Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 5: The Monster at the Village Entrance

System prompt: Please give your character a name.

A blank note appeared in front of him.

Xiao Jie thought about it and chose a game name that he used to use - Yin Yue Sui Feng.

What surprised him was that this game did not have the process of face-pinching and career selection, and the screen directly switched to his character.

A thin man wearing only shorts, holding a wooden stick in his hand.

[Wooden stick (one-handed blunt weapon)

Attack power: 8 blunt attack.

Item introduction: A simple weapon made of tree branches, which can produce a certain degree of lethality when swung with full force. It is said that the wooden stick is the first weapon created by ancient humans, and thus it has become the only thing for the returnees who have nothing.

This is too shabby, right? Not even a piece of cloth?

Xiao Jie complained in his heart and familiarized himself with the key position. As a professional player with more than ten years of gaming experience, he has basically figured out the operation method of this game in a short time.

WASD is for movement, left key for attack, right key for blocking, can run and jump, standard over-the-shoulder perspective operation mode.

What surprised him was that the action module of this game was quite powerful. Through the fine adjustment of the mouse, you can attack and block from different directions. This is a bit similar to Mount \u0026 Blade, but Mount \u0026 Blade can only attack from four directions, while this game can attack and defend from every different angle.

You can also roll and jump, and you can charge and release heavy attacks by pressing buttons, which has some shadows of soul games.

But what Xiao Jie found most incredible was the game's simulation, both the action and the sense of attack were extremely real.

Generally speaking, the characters of online games are more "floating" when operating, but this game does not have that floating feeling at all. Its feel is completely better than those single-player masterpieces that Xiao Jie has played. This game is even a little too real, so that there is a strong sense of lag when playing. The button has been pressed, but the character's action seems to be always half a beat slower.

But Xiao Jie knows that this is not a shortcoming. In fact, it is precisely the amazing part of this game. This performance is actually closer to the real human behavior pattern. It will be a little uncomfortable at first, but once you master it, you will have a strong sense of substitution.

In the final analysis, all games are some form of simulation of reality. The more realistic the simulation, the stronger the player's sense of immersion will be, and the stronger the sense of achievement after defeating the enemy will be.

What surprised him even more was the way to interact with NPCs, not through the dialogue bar.

He walked up to an NPC old man and wanted to talk to him, but found that he could not find the dialogue option. At this time, a system prompt popped up on the interface.

[System prompt: Players can interact with the characters around them through voice. ]

Voice interaction?

Xiao Jie thought, is it true? Is it so advanced?

"Hello!" He tried to say to the microphone.

The old man really seemed to hear him and nodded at him.

"Hello, young man, you look like a returnee."

Damn, it really works! Xiao Jie was more and more shocked. So smart? Could it be the legendary artificial intelligence technology?

He suddenly became interested, and he didn't know how smart the artificial intelligence of this game was.

Can it completely simulate the language behavior logic of an old man? If it can really be done, it would be amazing. How high the degree of freedom of this game must be.

"Yes, old man. I am Yinyue Suifeng. I just came here. May I ask where this place is?"

"This is Ginkgo Valley. Our village is called Ginkgo Village. It belongs to Fengyinzhou. However, since the disaster, we have lost contact with the state government. Now there are monsters everywhere outside. If you like, stay for a few more days. Some returnees came here a few days ago, but they left after a few days. They went outside the village and now I don't know whether they are alive or dead... Alas"

Xiao Jie was shocked when he heard the old man's words.

Although it was just a few simple conversations, this kind of interactivity was completely close to real people.

Liu Qiang was right. This game can definitely change the future.

And it must be said that the optimization of this game is really amazing. Although it is an online game, it is smoother than a stand-alone game, and the picture is extremely real, so that his old computer with a 1060 graphics card can still run smoothly.

He can't wait to explore outside. As long as there is no problem with the combat part of the game, it is definitely promising.

At this time, Han Luo also ran over, Xiao Jie thanked the old man, and the two walked out of the village.

"Don't go out, it's dangerous outside." The old man was still nagging, and his eyes could not hide his worry.

But the two were in high spirits at this time and didn't care at all.

They walked out of the village excitedly.

Five minutes later-

The two found the first monster in the game.

"This guy looks a bit fierce."

Xiao Jie was holding a wooden stick, hiding behind the bushes, looking at the "lost soul bandit" in front of him, and said worriedly.

It was a strong man wearing studded leather armor. The broken armor could not hide his mighty figure. He had a sturdy back and a big knife on his shoulder. The rusty blade seemed to still have blood on it. The bandit's face showed a twisted and crazy expression, but his eyes were extremely empty, probably related to the word "lost soul", and it looked even more murderous under ultra-high resolution.

In comparison, the two naked people holding a wooden stick were not to mention how shabby they were.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a small monster near the village entrance. How powerful can it be? Let's go!" Han Luo didn't care and wanted to go up and fight the monster.

Xiao Jie thought so. In this kind of dark style game, the monsters are usually made scary, but they may be just so-so in real fights.

Besides, it's just a game. It doesn't matter if you are killed. You can just revive and start over.

"Okay, I'll go up and attract hatred first, and you sneak attack from behind."

"Got it."

The two rushed towards the bandit one after the other.

The bandit saw it and rushed towards Xiao Jie with a big knife.

Xiao Jie swung a stick, but the bandit didn't dodge and chopped him on the head. Xiao Jie wanted to test the damage of this monster, so he didn't dodge and exchanged a knife directly.

Bang! -7.

Puff! -28

When the wooden stick hit the bandit, Xiao Jie was also chopped by the bandit.

(Fuck, such high damage! Where are the monsters at the entrance of the village?)

Xiao Jie was shocked to see that one third of his health bar was gone in an instant. This game design is too bad. The monsters at the entrance of the village are so fierce.

Seeing the bandit swinging his knife again, Xiao Jie did not dare to fight him again, but raised his stick to block and retreated.

This game has a parry function. You can adjust the direction of the parry by pressing the right button and moving the mouse. Similarly, you can also adjust the direction of the attack when attacking. So in theory, as long as you judge the opponent's attack direction at the moment the opponent attacks, and aim at the same direction to parry, you can defend against the enemy's attack.

However, theory is just theory after all. Since the attack angle can be freely selected, you must judge the enemy's attack direction and parry in an instant. This operation is undoubtedly quite difficult.

As long as there is a slight mistake, the defense may fail. Fortunately, Xiao Jie's game level is not ordinary.

Bang, block a knife.

However, the second and third knives came immediately, and the knife momentum was extremely fast. Xiao Jie parried repeatedly.

Even though Xiao Jie's gaming skills were very high, he could only barely block two attacks. When he blocked the third attack, his angle was slightly off, and the opponent broke through his defense and slashed him with a knife.



Blood splattered, and only a bloody skin was left.

Seeing his character covered in blood, Xiao Jie felt a sense of uneasiness for no reason, as if his life was really hanging by a thread.

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