"Look at these female educated youths, their little faces are as white as if they had flour slapped on their faces."

"With their thin arms and legs like these, can they do any activities?"

"Our brigade is not the first group of educated youths to come here. We have to let them do all the activities whether they want to do it or not. If they don't do the work, they won't get food."

"These educated youths are well-educated and know how to hang book bags from their mouths. Unfortunately, they are not very good at work."

"Don't look at me now. If you look at me in two years, I'm sure I'll be African like us."

A bunch of sisters-in-law burst into laughter.

"But I'm afraid they will have to hold us back."

"Then what can be done?

Fortunately, there are only eight female educated youths this year. You know, in the first year, there were 25 female educated youths on our team. At that time, we almost made the captain's nose angry. "

"It wasn't Captain Zhou at that time."

"Yes, I was the old captain at that time, but you don't know that the female educated youth still had orchid fingers on her hands when she was working.

The weird appearance almost made us laugh crazy. "

"That's enough to make a fool of yourself."

A group of sisters-in-law did not shy away from this and pointed at them. The female educated youths felt ashamed and angry, but unfortunately they had no power to resist.

The number of sisters-in-law and aunties across the street totaled more than 100.

Due to the disparity in strength, even if they tried to struggle, they had no chance of winning.

At this moment, many female educated youths feel that Liu Zhiyan's broken arm is a good thing.

Fang Xiaoya and Li Jinhui were both leaning against Xia Zhi now.

"Xia Zhi is really shameful. They just said these things in front of us."

Fang Xiaoya felt that being judged by others like this was the greatest shame in her life.

"These sisters-in-law and aunts have no bad intentions, and it is obvious to all that we female educated youths cannot work.

Don't feel that there is any obstacle in your heart. What people are telling the truth is not lying or spreading rumors.

You will be able to accept it slowly.

In fact, these aunts and sisters-in-law are very nice people. "

Xia Zhi's words obviously could not be recognized by other female educated youths.

The pretty-looking Li Yulan couldn't help but argue.

"Who said we can't do the job? They can do it, why can't we do it?

They are all one person, with two eyes and one mouth. "

"Okay, I'll tell you now that you are not convinced. After we get to the place, you can start working. Let's see if you still have the courage. If you are not convinced."

Xia Zhi said no more.

The truck arrived at its destination very quickly, mainly because the road here is flat. Although the road conditions are not good, there is a lot of flat land here.

He jumped out of the car with his face covered in dust.

Jiang Yifan named the seven female educated youths and Liu Qianjin by their famous names, and a total of eight people were assigned to carry the stone.

There are very few mechanical equipments at this time, and most of them are solved manually.

Wheelbarrows or poles are used to carry stones.

A shoulder pole carries a basket on both ends. The basket is very deep, and each basket contains at least seventy or eighty kilograms of stones.

In other words, an adult labor force has to transport at least nearly 200 kilograms of stones at a time.

Don't make a fuss. The predecessors of that era carried it on their shoulders and carried it with their hands, and in this way they built the modern society bit by bit.

People in this era can endure hardships and are not afraid of getting tired.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the carrying stones. Apparently everyone knew how to use the carrying pole.

Xia Zhi said nothing and received his own pole and basket.

Liu Qianjin followed Xia Zhi.

The two men came to the pile of stones carrying poles.

Sister-in-law Guixiang couldn't help but smile when she saw the two people placing the basket in front of her with their hands and feet.

"It seems like you two are very diligent and not lazy at all."

“Sister-in-law, build the road as soon as possible to create a happy life for all of us.

The captain warned us before he came that if we were lazy, our meals would be halved. "

Xia Zhi smiled and whispered, this was not what Zhou Zhengan told her, but what she learned from her previous life.

Don't think that if you work here, no one will notice if you are lazy.

No one can say it, absolutely no one can say it, but when it comes to eating, the master chef in the cafeteria will also cut corners for you.

The public’s eyes are sharp, and this applies absolutely everywhere.

As expected, Guixiang's sister-in-law burst out laughing when she heard this.

"Hey girl, you are really a funny person, you know that. Work hard, I heard there will be croquettes tonight.

It’s rare for us to have a meal of croquettes here, probably because the captain is trying to improve the lives of you newly arrived educated youths, so as not to scare you away on the first day. "

"Sister-in-law, my name is Xia Zhi, what should I call you?"

Sister-in-law Guixiang felt good about the female educated youth in front of her, and she was not at all squeamish.

And she was willing to talk to country folk like them who didn't know a word of Chinese characters. This alone was much better than those other female educated youths with eyes on the top of their heads.

"You called me Sister-in-law Guixiang. By the way, why didn't you, a young man like you, go build the canals instead of building the road with the female educated youth?"

Sister-in-law Guixiang glanced at Liu Qianjin who was following Xia Zhi closely.

"Sister-in-law, the captain assigned him here. This Comrade Xiao Liu is very strong and is not lazy at work. He even had a fever when he was a child, so here... he is just like a child."

Xia Zhi pointed to his head.

Guixiang's sister-in-law immediately understood and looked at Liu Qianjin's eyes with some sympathy.

"Oh, no wonder Captain Zhou asked him to come over. He can't do this at the dam, and things could easily get into trouble."

Sister-in-law Guixiang specially left her hand.

It was the first time I carried a pole during the summer solstice. I was afraid that the female educated youth would not be able to lift it.

When filling the basket with pebbles, put a little less.

"Sister, pick it up and go."

Xia Zhi tried the pole.

Not to mention that picking up the pole again was a bit tricky.

After wandering for a while, I finally picked it up.

He picked up the pole and walked forward holding a rope with one hand.

After swaying for a few times, it finally stabilized.

"Okay, Xiaoxia, you can carry the pole in a decent manner."

Guixiang's sister-in-law was originally worried at the back, but unexpectedly the pole shook twice, and Xiaoxia immediately stabilized the pole.

"Sister-in-law Guixiang, don't worry. I've done it at home, but I haven't done it in the past two years, so I'm a bit new to it."

"Just get used to it."

Liu Qianjin carried more than 200 kilograms of stones without any burden at all. Not only did he walk steadily, but he also walked fast.

Originally, everyone was a little unhappy that Liu Qianjin, a gay man, had to squeeze into a group of women to do such a woman's work.

But now I saw that Liu Qianjin was not lazy at all, just carrying two to three hundred kilograms of stones by himself.

None of them can do it.

These sisters-in-law and aunts are all hard-working people. In their eyes, anyone who can work and is strong is considered good.

Although everyone knows that Liu Qianjin is not very smart, Liu Qianjin has become a treasure among a group of ladies.

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