When Liu Zhiyan saw Xia Zhi raising her hands, she also raised her hands.

In just three days, she already had a clear understanding.

Xia Zhi is smart and can assess the situation. More importantly, Xia Zhi's character is absolutely trustworthy, just look at Xia Zhi's treatment of Liu Qianjin.

You can know that Xia Zhi is a person with a strong heart.

If you don't hug such a thigh, you will have trouble in your head.

"Okay, you lesbians will stay to build the road, and the male comrades will follow me."

Zhou Zhengan didn't even look at either of them. He turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Xia Zhi.

She must go to build the canal in the summer solstice, mainly for Liu Qianjin. In her previous life, Liu Qianjin died because of the canal repair. She was not with Liu Qianjin, fearing that something would happen to Liu Qianjin.

In any case, she would follow Liu Qianjin to repair the water, unless Liu Qianjin stayed.

“Captain, we lesbians are the same as gay men.

The country has always advocated equality between men and women, and women hold up half the sky.

At this critical moment, we lesbians cannot slow down. Please give us a chance to make progress. "

Zhou Zhengan originally wanted to pretend this matter to fool him.

How could he not know that the work of repairing canals was not a job for women?

He is really not just partial to Xia Zhi, he treats all the lesbians here in their farming area like treasures.

There are more men than women here, with an average ratio of almost 3000:1.

No matter how selfless he is, there is no way he can let lesbians go up to repair canals like male comrades.

"Comrade Xiaoxia, it's not that I don't want you to go. This job is really not assigned to lesbians. In fact, road construction can also be done. Let you show your progressive ideas. The work of building roads is the same as building canals.

Comrade Xiaoxia, you can't be picky because of this, you must respect the leadership's decision. "

Zhou Zhengan put on a straight face this time and showed the attitude of a superior towards his subordinates.

"Captain Zhou, I really want to build the canal. Just give me a chance."

Xia Zhi is unyielding and will never give up until he achieves his goal.

Zhou Zhengan was surprised that other girls wished they had to do heavy and tiring work!

The summer solstice rushes upward instead.

This is definitely not in line with common sense. He doesn't look down on lesbians, but he thinks Xia Zhi is not so passionate.

After getting along with her for a few days, he thought Xia Zhi was very smart and had a very lively mind.

He is not the kind of person who sticks to the rules and rushes forward just for the sake of slogans and ideals.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to the two of them talking, Zhou Zhengan whispered,

"What is your reason for Xia Zhi? Why do you have to go to Xiushui District? We eat in the same pot every day, so don't fool me with that high-sounding slogan.

If you have any difficulties, just ask them and I will definitely help you within the scope of my ability. "

"Captain, to be honest, I just don't worry about Liu Qianjin, and you also know what's going on with him.

If he went to repair canals with these unruly male educated youths, something would happen. "

Zhou Zhengan raised his eyes and looked at Liu Qianjin.

He had to admit that he felt sour in his heart.

Also eating from the same pot, he found that Xia Zhi treated Liu Qianjin with special care and followed Liu Qianjin closely when eating.

He would patiently teach Liu Qianjin no matter what he did, as if he was afraid that Liu Qianjin would make a mistake.

It seems that Xia Zhi has never treated herself like this.

"What does Liu Qianjin have to do with you?"

Zhou Zhengan had to ask. He felt that the two of them didn't seem to be strangers at all.

"What does it have to do with it?

The relationship between you and me is the same, Liu Qianjin is my friend.

Captain, if I don't take care of him in this situation, I might be bullied. Seeing Liu Qianjin, I just thought of myself when I was a child.

I've been bullied a lot, so I don't want him to be bullied.

Just like I don't want myself to be bullied, it also fulfills one of my own thoughts. "

Xia Zhi made up a nonsense reason, he couldn't say that he was reborn, Liu Qianjin would be dead because of saving him.

When the time comes, Zhou Zhengan won't treat himself as a lunatic and send him to a mental hospital.

Zhou Zhengan had some pity in his eyes after hearing this. He didn't know what was going on at Xia Zhi's house.

But after hearing Xia Zhi say this, one can imagine that Xia Zhi's family must have been in a poor family when she was a child, and she was often bullied. Otherwise, she would not have such a chivalrous heart that is willing to help others.

"So that's it. Okay, there's no need to say anything. Everyone in the team knows about Liu Qianjin's situation. If that's the case, he doesn't need to repair the water supply and go to build the road with you. Others can't find fault."

Zhou Zhengan made his decision immediately.

It is not difficult to adjust one's work schedule.

After hearing this, Xia Zhi thanked him gratefully.

"Zhou Zheng'an, thank you. Liu Qianjin is like my younger brother. I really can't let anything happen to him."

"You are right, we eat in the same pot, Liu Qianjin is not only your brother, but also like my brother.

His condition is not suitable for going to the ditch. The ditch has to blow up mountains and rocks. If he is not careful, it is really easy to hurt him.

Let him go with you to build the road. "

After finalizing the work arrangements, Liu Qianjin was left behind, and the others directly boarded the engineering team's truck.

When the educated youth saw Liu Qianjin staying again, his eyes couldn't help but feel resentful.

This fool didn't expect to win Captain Zhou's favor. They had already inquired that building canals was more tiring than building roads.

But in the past two days of getting along, they have learned their lesson.

It is impossible to reason with Captain Zhou here.

And it's not just Captain Zhou, these cadre captains who can be seen, and even ordinary farm residents.

All of them had the same attitude, whatever the captain said was true.

It's really a mouth from top to bottom.

If you try to reason with them, it's really a waste of effort. It's definitely a scholar meeting a soldier, and you can't explain why.

Jiang Yifan took the remaining people to build the road.

These days, even though women are rarely treated as treasures here, they still have to work.

When it comes to physical labor, men and women are the same.

Liu Zhiyan is taking a break because her broken arm has not healed yet.

Xia Zhi and Liu Qianjin were gathered in the car together with the female educated youths in the team and other lesbians from the farm.

The lesbians on those farms were nice, and they stared at them with their eyes.

With a smile on her face and sometimes whispering in a low voice, the female educated youth who came from outside seemed to be very pretty and seemed different from them in everyone's eyes.

The female educated youths were like little quails, all huddled around Xia Zhi, mainly because they were a little embarrassed in the face of the fiery gazes of the aunts and sisters on the farm.

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