spirits.

They were guarding the roast chicken outside and didn't come in.

Chen Xiaolong put down the cell phone he was playing with when he saw him come in, "Have you brought me anything to eat?"

Chen Pingan smiled and shook his head, "You're like this and you still want to eat? You shouldn't feel hungry after the infusion, right?"

Chen Xiaolong said seriously: "I really don't feel hungry, but I just want to eat."

"How many days will your infusion take?" Chen Pingan asked.

Chen Xiaolong glanced at the infusion bottle and said, "It's said to be three days, but the problem is that I can't lie down anymore."

Chen Pingan stopped paying attention to his mindless words and said instead: "Huo Xiulin asked me to go to his office this morning and told me that planting garlic was the right thing to do and nothing else could be done.

Anyway, only engaging in agriculture has the least risk. "

Chen Xiaolong became serious, "Oh? Is that what he said?"

Then he said with relief: "No matter what you do, you can only do the industry with the least risk and the least affected by policy changes.

I guess he doesn’t want us to build a factory. Once the environmental protection policy changes, if we throw our hands away, where will he go? "

Chen Pingan nodded and said nothing.

This is a matter of experience.

He checked a lot of information and read a lot of cases before he understood the truth, but Chen Xiaolong understood it quickly.

In this regard, there is still some gap with him.

Chen Pingan was a little frustrated.

To tell the truth, he is just a nineteen-year-old boy.

Lack of training in this area, so it is normal to be inferior to Chen Xiaolong, but he just can't pass his own level.

"You will be admitted to the hospital today. I will go back with Brother Ji in a while, leaving four people for you, okay?"

"Why do I need so many people?" Chen Xiaolong shook his head vigorously, "Just keep two people, and the others can follow you. Where are Lawyer Shao and the others?"

"There's nothing else to do in the hotel. Now we're just waiting for the result of Huo Xiulin's communication with their secretary... By the way, have you told your dad?"

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