Aiser shot several times and broke the source of the flame on the candle flame spirit’s head. The candle flame spirit’s body began to stiffen, as if it had lost its vital signs.

“It’s hard for me to tell whether this kind of demon is dead or not! Hey, brother, are you dead?”

Esther rolled half a circle on the candle fire spirit, and finally heard the system’s prompt.

【The executed fire demon spirit – Candle Fire Spirit, has devoured 20% of the demon spirit’s energy and converted it into its own adaptive ability!】

【No items to pick up】

“This kind of item monster, even the equipment won’t drop after being executed! What a loss!”

Just as Aise was complaining, a bright spark suddenly appeared above the head of the Candle Fire Spirit.

It turned out that the Candle Fire Spirit was not bragging, it was indeed the best among the monsters.

With the help of human spirit energy for only about a year, the source of fire, one of the four elements that make up the world, has already gathered in its body!

【Additional element – Fire, can be equipped on the Holy Lance to activate the Fire attribute】

“Fire element? Water, fire, earth and wind, the four origins of the foundation of the world, a little demon exploded?”

Aise immediately turned the holy spear and shot at Mars.

The Mars exploded instantly, turning into four flames and drilling into the muzzle of the holy spear.

A silky red stripe slowly appeared on the black holy spear.

Aise turned the holy spear and tried to mobilize the fire element. The whole body of the holy spear was instantly burned by the flames, and the dark gun body turned red.

“Oh my god! So cool! It’s really shipped!”

【Holy Lance: Quality (Ordinary), Additional Attribute: Fire]

Esther returned the Holy Lance to its original state, put it back into the storage space, and picked up the Candle Spirit Body on the ground and put it into the storage space.

After sorting it out, Esther began to look for the way back to the town.

With the bright moonlight, Esther quickly found the direction. Just after taking two steps, Esther heard a loud wolf howl again.

Esther slowed down his pace and looked at the pearl-like full moon in the sky.

“Why is this wolf howling so loudly? It’s a full moon night, so it won’t mutate, will it?”

This was originally a joke that Esther said to himself, but soon there was a slight noise coming from the bushes around him.

“This wild wolf won’t come to me, will it?”

Aise drew out the holy spear and stood up, his footsteps rustling on the dead leaves, and he looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out from the left hand side of Aise, and a cold and sharp claw grabbed Aise’s head.

Fortunately, Aise’s waist skills were top-notch, and he dodged it with a backward bend, then he put his palms on the ground to support himself, and kicked the black shadow out with a kick.

Aise straightened his waist, stood up, and observed the attacking black shadow in the moonlight.

The black shadow was a wolf-headed humanoid monster, tall and burly, with clear muscle lines and full of power.

The whole body was covered with a layer of rough gray hair, which shone silver in the night, and the eyes flashed green light, revealing a wild cunning and danger.

The werewolf grinned, revealing a row of sharp fangs, which reflected the cold light in the moonlight, and the corners of his mouth were infiltrated with disgusting mucus.

“I was just joking, how come a werewolf really appeared!”

The werewolf seemed to have no intelligence and could not understand Esther’s human words. Its sharp claws dug into the soil and it rushed towards Esther.

Esther reacted quickly, raised the holy spear, and observed the werewolf’s running trajectory. The bullet was quietly waiting for the order to fire in the gun chamber.

The werewolf seemed to recognize firearms. After seeing Esther raise the holy spear, it stopped, and its green eyes flashed with hesitation and fear.

But soon, the werewolf let out a deafening howl, trying to intimidate Esther and distract him.

Then he rushed towards Esther desperately.

Esther calmly pulled the trigger, the holy spear made a crisp sound, and the bullet was fired, hitting the werewolf’s heart.

The werewolf howled in pain, fell to the ground, and his body began to tremble.

“Ha!” Esther breathed a sigh of relief:”Sure enough, within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate! No matter how ferocious you are, you are still a carbon-based creature! I can’t kill you!”

Esther quickly fired another shot, and only went forward to check the situation after the werewolf stopped moving.

【The execution beast mutant wolf has devoured 20% of the beast’s energy and converted it into its own adaptive ability!】

【Pickup items: wolf meat, wolf skin, wolf fangs, wolf bones】

“What is this? It’s just a mutant beast! It’s not a real werewolf! How many copper coins can these flesh, skin, teeth and bones be sold for?”

Aise kicked the dead wolf on the ground. It couldn’t tell whether it had been mutated by drinking medicine or being cast a spell.

After thinking for a moment, Aise decided not to take this huge mutant wolf with him. It took up too much space and was not worth it.

Just as Aise was about to leave, there was a slight noise in the bushes around him.

“What else?”

Aise turned the holy spear and switched to the fire element state.

“All right! If there are more wolves, I can knock out your teeth and make a tooth necklace, which is worth some money!”

Aise leaned against the tree, ready to go…

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