Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 4 Mysterious Old Land

"Brother Xiao! Brother Xiao! Good news, great news!"

Xiao Jie was counting the inventory in the studio when he heard Han Luo rushing in shouting.

"I said, can you please stop being surprised?" Xiao Jie felt helpless.

He was a bit unbearable by his best friend Han Luo's sudden character.

Han Luo didn't take it seriously and whispered mysteriously: "Guess who I met when I went out to eat just now?" After saying this, Xiao Jie revealed the answer in advance before Xiao Jie could guess, "That boy Liu Qiang!"

Xiao Jie frowned immediately when he heard the name, "How dare that bastard show his face? Didn't you punch that kid a few times?"

Xiao Jie really didn't have a good impression of Liu Qiang, the culprit who indirectly led to the dissolution of the studio.

"Don't tell me, I really wanted to fuck him at that time. Who knew that this guy was quite sincere when he saw me? He said that he was sorry for us and wanted to give us some compensation. Recently, there was a The game bricks project is in urgent need of expert help. I want to hire me with a monthly salary of 15,000 yuan, five insurances and one housing fund, plus a year-end bonus.”

Xiao Jie sneered, Liu Qiang, that bastard, is a ghost if his words are reliable.

"Did you agree?"

"Damn it, am I the kind of person who is unjust for profit? Besides, I know that kid Liu Qiang. He is nothing. I won't be fooled. I said I was following you and let him die. This heart.

But guess what, Liu Qiang was very excited when he heard that I was hanging out with you, and gave me the activation codes for two new games. He said that this game is very fun, and it is definitely the future of the gaming industry, the kind that can completely change our destiny. game.

And he swears that this game is absolutely fun. In his words, 'It's so fun.'

It is also very suitable for moving bricks. The game coins inside are valuable. It is not easy to earn tens of thousands of yuan a month by just swiping a little.

I was thinking that our studio would have a new project now, so I quickly brought it back to you. "

After saying that, he had to take out a note and two cards.

Xiao Jie glanced at the note and saw a website address on it.

I don’t know what material the two cards are made of. They are dark and heavy to the touch. Each has a series of golden numbers written on them. The workmanship is very exquisite. They should be the so-called activation codes.

Xiao Jie took one and looked at it, thinking that it looked quite similar.

But he shook his head, "What good things are you thinking about? You can still take what that kid said seriously. Besides, consulting is so advanced these days. It is already known to everyone that there is such a good game. How can it be his turn to sell favors. "

Han Luo was stunned and scratched his head. He felt that this seemed to be the case, but he was still unwilling to accept it. "Let's give it a try. What if it's true? Our studio hasn't had much business recently anyway."

Xiao Jie sighed, "Then let's try it."

He turned on the computer, entered the URL on the paper, and pressed Enter. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a game website.

"Old Earth"? Never heard of it at all.

From the introduction, it seems to be an oriental fairy and demon style game.

The several game illustrations on the homepage of the website are quite gloomy, showing a sense of decadence unique to Souls-based games, but apart from some simple scenery, there is no detailed introduction to the gameplay.

Looking at the crude website, Xiao Jie no longer had any hope, but seeing Han Luo's excitement, he still couldn't bear to be disappointed.

Just give it a try.

The two of them each entered the activation code, created a game account, and chose to download the game. The game was soon installed.

Looking at the strange game icon on the desktop that looked like a broken disk, Xiao Jie clicked to enter the game.

The first is a piece of game CG animation that is unclear.

[On the other side of the starry sky, there is our hometown - the old land. 】

In the picture, a majestic scene of a vast land emerges. The primitive earth rises from the ground among trees and lava.

[It was once the world of the immortal ancestral dragon and the immortal fire bird, but the immortal will eventually decay, and the immortal will eventually be destroyed. 】

In the picture, there are majestic dragons exuding golden light, and phoenixes exuding red flames. They fight and kill between heaven and earth, creating a tragic and magnificent doomsday-like scene.

[There was once a world of giants and wild beasts, but the giant eventually fell, and the wild beasts returned to ignorance and barbarism. 】

The weapons wielded by the giants controlled flames and torrents, and they fought with equally huge beasts. There were corpses and blood everywhere.

[It was once a world of gods and immortals, but the gods were annihilated and the immortals retreated into hiding. 】

This time, there were no overly bloody scenes. There were only broken floating islands, dilapidated palace buildings, and desolate courtyards covered with withered grass on the screen, giving people an extremely desolate feeling.

[That is also the human world, your old home. 】

The scene turned to the scene on the earth, including thatched huts and thatched pavilions, town markets, and people in Chinese costumes walking between the fields, a bustling scene.

[However, as the end of the world approaches, terrifying evil spirits roam the world, cities turn into ruins, and fields are filled with corpses and blood. 】

Various monsters appear in the picture, devouring humans, cities collapse and become desolate, and the fields are filled with skeletons.

[It was also the residence of a saint. Only a saint knows the truth of this doomsday. Only a saint can discern the mystery of salvation. 】

However, when disaster strikes, the saint also disappears. Some say that the saint returns to nothingness, some say that the saint escapes from the three realms, and some say that the saint is scattered in heaven and earth. 】

Seven men and women with different appearances appeared on the screen, and they seemed to be the so-called saints. The images of the seven "saints" disappeared one by one, and finally only a blank space was left.

[The exiled returnees from the other side of the starry sky, the long-lost homeland has opened its door again. The call of the old land leads you to embark on the road to return home, to find the lost saints, and to explore the truth of the end of the world. ]

As the game CG ended, Xiao Jie found that his character appeared in a desolate mountain village.

Xiao Jie looked at the game screen on the computer screen, and his calm face, which had not changed for thousands of years, rarely showed a trace of surprise.

"This game... is interesting!"

Although the game CG is a bit inexplicable, the style of the game really made him look sideways.

The dilapidated wooden house, the desolate mountains, the lush trees, and the mottled light falling from the branches and leaves... the slightly gloomy sky and the sound of wind in the ears.

Everything is so real, it's like peeping into another real world from the screen.

Only when the game interface was displayed in the corner of the screen did he realize that this was not a blockbuster movie, nor was it a real picture taken in real time, but a genuine game scene.

"How about it? Am I right? This game is definitely worth doing." Han Luo said excitedly, rubbing his hands, with an eager expression, "Now our studio finally has a project."

Xiao Jie nodded slightly. It was true. Although he had not played the game in depth, just the expressiveness of the picture showed that this game had great potential and was very suitable as a new project for Wuji Studio.

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