Chapter 586 He is unwilling!

The formation was shattered, and Qiao Jin raised his lips.


Memories seem to be memories, but after a while, they are actually read.

Qiao Jin saw Meng Chengyu.

She was not interested in what happened to Meng Chengyu when she was a child, so she went directly to the spot in her heart.

That point is really not natural.

It's just that in the memory, there is only a momentary moment in the picture of the array point.

In the picture, there are a total of nine array points, which seemed to explode from something, fell from the air, scattered in all directions, and fell to various places in China.

The point that fell on Meng Chengyu's heart was just one of them.

Nine dots?

Nine is a special number in the world of spiritualists.

Qiao Jin opened his eyes suddenly.

Meng Chengyu is also twenty years old this year, so did that point appear twenty years ago?

The strands of demonized spirit seeds collected earlier dissipated completely.

Seeing the past all at once consumes a lot.

There was no response for a long time, Meng Chengyu asked cautiously: Master, are you ready?

Qiao Jin's voice came from the darkness: Okay.

Meng Chengyu opened his eyes and found that nothing had changed around him.

She couldn't help asking: Master, have you seen the past in me?

Qiao Jin nodded: I saw something more unexpected.

Meng Chengyu was a little panicked: Is it... a curse?

She swallowed, afraid that Qiao Jin would see something terrible.

Qiao Jin glanced at her, seeming a little funny: You think too much, the curse point is not easy to exist, and it is not worth the loss for the user, your parents are just ordinary people, who will use it on you?

Meng Chengyu felt relieved now.

There was a strange vibration from the outside door, as if an external force was forcibly opening the door.

Qiao Jin glanced at it and said, Let's go.

As soon as she grabbed Meng Chengyu's arm, she and her figure disappeared in place.

As soon as the two of them left, the door opened with a bang, and a wave of people broke in from outside.

However, at this moment, red threads in the sky, invisible to others, penetrated the protective cover and landed directly on the altar. They landed on the corresponding jars, causing the jars to emit strange fluctuations and vibrate continuously with.

This weird scene stunned the Feng family and bodyguards who rushed in.




Suddenly, the cans exploded one by one, turning into dust.

And Dazu, who was still on his way here, was sitting in the car, and suddenly clutched his chest, a mouthful of blood gushed out.

What made the driver terrified was that he saw wisps of blackness dissipate from Dazu's face with his own eyes. His originally energetic face quickly became sluggish, and his entire facial features seemed to sink in quickly. His skin and flesh shriveled when he was old. At this time, it is even more frightening that the flesh and blood are directly hung on a skeleton rack.

If the driver hadn't stayed at Feng's house for a long time, he would have abandoned the car and fled in fright at this scene.

Dazu felt that his anger was dissipating, and realized that he could no longer live. He took out his mobile phone and made a call with the last of his strength, and then uttered a sentence: I...don't...willing!! !

Then he tilted his head, opened his eyes, and fell down.

The driver finally trembled, stepped on the brakes of the car, and shouted in horror: Great ancestor?

However, the Great Ancestor just kept his eyes open and lost his voice forever.

Just like Azu, his death was too unexpected.

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