"Do you know how difficult it is for Fang Group in Yuncheng now?"

Fang Junhong's voice and tone gradually developed from calm to uncontrollable excitement.

His voice became louder and louder.

"You only think about your own feelings. What contribution have you made to this family?

Since Hongjun died, I have been suppressed everywhere in Yuncheng.

Not only because of the trouble caused to me by Xuezhuang's son after Hongjun's death, but also because the higher-ups took back the management rights of the dock. Do you think Fang Group is still as prosperous as before?

Don't I need to consider the salary of thousands of people in the company?

Do you think that you can make money by starting a company?

Don't I need to consider social responsibility?"

Fang Junhong's expression began to get excited, and his eyes even turned red.

"I just want you to help me and Fang Group. Do you want to make so many people lose their jobs because of personal grudges?

They also have families to support!

Zhao Wei, you are from the Zhao family, they will not ignore you!"

Zhao Wei always folded her arms and looked at him calmly.

No matter how his expression changed or how excited his tone was, she remained indifferent.

When he finished speaking and looked at her with expectant eyes, she put down her hand and pointed to the door of the living room.

"Are you done?"

She said lightly, "Go away, I won't help you.

If you have the ability, go to my eldest brother Zhao Yuanlong or my second brother Zhao Yuankai.

They have the final say on the affairs of the Zhao family. I am just a tool for marriage and I am no longer a member of the Zhao family.

I don't care whether you can let them help you or not, I won't stop you.

No matter what happens to you in the future, it has nothing to do with me.

I have savings, enough for my own use.

Jinglei has her own income, and I don't need to care about it.

From the day I knew Fang Hongjun was your illegitimate child, you were dead in my heart.

Even if the Fang Group went bankrupt or you died, I wouldn't care.

The Zhao family... Hehe, the Zhao family and you, and your Fang family, are all the same in my eyes.

None of them are good.

You all deserve to die!

Take your little box and get out of my house!"

Fang Junhong was stunned.

"You're crazy, Zhao Wei..." He frowned and stared at Zhao Wei, who had no expression, and said, "This is not the attitude you should have.

Have you forgotten the more than 20 years we spent together?

Are the feelings of these 20 years, which are close to 30 years, not as much as your hatred for me?

Don't you also think that the feelings between Hongjun and you, who have lived together for 18 years, are higher than the mother-son relationship between you and Ping An?

Why do you change when you come to me?

Zhao Wei, you are also raised by a big family, can you be more rational?"

If he didn't say so, Zhao Wei would just face him coldly.

When he said the last few words, Zhao Wei's face changed.

She turned around suddenly, grabbed something on the corner cabinet, and threw it at Fang Junhong.

"Get out!

Get out!

Get out!"

Her lips trembled, her eyes stared at Fang Junhong, and she cursed loudly in a sharp voice.

"You're crazy!"

Fortunately, Fang Junhong was standing, and he had dodged when she turned around and grabbed something, otherwise it might really hit him.

It was not until this time that they both realized that what was thrown at them was a thermos.

"Zhao Wei, are you crazy?"

Fang Junhong was shocked and angry, and took a few steps forward to hug Zhao Wei.

He really wanted to slap her to wake her up, but he knew in his heart that he must not hit anyone.

If Zhao Wei completely ignored him, he still had a glimmer of hope to get help from the big boss behind the Zhao family, although it was also very slim, but there was still a chance.

If he hit someone, even for the sake of face, Zhao Yuanlong would not help him.

Zhao Wei twisted and struggled wildly in his arms, completely disregarding her image, and roared and cursed: "Fang Junhong, are you still a human?

You are simply a beast!

Get out!

Ah... bastard, get out!"

Zhao Wei struggled for a moment, but of course the middle-aged woman was too weak to break free.

She lowered her head and bit Fang Junhong's arm, biting it with all her strength.

"Hiss..." Fang Junhong took a breath of cold air in pain.

He loosened his hands and pushed Zhao Wei's shoulder with his other hand to push her away.

"You... I think you are really crazy!" Fang Junhong cursed while enduring the pain. "Yes, I am crazy! But I am still a human being, what about you? Are you still worthy of being a human being?" Zhao Wei staggered back two steps and stood firm before cursing wildly. "Fang Junhong, do you think I am still as easy to deceive as before? Hahaha, I will just watch how your Fang Group goes bankrupt. Haha, I will go to Yuncheng, rent a small house casually, and watch how you die!" Fang Junhong stared at her in amazement, muttering: "You are simply unreasonable!" After the madness on Zhao Wei's face slowly calmed down, she walked to the side, picked up the cup and drank a sip of water, then sat on the sofa, crossed her legs and looked at him. "I am unreasonable? Fang Junhong, do you really think I am crazy? I may be a little abnormal, but I am not a fool. In the past, you and Fang Hongjun, that bastard, deceived me into the illusion of family affection, which blinded my eyes. Now I can see clearly.

You just wanted to take advantage of me from the beginning to the end.

For decades, you deceived the Zhao family into providing you with funds, and deceived me into persuading my eldest brother and second brother to provide you with help.

Without the support from the Zhao family, would the strength of your Fang family be able to support your development in Yuncheng to this point?

From the beginning, you wanted me to help you raise your illegitimate child and drive away my peace. What on earth were you thinking?

Isn't Ping An your son?

Or is it just because Ping An was born to me and not to that bitch Qin Bailian, so you tried every means to make us look down on him and exclude him, and finally kicked him out of the house.

Is it to hand over the Fang family to that little bastard in the future? "

As Zhao Wei spoke, the corners of her mouth turned up and she began to laugh.

"Hehehe, Fang Junhong, didn't you expect that the little bastard you deceived me and carefully cultivated would actually die abroad?

Hahaha, so funny.

The son you don't want doesn't even need his own hands. Someone will help him kill your Alian and that little bastard directly.

Fang Junhong, do you still want to lie to me now? "

She said happily, she picked up the cup and took another sip.

"God opened my eyes, otherwise I would have had to find a way to kill that little bastard myself."

Fang Junhong's face was as gloomy as if water was dripping from his face. He stood quietly, staring at Zhao Wei's smiling face.

Zhao Wei seemed to be possessed by something, and she continued excitedly:

"You think I'm still as easy to deceive as I used to be, right?

Hahahaha, actually I have no use to the Zhao family now.

Do you think I don’t know the indifference and ruthlessness in a big family?

Let me guess, is that old fox Fang Junyi unwilling to help you?

What retribution, Fang Junhong.

I really want to see how you die. "

Fang Junhong finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Shut up!"

He shouted loudly, stepped forward and raised his hand to slap her hard.

Zhao Wei's pupils shrank slightly, but her body remained motionless.

"What? Are you angry?"

The sneer on her lips was so obvious.

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