After Ovis’ words came out, I thought Esther would think and hesitate for a long time, and seriously weigh who was more worthy, Alice or the powerful forces behind him.

Who knew that the next second, Esther said calmly:”Oh!”

“Oh!?”It was just such a simple word. Orvis thought about it for a long time but still couldn’t quite understand what it meant.

“You made the decision so quickly? Have you really thought about escaping from the king and the prince, the two top forces in the kingdom?”

“Not escaping!” Esther stretched and stretched his muscles:”I am not from their faction at all.

My Lord Duke, when did I introduce myself? Am I someone related to the king or the prince?”

Hearing Esther’s words, Ovis turned his head and looked at Sophia. He was stunned for a long time before he began to ask Esther questions.

“What do your holy horse and your prince’s emblem mean?”

“These two? One was given by the prince who saved the prince, and the other was given by the paladin who saved the prince.-!”

It was only then that Esther realized that all his troubles were caused by these two people who showed off their power.

“Oh, that’s what I told you! How could something that represents the king and the prince appear on one person!”

Ovis smiled immediately:”Oh, okay, Alice doesn’t have to get involved in trouble in the future!

Since you are not the king and the prince’s person, then if you marry Alice, you will be mine in the future!” Sophia tilted her head to glance at the overly excited Ovis, and reminded in a low voice:”My lord, what are you talking about?”

“Oh, I was too excited and didn’t explain clearly. You still belong to Alice, but from now on, your power will belong to me, Duke Orvis! Alice is my only daughter! You just need to love her, care about her, and take care of her! Everything

I have now and in the future will be yours!”After three tests, Orvis saw Esther’s powerful strength, and he decisively recognized Esther as his son-in-law.

“”My Lord Duke, you have asked all your questions. I still have some questions to ask!”

As the nobles he met became higher and higher,

Esther discovered that this country of snow was full of hidden dangers in many aspects.

“You still have questions?”

Ovis was shocked. He didn’t expect someone to be so calm and ask his own questions when faced with the benefits of the duke’s title.

“What else do you have?

You’ve already touched Alice… You don’t want to take responsibility and run away, do you? Boy!

Then I’m going to take out the knife!”

“As for Alice, whether you agree or not, I will marry her with these things or not!”

“Oh!” Orvis breathed a sigh of relief, and reacted after a moment:”Ah?”

“My question is, Your Excellency the Duke, what is the relationship between the three of you, the King and the Prince?

To the point that you want to kill me just by seeing the Holy Horse and the emblem! Is there such a great hatred?”

“this……”Ovis took two steps to the side and said,”It’s better for you not to know this. Since you married Alice, you just need to treat her well.

Leave these matters to an old man like me!”

“Oh, I see! Then I’ll take Alice away now!”

“”Eh? Where are you taking Alice?” Orvis turned around and looked at Esther in panic.

“Since these are none of our business, I will take Alice away.

Otherwise, after you and your wife leave, it will still be Alice and I’s business. If we leave then, it will probably be difficult!”

“this……”Ovis had not expected this. After hearing what Ayser said, he was speechless for a moment.

“My Lord, what Mr. Esther said makes sense.

Even if these things don’t affect Alice now, because of Alice’s identity, these things will eventually happen to Alice and Mr. Esther!”

Ovis turned around and looked at the ruins of the maze through the window, as if he had already envisioned the future.

After thinking for a long time, Ovis finally decided to tell Esther the truth.

“Okay! Boy, let me tell you some stories about this kingdom.

The land under our feet used to be in chaos with countless tribal villages.

At that time, there was a pair of brothers, Put and Hunter, who had a crazy dream to try to unify this large piece of land.

After they had the dream, they began to recruit teams in the local village to take action.

But at that time, because they had no money and no food, and only their great dream, they only recruited one person on the first day!

That person was me! I just thought it was fun at the time!

But over time, with my help, the two of them still gathered a lot of people.

Then this great and crazy dream began!

We conquered the east and the west, and we occupied more and more land.

At that time, Put promised that after conquering a large piece of land, everyone could get a part of the territory according to their merits!

Because of this, Put attracted more followers.

And as the first person to join the team, I was promoted from a spearman to a marshal who commanded tens of thousands of people!

Then Put, Hunter and I led an army each, and set out in three directions to expand the territory from different directions.

As the war expanded to some sparsely populated areas, our team gradually encountered some strange people!

Because of these strange people, our war of conquest became difficult!

Later, Putt began to recruit these people and began to invite them to help him fight in various ways!

Later, our territory did not stop expanding until it expanded to the edge of some harsh areas!

Because Putt fought at the foot of a huge snow-capped mountain, he saw the beauty of the snow-capped mountain and established the Snow White Kingdom in the name of Snow White!

Hunter and I have the greatest merits, so naturally we have the largest territory.

Hunter entered our respective territories as a prince, and I entered our respective territories as a duke.

I was also the first person to join their team. In order to thank me, King Putt gave me an additional right that other nobles did not have, which was to have my own guard army.

After the founding of the country, King Putt felt that those strange people were too powerful.

He declared that we would build a country without magic, so that humans could live an ordinary life and no longer be disturbed by these strange things!

Of course, those strange people who helped Putt were naturally dissatisfied.

Although they gained money or other things, they still didn’t want to give up their skills and live an ordinary human life!

So they rebelled against King Put!

But at this moment, King Put’s army was strong and food was sufficient.

Even though these strange people had the ability to fight ten at a time, King Put had an army of nearly 100,000.

In addition, King Put brought out a special team of knights from somewhere, which later became the Paladins!

The largest gathering of strange people to rebel had about a hundred people!

King Put’s Paladins of 500 people killed all of the hundred or so psychics with only ten people killed!

Since then, no arrogant psychics have ever appeared in the country.”

“The king banned all superpowered people in the country, but he had a super strong team of paladins. Wouldn’t his rule be very stable?

How could the relationship with Prince Hunter and you deteriorate?”Aise summarized what Orvis said.

“Of course, it was because of this supernatural power. Although it was said that they wanted to build a country without magic, as the town continued to prosper, everyone’s life got better.

There were always some nobles who had nothing to do and wanted to study some magic, illusion, and witchcraft!

In addition, those people with supernatural powers in the folk were not killed, they just hid their edge temporarily!

As King Putt got older, he became more and more suspicious, and with the death of Queen Yiling!

King Putt began to wonder if the nobles of these territories also raised a team of paladins of their own!

The key is that the king can guess! Who would have thought that he really caught a marquis raising a group of wizards.

Now, Prince Hunter and I have the largest territory, which has become the biggest worry in King Putt’s heart.

So the king always sends his paladins to our territory to do things that embarrass us!”

“If you are embarrassed, shouldn’t you have a better relationship with the prince?”Aise suddenly remembered the story of the Three Kingdoms in China.

“Hahaha!” Orvis smiled and continued,”Yes, the relationship between our two families was very good. (To read the novels of Baoshuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

We often exchanged letters and discussed how to maximize our rights.

But all this changed after my 30th birthday party.

At that time, Prince Henry and Alice were playing in the forest and both disappeared. In the end, only Prince Henry was found!

Prince Hunter might be afraid that I would be sad or have some suspicion, so he temporarily cut off contact with me for a while.

And this was also noticed by King Putt, so after Alice disappeared, the number of Paladins coming to us became less and less!

I only have Alice as a daughter, and King Putt may think that I have no offspring.

Let me grow old like this, and then find a way to split my territory, and it won’t be a problem!

And King Putt took full advantage of this and began to make things more difficult for Prince Hunter!

At that time, Prince Hunter also sent me many letters afterwards, but after I lost Alice, I was not interested in anything, so I didn’t reply to him!

0Please give me flowers0

This led Prince Hunter to mistakenly believe that I had joined the king’s team and helped the king to fight him!

From then on, my relationship with the prince also deteriorated!

But Alice couldn’t be found, so I no longer cared about these things!”

After listening to this story, Esther compared it with what he had learned before, and suddenly found that some things became very strange.

The black prince that Alice mentioned turned out to be Prince Henry, and the white princess was Snow White.

So it was Henry who took Alice to see the twisted tree spirit.

I rushed from the twisted tree spirit to this main city.

Although it was a leisurely journey, I also rode a horse, and it took me nearly ten days to get here.

How did the two children run to the forest to play and suddenly get to the twisted tree spirit?

Also, since the relationship between Prince Hunter and King Putt is so bad!

Why did Henry give me a badge, a letter of recommendation, and a disc, asking me to go to the main country to help King Putt find Snow White?

Does he want to use me to please King Putt and improve the relationship between the two families?

Or is there another conspiracy?

The power struggle in the kingdom is really unpredictable!

“But from now on, it seems that the thirteen years of Alice’s disappearance have protected both you and Alice! Otherwise, you would probably be the same as Hunter now! You can’t jump around in the maze with Mr. Esther like this!”Sophia gently stroked Orvis’ arm, feeling like she had survived a disaster.


“What happened to Prince Hunter?”As he learned more and more about the matter, Esther felt that Henry was not simple.

“This matter has to start from the disappearance of Snow White two years ago! []

In recent years, there have been more and more strange things happening all over the country, especially in Prince Hunter’s territory.

This has led to more and more serious losses for the Paladin team on the mission.

In order to preserve the strength of his Paladin team, King Putt lifted the ban on people with special abilities that had been imposed for so many years, and issued a document system to allow everyone to cultivate their own special abilities.

Although the excessive loss of Paladins has been stopped, King Putt is still not at ease!

His most beloved daughter, Snow White, has disappeared again!

This made King Putt very anxious, and he began to search all over the country like crazy, but after searching for a long time, there was no trace of Snow White.

There were only some more dangerous areas left.

So King Putt could only send out his Paladin team to go to these places that ordinary people dare not go to, and continue to search for the whereabouts of Snow White.

But the remaining mysterious areas occupy a large area, and the Paladin team now has less than a thousand people, so it is impossible to search them all.

So King Putt issued a bounty order, recruiting supernatural warriors from all over the country to find Snow White together!

But just when King Putt was worried about the disappearance of Snow White!

Prince Hunter’s territory suddenly became peaceful, and the strange things that happened from time to time before have become less frequent now!

Moreover, Prince Hunter’s son Henry has shown extraordinary superiority in all aspects of character and ability.

What’s more precious is that Prince Henry is very close to the people!

There is no luxury and decadence of the nobility on him!

How can King Putt not worry about such an excellent prince!

So he ordered to meet this excellent prince and commend him!

Prince Hunter certainly knew that if Henry went to the main country, he would be in danger!

So Prince Henry went on a long journey on the pretext of inspecting the territory, and it seemed that he was in some crisis at the time!

So in the end, Prince Hunter went to the main country himself and met the king brother whom he had not seen for many years!

Later, after Prince Hunter returned from his home country, he fell seriously ill and coughed up blood every day. He has not recovered until today!”

“Oh!” Esther also understood why Henry was looking for people with special abilities everywhere. It turned out that he wanted to show his loyalty to the king and save his own life.

“He keeps coughing up blood every day. It seems that King Put has many talented people under his command!”

“He is the king! He has lifted the ban on supernatural powers for the entire country, so he must have been prepared long ago!”

“That……”Aise turned to look at Ovis and asked with a smile:”My Lord Duke, what are the supernatural powers you are involved in?”

“Us?” Orvis was confused.

“Alice has a special body. As her biological parents, it is impossible that you have no connection with her, right?”

“this……”Ovis frowned and turned his head to look at Sofia…Five…

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