Sophia sighed slightly and said,”Mr. Ayser is an exorcist, and he noticed that Alice has spiritual power!”

“Oh? Really?”

Sophia thought that Orvis would be more worried after hearing about Esther’s identity as an exorcist.

But now Orvis’ expression became a little excited.

“Exorcist! Is he a real exorcist?”Ovis excitedly confirmed with Sophia.

“this……”Sophia didn’t know how to answer:”I don’t know much about this, Alice told me!

But Alice said that Mr. Esther saw her spiritual power!”

Ovis turned his head excitedly and looked at Esther:”Esther, is it genuine?”

“Well, just now in the maze, His Excellency the Duke should have seen some of my abilities!”

“Oh! That’s right! You passed through the maze!”

Ovis excitedly stepped forward, hugged Esther, and patted Esther’s back excitedly with both hands:”No wonder you can pass through the area of the enchanting flowers planted by the white-haired woman safely.

It turns out that you are a real exorcist!

Hahaha, our family has also produced a powerful exorcist!”

“”Oh… Lord Ovis, calm down!” Sophia was also frightened by Ovis’s excited performance.

“Oh! Hahahaha……”After being reminded by Sophia, Ovis smiled awkwardly and let go of Esther.

“Who is the white-haired girl?”After Ovis calmed down, Esther immediately grasped the key point and asked

“”Ah? Did I mention the white-haired girl just now?” Orvis turned his head stiffly and looked at Sophia.

Sophia smiled and nodded:”The adults did mention the white-haired girl. Anyway, Mr. Esther and we are all family in the future.

He is an exorcist, and he will know about this sooner or later!”

“Is there anything strange about this white-haired woman?”

“Ah, this……”Ovis stuttered for a long time and couldn’t utter a few words.

“I will tell Mr. Esther about this matter!” Sophia took over the words and narrated it neatly:”The white-haired woman is a strange woman that Lord Ovis met during the war!

When we met her, she was being chased by some strange bugs!

Originally, when we met such a strange person, we should stay away from her as much as possible according to King Put’s order!

But I felt sorry for her at that time, so I begged Lord Ovis to save her!

When her injuries got better, I asked her where she came from!

She said something we couldn’t understand, such as the Void Faceless and the Space Jump!

But it seemed that she came to the human place because of her sister.

She also said that she was a spiritual illusionist, and she also showed us the ability to make soldiers fall asleep by waving her hands.

After she recovered a little, she helped us defeat some difficult opponents in order to thank her.

After a while, the war ended.

Lord Ovis got the territory, and we took her to our own territory!

Later, the king ordered a ban on supernatural powers in the country.

In order to protect the white-haired woman, Lord Ovis and I ordered people to build this castle and this maze!

Later, the white-haired woman told us that she would disappear little by little if she stayed in the human world!

At that time, I was pregnant with Alice, and she said that instead of letting her disappear little by little in such a meaningless way, it would be better to bless Alice with all her abilities, which could be regarded as a kind of gratitude for us saving her.

After she blessed Alice in my belly, her body became transparent.

In her last days, she planted rows of ecstasy flowers in the center of the maze!

Just like that, on the day Alice was born, the white-haired woman disappeared completely!”

Aise looked up at the castle again:”No wonder I felt a faint spiritual illusion in it as soon as I came in.

It turns out that a powerful spiritual illusionist once lived here!”

“Hahaha!” Orvis laughed excitedly again:”It’s good now. My daughter is a psychic illusionist and my son-in-law is an exorcist.

From now on, our dukedom can be worry-free!”

“Alice can’t marry Mr. Esther yet!”

Sophia suddenly said this, causing Esther and Ovis to look at her in confusion at the same time.

“Um, ma’am……”Ovis took two steps and came to Sofia’s side:”When I disagreed with Ayse marrying Alice before, you opposed it, saying that you had to take Alice’s feelings into consideration!

Now all the contradictions have been resolved. Ayse is neither the king’s nor the prince’s man.

Why do you disagree with their marriage now?”

“It’s not that I don’t agree with them being together, it’s just that they can’t get married now!”

“Why…why?” Orvis asked with a puzzled look.

Sophia explained calmly:”I just met Alice before, and I haven’t seen her for a long time. I feel guilty about her, and I just want to be nice to her!

Just now, after listening to your story about the old days of the kingdom, I suddenly figured it out.

Alice can’t marry Mr. Esther now, and even the news of Alice’s return cannot be revealed!

Otherwise, the fate of Prince Hunter will be the fate of you, Alice, Mr. Esther, or our whole family!

Think about it carefully, now Snow White is missing and there is no news of her.

And your daughter who has been missing for thirteen years is back, and now she is going to marry a powerful exorcist!

Do you think King Put will happily bless you?

Or will he worry about how to deal with you!”

“Ouch!” Orvis slapped his forehead and responded:”Ah, madam is right, this is still a troublesome matter!

Then Snow White will never be found, and my daughter will never be able to show up, and will never be able to get married?”

“Anyway, when Snow White doesn’t return to King Putt, once Alice shows up, endless troubles will continue to pour into our duchy!”

“Then why not find Snow White?”After going around in circles, the story finally came back to the question of finding Snow White.

“Ayse, are you going to the main country?”Ovis had been determined to force Ayse away from the beginning, but now he is a little reluctant to let Ayse go.

“Everything in the country revolves around Snow White, and even I am passive in this situation!

So since Snow White’s affairs are trapped in this, I will remove it!”

After understanding the cause and effect of all the things, Esther began to feel that the trouble he had solved before at the Ecstasy Banquet did not seem like an accidental incident.

“Good! You have guts! Ayser! You are indeed the man that Alice likes. My daughter has good taste!

I will write a letter of recommendation for you so that you can arrive at the host country safely.

In this way, even if there is any accident, the king will not embarrass you for the sake of me, an old hero!” Ovis began to appreciate Ayser more and more.

“Your Excellency the Duke, you don’t need this letter of recommendation. I have a letter of recommendation from Prince Henry!

Using his letter can save you some trouble!”

Orvis’ expression was moved, and he stepped forward and took Esther’s arm:”Esther, you… can actually think so deeply! I am so touched to have a son-in-law like you!”

Orvis hugged Esther again and patted his back.

“I am so touched! Father-in-law! Then let me go find Alice tonight?” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“” Ah!” Orvis was cheered up, exclaimed, and pushed Ayse away:”You kid, you’re going to see Alice in the evening! What are you doing? No, no, I won’t allow you!”

Sophia on the side smiled and stepped forward to persuade:”Lord Orvis, Alice also wants to see her Lord Ayse very much!

If you don’t let her see him, she won’t be attentive when you let her practice spiritual illusion later!”

“”Huh? Practicing spiritual power?” Ovis looked at Sophia in confusion:”We don’t have a teacher or books, how can Alice practice?””

“”I’m sorry, Lord Orvis, I’ve been hiding something from you!” Sophia slowly walked towards a wall.

Esther and Orvis followed closely behind.

After Sophia fumbled on the wall for a while, a painting suddenly appeared on the wall.

Orvis’ pupils dilated and he was surprised:”Huh? I’ve been to this castle so many times, but I’ve never seen this painting! When was it here?”

Esther felt the faint breath on the painting:”A kind of mental illusion, this should also be left by the white-haired woman!”

“Yes, Mr. Esther is right!” Sophia took a book from behind the painting:”This is a method of practicing mental illusion written by the white-haired woman!

She said that when Alice is eighteen years old, her own mental illusion will reach its peak, and then the practice will progress very quickly! And the illusion methods will be more sophisticated!

At that time, I was still hesitating whether to let Alice practice this method, which would bring danger to myself!

In the current situation, it seems that Alice has to practice this method!

At least after practicing to become a professional mental illusionist, no matter whether Snow White comes back in the future, Alice will have the means to protect herself!”

Sophia came to Esther with the book:”Mr. Esther, this book is up to you, give it to Alice tonight!”

“Eh?” Orvis was stunned:”Let Esther go? In the evening? Is it appropriate? Madam, do you want to reconsider it? Change it to a time when we are here!”

After handing the book to Esther, Sophia turned around and comforted Orvis:”Okay! Lord Orvis, didn’t you just say that Mr. Esther is your good son-in-law?

And Mr. Esther is an exorcist, it is most appropriate for him to hand this book with magic to Alice!

Alice will be obedient and study hard if Mr. Esther gives it to Alice!”

Sophia persuaded while helping Orvis go downstairs and leave…0

Halfway through the walk, Orvis turned his head and warned:”Boy, just hand in the books! Be honest, don’t do anything else!”

“Let’s go, Lord Ovis, young people have their own way!” Sophia turned around and reminded him,”Mr. Esther, turn the vase downstairs and enter the tunnel to get out directly! No need to go through the maze!”

“Don’t do anything else!!!” Orvis added, and finally Sophia helped him into the tunnel.

Esther looked at the book in his hand, smiled and threw it into the storage space, then walked around the castle again, observed for a while, and then left the maze.

After placing Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood in the hotel, Esther went to the Duke’s Mansion to meet Alice.

Alice knew that Esther was coming, and she also made preparations early.

She tied a white bow headband on her head, changed into a blue and white floral dress, and under the skirt was also a blue and white knee-high socks.

Under the skirt, I heard Esther said that he liked her white lace, so naturally it was also a delicate lace panties.

Wearing panties At that time, Alice didn’t understand how she could choose the underwear so delicately, and it couldn’t be seen on the surface, but after all, it was Mr. Esher’s favorite, so she put it on.

Esher came to the downstairs where Alice lived. Originally, Orvis wanted to wait, but in the end 1.8 was dragged back by Sophia.

When she came upstairs, Alice saw Esher and immediately saluted Esher by holding her skirt.

Esher walked forward and smelled a comfortable fragrance before she got close.

Esher moved close to Alice’s neck. Alice shrank her neck and put her hands behind her back, and little red flowers popped up on her face.

After a moment, Alice asked shyly:”Mr. Esher, do I smell good?”

“It smells so good, I can’t help but take a bite!”

“Then…bite your lips, please!” Alice’s lips moved slightly, and she looked up at Esther.

In fact, before they met, Orvis had given Alice some instructions, that as a lady, she must be reserved.

But after Alice saw Esther, she couldn’t suppress her love at all.

Esther came close, and a kiss made Alice feel a little strange.

Esther hugged Alice’s slender waist and slowly sat down on the bed.

“Alice, you look so beautiful today!” Esther praised while kneading Alice’s soft waist.

“Mr. Esther, as long as you like it!”Hearing Esther’s praise, Alice felt a warm feeling of joy in her heart.

“After seeing the surface, what about the inside costume?”Aither looked at Alice with a sly smile, completely ignoring Ovis’s warning.

Alice smiled shyly and lowered her head, knowing what Mr. Aither was going to do.

“”It’s Mr. Esther’s favorite, white lace!”

Alice began to lift her floral skirt.

Esther gently laid Alice down, and his big hand went straight to the white lace.……

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