An ear-piercing dragon’s scream.

Spreading magic and mana. Poison spread everywhere, of course, people. It was acidic enough to melt any metal at once.

It is such a space. Where Benia is running rampant. No matter how extraordinary a human being, he will never be able to enter the human level.

The moment it enters, the poison melts your body. Even if they survived the poison, they couldn’t withstand the mana and piercers that the dragon exhaled.

After that, the breath and various magic will fly away. It’s hard to get in, but it’s said to be hell after coming in.


-Let’s go back.

That man did it. He entered through the poison and looked at himself as if nothing had happened.

let’s go back This is not the place you should be.

It was a little thrilling. I wanted to nod my head. I wanted to say thank you.

But it is impossible. I lost control of my body. by an irresistible power.

So I had no choice but to watch him struggle.

Chains are tied to the dragon’s legs and fly away. I was desperate for no means to fly.

After the ride, it was even worse. A fight between those who want to break free and those who do not want to fall.

It does not end at the level of twisting the whole body. Even though he moved his body almost as if he was spinning in mid-air, he pierced his sickle. chained up and held on.

Avoid flying attacks and cut magic. It wasn’t a battle that was possible at the level of effort.

The man did it.

Coming. increasingly. In a space where it is difficult to even breathe, he does not distort his expression.

It would be possible to sell it at least once, but instead of doing so, it runs in a straight line.

In the end, his body couldn’t stand it and let out a breath—

do not avoid run and cut Even the breath seems to be part of magic, and as soon as it is cut, it disappears like a fool.

it was simultaneous gap for a while. accelerated and moved on.

run jumps Crouching down, prepare to cut the scythe downwards.

Of course cutting is-


That big-bodied dragon made a strange sound. No, is it something only Benia can hear?

I do not know. I don’t know.

body returned to normal. Not in the form of a rampage, but in the form of a maid that I usually enjoy.

it was simultaneous To catch the man who reached out his hand towards him. eyes meet With a man with blue eyes glimmering.

with black eyes.

The man chuckled.

“What do you mean?”

I couldn’t answer. I couldn’t say anything. To be honest, I was prepared to die.

It happened because of his own arrogance. Not wanting to harm humans, he fled into the air.

I was going to run wild on my own, and when I ran out of strength, I thought I would die. However, no matter how long a living creature may live.

Even if it transcends providence.

I couldn’t see beyond death. I was afraid. That’s when this man came.

at no cost. without any worries.

Benia gave strength to her clasped hands. He forced his mouth to move and laughed.

[How many times? I’m not sure how many.]

This wasn’t even the first time. while dying. He helped Benia. If I had been there alone, I would have died.

Thinking so, I owed him an indelible debt.

[Thank you.]

So, you have no choice but to repay it for the rest of your life.

[Thank you very much.]

falls Two people leaning on their clasped hands fell towards the sea. The clouds around him gradually faded away.

“What do you think. Did you understand a little bit what I said?”

I didn’t have to ask what it was. A person’s life has a fixed value. I couldn’t deny that.

Well, of course, because Benia is feeling the most right now.

There’s no way you can measure the life of this man in front of you and the first person you see.

nodded. The man smiled saying it was good. face turned red

Read at


escaping from among the clouds The scattering poison clouds as if making a path for the two of them created a pretty cool scene.

Behind that cloud, a man smiled. You could say it was magnificent.


Benia grabbed his hand tightly with both hands. There was no time to worry about the feeling of floating on the back.

Bring your hands to your chest. He hugged her tightly and declared.

[This is the situation that you made yourself. Don’t regret it.]

“You have no regrets.”

That’s right. If it were you— Benia who muttered did her best to laugh.


It was because I was too tired. Benia fell asleep. After that, we had a few conversations.

-How did you break through the poison cloud?

─With a spirit.

─It’s a nonsensical thing to say…

-There is nothing that cannot be done with spirit. I actually did

-No, that’s the problem…

We had the same conversations. When you think about it, it’s a little strange. He fell and said a lot.

The wyvern that Benia spurted out while running wild was avoiding herself. The poison didn’t matter.

same words.

What is the alternative reason? There was one part that I guessed, but it was absurd.

Benia thought for a long time. gave up

what’s important Lee Sung-hoon is just Lee Sung-hoon.

‘There is only one in the world.’

Thinking that far, Benia opened her eyes. I woke up thinking that I couldn’t fall asleep again in my mind that was getting clearer—


Seong-Hoon Lee is there. He was sitting next to the bed he was lying on, looking down with his legs crossed and his chin crossed.

with great eyes.

“Are you awake?”

Though the eyes were indifferent, as if they had no emotion, Benia had no choice but to get up with trembling.

[Whoa, what?!]

He brought the blanket that was covering him and covered it, and hugged himself against the wall of the bed. Because it was a typical form of defense. Lee Sung-hoon let out a smirk without knowing it.

“what are you doing. You were just taking care of me.”



Is it like that? Is it okay to be a caregiver? I didn’t like it at first. As soon as I woke up, I could see his face, which was just embarrassing.

Benia blinked her eyes a little with a slightly red face. I lay down in my original seat.

Actually, I was a little tired, so I decided to follow my instincts.


Lee Seong-hoon made an absurd expression, but Benia’s actions later made his expression even worse.


with hands outstretched. waiting. He buried his face in the blanket and held out his hands. If Lee Seong-hoon kept looking at him because he wanted to do something, he kept doing it without saying a word.

“Is this?”

Even if you hold out scissors in your outstretched hand.

“Is this?”

Even if I raise my fist to see if I have to lose.

“Then this?”

Even if I try to hold my phone in case I don’t know, there is no answer. After thinking for a long time about what the hell is going on, Lee Seong-hoon handed him his hand.

As if to check if this was a hand, Benia, who had been kneading several times, took her face out of the blanket.

“What are you really doing?”

[There is such a thing. As a patient, please do this.]

“I am also a patient. I suffered too. Did you have a hole in your shoulder?”

[Me too.]

“You are not even a hole!!”

It’s just stuck there, but isn’t a hole a hole in the end? Benia pulled out her tongue and smiled weakly.

“Eh. Let’s not talk.”

I was exhausted now, but I sighed. The hand he held did not let go. It felt so good, Benia, who covered her mouth with a blanket, laughed softly.

“Okay. I’ll tell you what happened while you were sleeping.”

It is said that Benia slept for two days. Fortunately, it is said that the situation was not well seen by Justitia because of the poison it spewed out during the runaway.

Just treat it as a natural disaster like a tsunami and end it. The news came out that it was fortunate that there were no casualties.

[Of course. If there would have been casualties, I wouldn’t have suffered.]

“yes. I’m the one who suffered, but I don’t know why you’re so triumphant.”

[Aren’t we one heart? Your achievements are mine.]

“Say something that makes sense.”

Lee Sung-hoon even beat Benia, who had made him weak from the past, and continued his conversation.

Originally, I had planned to rest in Rare, but soon after the pieces were gone, there was a risk of running out again, so I decided to let Raphael rest in a nearby place.

That’s it. It was the reason I could see Lee Sung-hoon’s face as soon as I woke up.

Not knowing what it was, Benia nodded her head in gratitude.

“Any more questions?”


As soon as Benia finished answering, the hand she was holding came out. I pouted my lips in regret.

The item Lee Seong-hoon brought made his lips go back in.


“You have to eat and get better.”

I can’t help but tilt my head at those words. yeah-

[Dragon is not allowed to eat. Mana is a staple food, but it is useless nutrition.]

“Well. I don’t mean that. You eat it with a little sense of consciousness.”


“yes. It means to get well soon. there’s nothing wrong with it It has no taste.”

if that means Benia is about to accept the porridge Lee Seong-hoon gives—


The reason is simple. Because there was one thought running through my head.

[I can not eat porridge.]

“The story is over.”

[no. You can’t eat it, but if you want to eat it.]

Having said that, Benia raised the blanket under her eyes. Because he didn’t want to show his blushing face.

[Gee, feed yourself.]

I know it’s nonsense, but Still, it is selfish. If not at this time, when will it be filled?

He was even more embarrassed by his stuttering. Lee Sung-hoon’s brief worries seem like eternity.

After waiting for such a long time, a familiar sigh is heard.

Without a word, he rattles the bowl, and the porridge approaches this way.

Benia closed her eyes. I couldn’t seem to get my eyes open.

When I close my eyes to the approaching porridge, lower the blanket and open my mouth—


Something came in with the sound of the door opening. Little gold child. Next to him is a slightly larger black-haired child and a large blonde.

What do you mean-


Raphael sees with interesting eyes. After understanding the situation, she walks slowly after Leviathan ran.

He took the porridge in Lee Seong-hoon’s hand, and put Levitain on it as if he was a minister.

After that, it’s simple.

“Benia. I will feed you.”


“Open your mouth!!”

Benia did not open her mouth until the end.

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