The dragon’s roar resounds. A transcendental species that is difficult to even see once in a lifetime.

Everyone in Justitia is running wild in the sky, where everyone can see it. There seems to be nothing to see.

It screams and trembles painfully. It wraps itself around its body and spews poison that seems to dissolve anything.

It was invisible due to the poison mist, but its existence was firmly felt even from several tens of kilometers away.

The waves of magic and mana make the body numb to the extent that the skin trembles. If it was right in front of it, it sends a wave of life that no one can survive.

The crowd fell into confusion. There is no way to overcome it. It’s like a natural disaster. There is no way humans can stop the dragon from running rampant.

It would be a different story if it lasted longer.

No one could move hastily. The same goes for those who are praised as archmages.

The same goes for those called the Demon Kings. everyone stay still. I had no choice but to watch the dragon run wild.

Except for one.

“Can’t you fly a little faster?! One hour is urgent!! What if a plane passes by?!”

“It’s the plane’s fault!! It’s hard to drive because it only has 4 wings, so you keep talking to me?! Are you really ashamed? Are you going to die of shame that you hugged me?! Are you talking to me?!”

“What is he saying now?! Last time, I only smoked 6, so why 4?!”

“Sunghoon doesn’t seem to know the concept of charging!!”

It’s kinda stupid though.

was moving steadily.


the wind stings my eyes It was flying so fast that it could not float properly, but that poison cloud was too far away.

It’s hard to even breathe properly, and it’s probably because it’s the first time flying, so if you look down, your heart is pounding.

nevertheless I

I entrusted everything to the guy holding my body and flying. It’s not reliable, but-

It’s not the time to cover cold or hot rice.

“But how did it happen? It’s been a while since I’ve seen Dragon Form, but it’s scary.”

“It happened.”

“If I didn’t have my shoulder, what would I do with it?”

“There’s no way you won’t be by my side.”


what. why don’t you answer No matter how much he looked up, Raphael’s face could not be seen.

Curious, because it’s not important right now. He looked forward again with serious eyes.

“It’s my fault.”

I couldn’t leave Mine alone. I thought I was going to die on my own, but I hit the back of the head properly.

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Usually, Main asks for help in that situation. You have to make a wish that can’t be fulfilled, and disappear with only your soul ripped out due to lack of ability.

But the guy was different.

I prayed for something other than a wish to save my life. The pieces of Benia were filled with magic again.

A mistake made by my negligence.

Even Benia was able to finish without running into a runaway. It was a chance to recover Mine’s plan and 2 pieces—

Sprinkle ashes on the cooked rice.

“You have to take responsibility.”

“Responsible and sleep. Be sure to save Benia. There are a lot of games that haven’t been decided yet.”

“don’t worry.”

“It’s not just that. There are children’s books that I used to read to Leviathan.”


“I promised Shion and I would watch Rare. He also taught me magic.”

did a lot

“Lily and I have cooking practice, and I told Lachesis that I would make a cat tower.”


“You know what? What am I talking about?!”

I understood perfectly. Without that damn dragon, our daily lives wouldn’t work.

You don’t need a grand reason to save that guy.

For the relationship with the dragon, to prevent destruction, to save Justitia.

Those things don’t matter now. Just a stupid maid who knows how to be smart about a stupid subject.

We are going to save our fool who shines in purple.

I nodded, and I felt Raphael nod too.

“But how are you going to break through that poison cloud? Just by looking at it, everything it touches will melt.”

“It’s not the same, it’s true.”

Everything it touches melts away. That’s why Benia also moved into the air when she was conscious.

into the empty air. It seems like time is running out, so I can’t go far.

rather good ‘Cause I can go get it

“Did I just hear it wrong? I don’t No, I can’t!!”

“Finish your form?! go fast!! no time!! I mean, move as fast as possible before he notices!!”

“What will happen if you notice?!”

Why are you asking the obvious? of course-

“Do not attack!!”

it was simultaneous Maybe it was because we were too noisy. Or maybe it was noticed from the beginning.

We, who had been screaming and fighting until just now, also became quiet.

For a simple reason.

Something spewed out of the poison cloud that had just twisted and screamed.

At first I thought it was an attack, but it was different. More than an attack.

It’s not a one-time attack, it’s a shooting-down missile that can target us over and over again.


About 6 wyverns come out with poison. It flies with its sharp teeth and nails sparkling.

In the open mouth, saliva becomes a line and cuts off. There was no time to frown at the disgusting thing.

“Raphael, hurry up!! Avoid it quickly!”

“to?! Uh, where?!”


I cried out in a hurry, but it was unavoidable. Raphael was originally an angel who flew in the sky with 12 wings.

Eight of them were torn off, but it’s a miracle to be able to fly like this.

What do you mean-


It is said that it is impossible for me to fall like this. The first few times I wanted to dodge well, but I could not avoid all the attacks of the six Wyverns.

A direct hit to the tail or body that passes by naturally. Raphael dropped me.

Reaching out to me to somehow retrieve it. I stretch too. but it didn’t reach

Calling each other’s names and falling apart, nothing changed. It seems that the Wyvern will not miss the falling me.

While running with sharp teeth—


He turned towards Raphael and climbed up.

“no. Are you saying that a wingless bird is not even worth eating?”

this is kinda sad

by the way how am i


I’m used to falling now. I can’t even remember how many times I fell after coming to this world.

Now I don’t scream or yell like a child.



“If you fall, what is your chance of survival? Can we survive because there is water under it?”

[You think it’s a game? It’s like an instant death.]

It’s not that scary though. I had goosebumps all over my body. driving me crazy. How come there is no way

Leviathan and Shion didn’t bring Benia because they didn’t want to show them, but if they had known this, they would have brought it.

What would have happened if there was Zion! I regret it now, but it is my father’s heart that he does not want to show anything that is not good for his emotions.

[Still, don’t worry.]

Is this kidding? If you tilt your head at the strange sound of Lachesis—

The body that was descending vertically stopped. It’s been a while since I moved around like a spring.

When you look up at the sudden change, there—

“Oh yeah. He is a very hands-on person.”

There is a white haired angel. They took me forward and put them in a face-to-face position, so I could see them well.

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Unlike Raphael, who can only spread up to 6 wings, an angel who spreads all 10 pure white wings.

The light from the wings is so beautiful that you can think of it as a halo.

Contrary to that sentiment, I had no choice but to scream. Yes, you are a life saver.


“Well, what is it? If you like it so suddenly, don’t you miss it.”

“No, thank you. How did you get here?”

“If it were you, I thought you would have approached me to stop that dragon, so I flew. It’s not like I’m really worried or anything like that. I am here to help.”

It really helped a lot. When I said thank you with a smile, Michael turned his face back in surprise—

turned me back He didn’t quite understand what the situation was, but Michael seems to have already grasped the whole situation.

“I saw everything when I came. Right now, I’m in a situation where I can get rid of two rivals, but I’m still a fair fighting angel.”

What do you mean? I wonder if I understand the real situation.

“First we need to save both Raphael and Benia. Do you see the wyverns being chased by the wyvern from afar? I can also hear them say, ‘Lee Sung-hoon, don’t leave me alone!!’”

“You don’t even have to say that.”

“Well, there is one thing I want to say. I’ll save Raphael. You are saving Benia.”

how? before even asking the question. Michael takes a pose. Like a player throwing a shot put.

As soon as I got into that position, I understood the situation.

“It’s a simple situation. Benia is on a run. If you get close, it will attack unconditionally. But flying is suicidal. We need to get into the poison cloud quickly.”

this guy

“Then there is only one way. You go into the clouds. I am saving Raphael. It’s a one stone two pair.”

intend to throw me

“Come on, wait a minute!! Even if you’re a gorilla, that’s impossible!! What if I get a breath on the way?”

“I believe.”

“I’m the one who needs help more than faith!! accurately. And safely in front of Benia—”

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

My words did not follow. The reason is, of course, one.


Because it was a bullet.

From afar, the saying, ‘I give up even the chance to take over and help out, but I talk a lot.’

Guess I didn’t hear it


Benia had a dream.

I don’t know why.

Did my mind fall asleep because I lost my body? Or it is not known whether the body is struggling to protect even the mind.

One thing is important.

I had a dream of the past. That’s the only one.

Benia didn’t like humans from the beginning. Like other dragons, I had only seen it as a passing ant.

Then one day.

A man came I’m at war with the devil, so I asked you to lend me your strength.

Of course he refused. There was no reason to lend. Then the man asked for something else.

He asked for the ‘blood’ of a dragon so that humans could become stronger. There was no reason to listen to this either.

Why waste precious blood on humans? Even if you drink blood, you can’t adapt and you just die.

But there was a momentary whim. I thought, ‘What if I give a little blood and enjoy the nightlife?’

Because entertainment is important to the dragon, he lent his blood, and the result was catastrophic. The man who had adapted to blood began to win and win against the devil who could not use his powers.

In the end, seeing the war leading to victory, Benia shuddered. Humans have endless possibilities.

you can do anything They live less than 100 years, and they shine so brightly.

It was from then. What made her fall in love with humans? What made me live among those shining humans.


Benia opened her eyes. I have a thought in my mind that is not yet complete.

A thought that contrasts with the dream I just had.

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Until now, I thought that all humans were shiny. I thought I couldn’t follow the light.


-The value of life is different.

‘Is it real?’

laughter comes out His body was taken away, but he seemed to be smiling like that. sight is visible

In the sight that roars and moves at will, something pops out from among the poisonous clouds that no human can ever penetrate.


Black hair and black eyes. A man in a black robe. As if nothing happened, he jumped out and called his name.

It seems that the roaring dragon is not afraid of the breath and mana it exhales.


“Let’s go back.”

Only then do you realize Not all humans shine. Hiding among the few shining lights, he was only living under the light.

“Your house is [inventory].”

What really shined was something else.

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