After Awakening, I Conquered The Whole World

Chapter 585: Covering Your Face

Chapter 585: Covering Your Face

I said where the things would be hidden, and it turned out to be here.

Qiao Jin muttered to herself, as she expected, there are some demonized spirit seeds hidden here.

They can be used to maintain the operation of the large formation.

Obviously, this is not something that the great ancestors and great ancestors of the Feng family can do, and the speculation of someone behind them has been completely confirmed.

However, apart from this, the Feng family can't use the spiritual seeds for other things.

I have come here, so naturally I can't come here in vain.

She stretched out her hand, and with a light pinch, all the candles went out, and wisps of black air surged into her palm. Naturally, Meng Chengyu couldn't see this scene.

The door cut off all the sounds, although Meng Chengyu couldn't hear what the people outside said, but Meng Chengyu also knew that there must be many people coming outside now, she was a little worried: Can we leave?

Qiao Jin: If you can't leave, what will I bring you in for?

Meng Chengyu: ...

It is true.

She just didn't understand what Qiao Jin wanted to do when he brought her here: So why did you bring me here? I don't quite understand.

Qiao Jin said: I brought you here to see some things, but the consumption is too much, so I might as well use it together now, so as not to waste it.

Meng Chengyu: ????

Why didn't she understand Qiao Jin's words.

Qiao Jin just smiled.

You can just stand there, you don't need to move, I need to see some past things from you.

When it was mentioned that he saw the past, Meng Chengyu's face turned pale.

Qiao Jin's voice was very weak, and since the candle was extinguished, there was no light in the room, and Meng Chengyu could hardly see Qiao Jin's appearance clearly.

Don't worry, you won't feel anything. I'm looking at what happened before you were born.

She wanted to use the backtracking formation method to see who set up the formation points on Meng Chengyu's body and the formation of Feng's family.

The consumption is too much, and the consumption is even greater when they are separated. This is also the reason why Meng Chengyu was brought here together.

Prevent wastage.

Just did it all at once.

In the darkness, Meng Chengyu couldn't see anything, she could only see a faint light, a red line, as if piercing through the air, reflected in her pupils.

Because Meng Chengyu didn't understand, she was inexplicably flustered and tightly closed her eyes.

She didn't know what Qiao Jin was doing.

Qiao Jin used the Feng family's demonized spirit-seed to perform a retrospective formation to see what happened in the past.

The formation of the Feng family was set up by someone, and she saw the Great Ancestor and Great Ancestor decades ago from the retrospective scene.

At that time, they were not young.

They are just ordinary people in the imperial capital city. They have lived a hard life since they were young. The two are brothers. They are ambitious and unwilling to spend their entire lives. Just such an ordinary life.

Soon, because of certain things, they both awakened and became formation masters.

Later, they met a man in a black robe.

That person covered his face under the black robe the whole time, and no one could see his appearance clearly from various angles, obviously he was on guard.

He taught the two brothers of the Feng family to set up a large formation and use other people's fortunes to build momentum for the Feng family. This is also the origin of the Feng family.

Of course, there is always a price to be paid for doing these things. Behind the scenes, the Feng family has done a lot of bloody things, using people to block the consequences of this borrowed luck.

Until the last moment, the face of the man in black seemed to turn around, but he seemed to have noticed something, and in his memory, he covered his face with one hand.

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