But it wasn’t a werewolf that came out of the bushes, but a few hunters with long-handled hunting rifles. They were here to kill the werewolf.

Esther put away his holy spear and approached to talk:”Are you hunters around here?”

The hunters looked at Esther and were about to reply.

“Werewolf!”At this time, a hunter saw the werewolf on the ground and screamed.

The other hunters were so scared that they raised their guns and became alert.

“Dead…dead!” The screaming hunter finally said the second half of the sentence.

“Hey, third brother, can you breathe more heavily next time you speak? You scared us to death!” The hunter leader Hank scolded the third hunter who was accompanying him.

After Hank breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly widened his eyes:”What did you say? Dead…dead werewolf?”

Hank and several hunters carefully ran to the werewolf corpse on the ground, poked it with the barrel of the gun, and confirmed that the werewolf was really dead.

Several hunters looked at each other for a few seconds, and then they realized the existence of Esther:”Hello, warrior, did you kill this…this werewolf?”

“Yes, you are here to fight werewolves too?”

“Yes!” Hank nodded and said,”My name is Hank. We are hunters from the nearby village. May I ask what the warrior’s name is?”

“My name is Esther! I’m an… I don’t know if you’ve heard of me, but I’m an exorcist!”

Hank and several hunters shook their heads. Sure enough, the village still had no access to magic or other supernatural things.

“It’s… it’s a profession that specializes in dealing with strange creatures similar to werewolves!”

Esther briefly explained to the bearded hunter in front of him.

Hank immediately became excited:”Mr. Esther, did you solve this monster werewolf by yourself?”

Esther nodded.

This immediately caused the surrounding hunters to exclaim. After all, this monster wolf, more than a dozen hunters chased it for several days but didn’t catch it, and instead several of them were injured by the monster wolf.

“”Master Esther, please come back to the village with us. This monster wolf has hurt many of our villagers.

You have helped us a lot, and we must thank you very much!”

Hearing that Esther had solved the monster wolf alone, Hank immediately called him”Master”.

“Thank you for your kindness. I have other things to do. I will go to your village and we will talk about it later when we have a chance!

This wolf is not very harmful, it is just stronger and more agile than ordinary wolves!

Okay, you carry this wolf back to calm the villagers! I have to do other things too!”

Esther said a few words and walked towards the town. At this moment, he naturally had to deal with the matter of the enchanting candles first.

Without Rhodes’ guidance, Esther wandered around in the vast forest and walked until dawn before he walked out of the forest.

Esther just came to the entrance of the town and wanted to deal with the two shop assistants and the coquettish stepmother who had cheated him.

A group of soldiers in charge of public security rushed up and surrounded Esther.

Just when Esther was confused, the town sheriff and the coquettish stepmother Li’er appeared behind the public security soldiers.

The sheriff leaned close to Li’er’s face and asked,”Is it him? Little baby!”

“Yes, yes, that’s him! Sheriff, catch him!”

“Don’t worry, little baby!” The sheriff’s fat hand pinched Lil’s butt:”In this town, no one can escape from me!”

“Thank you very much, sir. I will go to your house this afternoon to thank you very much after I catch him!” Li’er sells out small groups and officials for benefits every day.

“Well, good, good, good!” The sheriff had another try, and came into the encirclement with his huge belly shaking.

“you……”The sheriff first looked at Esther’s body to see if there was anything related to nobility:”It must be Esther!”

“Are you the sheriff of this small town?”

“That’s right, I am the sheriff who upholds justice!” The sheriff raised his belly and answered proudly.

“No wonder these bad guys are so rampant, the local law enforcement officers are all their protectors!”

“How dare you slander me!”The sheriff saw that Esther did not have anything related to nobility, so his tone became arrogant.

“You robber, you broke into Mr. Rod’s house, killed people, set fire, robbed property, and even tried to rape the beautiful Mrs. Lil. I’m here to take you back today to rid the town of this evil!”

The sheriff accused Esther of all the crimes that were to be beheaded. It seemed that in addition to the conditions of being fucked, Lil probably added many other bribes, and his posture was to execute Esther.

The sheriff raised his hand, ready to wave his hand to order the arrest of Esther.

There was a sound of iron hooves in the distance, and the sound gradually became louder. Everyone was attracted by the posture and turned to look in the direction where the sound came from.

A team of silver-armored cavalry was seen rushing towards the town.

“Sir, it’s… it’s Lord Viscount Carl’s cavalry guards!” The sharp-eyed security soldier recognized the identity of the visitor and immediately reported to the sheriff.

“Viscount’s Cavalry Guards!” The sheriff immediately wiped his hair, stood straight, and looked ready to flatter!

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