Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 244 The Enlightened Wolf Demon

"Quick! Gather the Fire Wolf King!"

Qianlong Wuyong shouted hurriedly, and in an instant, all the bows, crossbows and flying knives flew towards the Wolf King.

However, it is still a step too late. Firstly, most players are far away and it takes time to intercept. Secondly, it is not that easy to hit a long-range weapon. Whether it is a bow, arrow or hidden weapon, it has a flight trajectory, which is not like ordinary weapons. In gun shooting games, you have to shoot wherever you want, especially when hitting moving targets. You need to hit the target in advance, and most of them fail in a hurry.

Even if you occasionally hit one or two shots, it is of no use, and long-range attacks generally have no toughness-reducing effect.

Xiao Jie also raised his hand and fired a dart.

Meteor Soul Chasing Dart! -

48 (bleeding)!

But it hit the Wolf King in the back of the heart, causing a bleeding effect, but had almost no effect on movement.

At the moment when the Wolf King jumped into the air riding the giant red wolf, he was about to leap onto the hillock.

Five Thunder Techniques - Thunder Technique!


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky without warning and struck the Wolf King, splitting the Wolf King and the giant wolf on his crotch. However, it was a spell that Bai Ze had brewed for a long time, specifically to intercept the BOSS's escape at this moment.

As the lightning flashed, the giant wolf screamed and fell to the ground. However, the wolf king suddenly kicked off and landed on the hillock with a somersault despite the paralysis effect of the thunderbolt.

He turned around and glared at everyone, then jumped off the hillock. The moment he landed, he immediately got down on all fours and ran away.

day! It still ran away.

Xiao Jie was annoyed when he saw it. A flying cloud climbed over the hillock month by month and chased after him without hesitation.

Ye Luo followed closely, and three more Qinggong masters also followed.

The five people used Qing Kung in hot pursuit and were far away from the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Qianlong Wuyong shouted in YY, "Follow the BOSS and don't let it escape. The others will kill the giant wolf first and clear the area quickly!"

How could we let this half-defeated BOSS run away? The reason why we spent so much time today was not just for the drops from the BOSS. No matter how many elite monsters there were, they were just an added bonus.

But these remaining monsters had to be beaten. At this time, the giant red wolf was already fighting with everyone. It hit left and right. Its huge size brought powerful rushing ability, which made the five people responsible for blocking the mouth He had to fight hard to stop him.

However, the damage of this giant red wolf is far inferior to that of the Wolf King. It cannot pose a strong threat at all. As long as you retreat and take medicine in time, it will not be difficult to block it.

Kill the demon!

I wanted to become an immortal, I found the right opportunity and struck down with my axe, and the giant red wolf was knocked to the ground.

Several people around him took the opportunity to slash at him with spears and halberds, and some supporting players fired arrows from a distance. After several rounds of violent output, the giant wolf finally screamed and fell down.

At the same time, others also killed all the remaining mobs.

The battle is over.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Qianlong Wuyong had no time to waste.

"It's good luck - touch the body quickly, others - chase after me."

Everyone immediately ran in the direction of Bailang Cave.

At this moment, Xiao Jie, Ye Luo, and three others had followed the Wolf King to the entrance of the Hundred Wolf Cave.

This Wolf King is indeed a leader-level BOSS, and he is not very fast at running. The five of them tried their best to chase him, but they could only follow him from a distance, barely keeping up.

Seeing the Wolf King rushing to the entrance of the cave, Xiao Jie couldn't hold it any longer and suddenly threw out a dart again.

Meteor Soul Chasing Dart! -

45 (bleeding)!

This dart hit the BOSS in the back again, but unfortunately it failed to stay in the end. The Wolf King turned around and bared his teeth and roared, "Human, if you have the guts, follow me."

After saying that, he dived into the dark cave.

The five men chased them to the entrance of the cave, but they all stopped.

Looking at the dark cave, I was a little frightened. Who knows what kind of monsters and traps are hidden in this cave.

"I'll do it." Ye Luo said, holding the spell in his hand.

He muttered something - "Ghost soldiers from all directions, listen to my orders, their ghosts linger, walk alone during the day, spy for me, and obey my orders - Ji!"

A dark wind blew in the plains, and a ghost soldier was suddenly summoned.

However, only Xiao Jie and Ye Luo could see it at this time. Ye Luo said: "Go, follow the Wolf King in front, don't scare the snake."

The ghost soldier nodded and floated into the cave.

A few people followed from a distance, and not long after walking inside, they found a fork in the road. The terrain of the Hundred Wolf Cave was complicated. At first, you could still follow the bloodstains on the ground, but soon the bloodstains disappeared.

Only Ye Luo could barely indicate the direction based on the location of the ghost soldiers on the mini-map.

I was afraid of encountering an ambush or a strange group, so I could only move forward slowly. Not far away, I suddenly heard rapid footsteps behind me, and a large group of people arrived.

"How's it going? Where's the Wolf King?"

"We've entered the cave. Yeluo's ghost soldiers are following us, but we're afraid of being ambushed, so we don't dare to follow too closely."

Qianlong Wuyong pondered for a moment and said, "It doesn't matter, so many of the monsters under the Wolf King have died, and it is impossible to spawn them again in a short time. Just take advantage of the empty defense to rush in and take down the BOSS. Maybe you can also defeat these hundreds of monsters at the same time." Wolf den.

In this way, one group of people opened the way for me in front of me, and the people behind me spread out in order according to the battle formation! go ahead! "

Qianlong Wuyong led a group of generals to line up and advance in the front. The people behind followed closely in groups of five. In this way, even if there was an ambush, it would be useless. They could just crush them directly.

The team's speed of movement suddenly increased, but Qianlong Wuyong's guess was correct. The monsters in the Hundred Wolf Cave were almost empty. The people walked a long way and didn't see many monsters.

Occasionally, they encountered a few monsters, but they were easily eliminated by the people. It can be said that it was extremely empty.

Although the passages were complicated, there were ghosts to guide the direction, so the general direction would not be wrong.

After going deep into the cave for more than ten minutes, the terrain gradually went down. As they walked, the figure of the ghost floated back from the front.

Ye Luo communicated with the ghost, but his voice became surprised.

"The Wolf King is in front - hey, there is a BOSS!"

"There are other BOSSes?" Qianlong Wuyong said in surprise.

"Yes, that's what the ghost said."

"Don't be afraid, it might be another giant wolf boss. We just killed two of them, and their fighting power is just so-so. Keep moving forward."

The crowd continued to move forward, and suddenly a flat passage appeared in front of them. The ground was paved with stone slabs, and torches and cloth curtains were inserted on the walls. It was actually a human style.

After walking for a while, a huge archway appeared in front of them.

In this underground cave, it seemed quite abrupt, but there were three big characters written on the archway.

Wolf King Hall!

"Hey, what's going on?" Xiao Jie couldn't help but feel a little strange. Although these wolf kings, wolf soldiers, and wolf elite lieutenants seemed to have a very organized structure, they still couldn't get rid of the feeling of wild beasts in general.

Now what I see in front of me has some traces of civilized society.

After passing through the archway, they saw a huge cave in front of them. There were torches all around the cave, and many furniture and things were placed there. In the center of the cave was a stone bed, on which sat an old white wolf with legs crossed. He was wearing a silver robe and had a fluttering white beard, which gave him a sense of immortality. However, the old wolf's face made him look very strange.

Everyone stopped and watched from afar.

There were several wolf demon priests and a dozen wolf soldiers and guards gathered around, and the wolf king, with red eyebrows, was half-kneeling in front of the old white wolf, saying something.

"You disappoint me so much, Chimeijian. You were so easily deceived by that human and led to death, killing many of your fellow tribesmen in vain. I told you long ago that you should not raise an army out of anger. Have you forgotten everything?"

"Grandfather, I--"

"Forget it, let me meet them. Since you are guests, why don't you show up and let me, an old man, show my hospitality."

Everyone was a little surprised. The tone of this white wolf was not as vicious as other wolf monsters. Instead, it was quite scheming and had a sense of being cunning and calculating.

It was like a cunning old man.

Everyone slowly walked out of the darkness, formed a tight formation, and clicked the mouse on the top of the white wolf's head to check the level attributes.

Xiao Jie had a feeling at this time that this guy might be a level stronger than the wolf king Chimeijian.

The old white wolf continued, "Everyone, as the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. You must have come here for some purpose. I don't want to let you go empty-handed. There happens to be a golden treasure chest in my cave, which contains quite a few treasures. Why don't you take the treasures and leave this place?"

"Old Ancestor!" The red-browed man was shocked and shouted in disbelief. The wolf soldiers and wolf spirits around looked at each other in surprise.

Only a few wolf demon priests seemed not surprised by this situation.

Xiao Jie was also shocked. There are actually BOSSes who bribe players? This is really eye-opening.

At this time, the two sides are close enough, and the data on the BOSS's head is also revealed.

Dong Lingzi (the wolf demon): Level 33 BOSS. HP: 1900/3800.

Damn, a level 33 BOSS!

Hey, why is it a low-health BOSS?

Xiao Jie has also fought this kind of low-health BOSS before. The ghost general corpse owl was like this.

Looking at the white wolf's head again, there was a DEBUFF hanging on it.

[Demon Spider Poison: You are suffering from the poison of the spider demon, and all attributes are reduced by 50%]

Xiao Jie was shocked, and then he was happy. He was shocked that it was a level 33 BOSS, and he was happy that this guy was poisoned and only had 50% of his attributes. Isn't it a big gift package delivered to the door?

Qianlong Wuyong obviously noticed it, and was obviously a little hesitant.

If you accept the old white wolf's proposal, you can certainly make a fortune. The drops in the gold treasure chest are definitely not worse than those of ordinary BOSS, and you don't have to fight.

But the two low-health BOSSes in front of you are really reluctant to not fight.

So he asked in YY: "The current situation is about life and death. Everyone, do you think we should fight?"

"Fight, we must fight!"

"Damn, a half-blood BOSS, a big gift package, what are we waiting for if we don't fight."

"Go ahead, President, today our Luoyang branch will take off here."

"Fuck it, this guy will definitely produce the core items of the magic profession!"

However, not everyone supports it.

Bai Ze said uneasily: "I think we should stop while we are ahead... This old wolf doesn't seem simple."

Ye Luo also said, "I think so too, there is a long way to go."

But among the voices of the crowd shouting for fighting and killing, the opposition of a few people was really inaudible.

"Brother Suifeng, what do you think?" Qianlong Wuyong suddenly said this in YY. The main reason was that Xiao Jie had been too playful in the past, so he subconsciously asked this question.

At this moment, Xiao Jie felt hesitant in his heart. If he changed to another game, there would be no need to consider it. It would be unreasonable not to do such a good thing.

But this is a death game after all. Facing two bosses at the same time, the degree of danger is 1+1 greater than 2.

But similarly, winning means two demon pills!

What's more... a thought suddenly appeared in Xiao Jie's mind - even if he really couldn't be beaten, he could definitely run away, but... he looked at the people behind him, and they might not be able to.

After a slight hesitation, Xiao Jie still had no objection.

“I think it’s better for everyone to vote on this matter.”

Don't use the word "speechless" in Qianlong. There is no difference between this and not saying anything.

Xiao Jie thought in his heart that I would not bear such a big responsibility, but it was impossible for him to object. It would be better for everyone to vote. Anyway, the current posture of everyone is obviously to fight more.

In this way, one achieves one's goal without having to take responsibility... Does this trigger 'humanity and sophistication'?

Thinking of this, Xiao Jie felt slightly uneasy. If it had been the past, he would have put everyone's safety first.

Could it be that I was still affected by the theory of that evil Taoist? Distorted temperament?

Then he was a little speechless, Xiao Jie, Xiao Jie, what are you pretending to do? People are not punished for themselves, and they are all out to fool around. There is no one here who is not thinking about themselves, how can you come up with so many things? Hypocritical thoughts.

When his thoughts were diverging, Xiao Bailong suddenly said: "I can't agree. Who knows if this is the opponent's plan? If we go to open the treasure chest, we must change our formation. What if the wolf demon takes the opportunity to make a surprise attack?"

Qianlong Wuyong was stunned for a moment. This was indeed true. The white wolf in front of him showed such wisdom. Who knew if this was his plan?

Players rely on a tight formation to defeat monsters. If several people go to open the treasure chest and are attacked by an opportunity, it will be easy to lose troops and generals.

Thinking of this, the pressure suddenly rose. One decision could lead to the life or death of his teammates. Such a huge responsibility made him feel heavy and uncomfortable.

Alas, I am still not as good as the president at this point, so I might as well vote.

Qianlong Wuyong sighed and still initiated a vote in the group.

The voting was completed almost instantly, 38 to 5, with almost most people choosing to go ahead.

Qianlong Wuyong also made up his mind instantly. He didn't like to take responsibility, but once he decided to take action, he was very decisive and said, "Let's do it."

Dong Lingzi (Tao Dao Wolf Demon): "What, do you guys have the answer?"

"I'm sorry about this Dong Lingzi. The Wolf King's red brows have brought trouble to Luoyang Town for several years and killed countless humans. I will definitely not be able to spare its life today."

"Haha, these words of some of you are really ridiculous. I, the wolf son and grandson of the wolf in the cave, have died less in recent years? When I was in trouble here, and when I first came to this mountain to cultivate, I ordered that the wolves under my command should not be provoked. Human beings are just hunters from outside the mountains, but they come in an endless stream and kill many of my tribesmen.

Only then did I teach Chi Mei Jian some martial arts and Taoism to protect the species, but I didn’t want the killing to be endless and the hatred to be quelled.

The more you kill, the more hatred you get.

Everyone, listen to what I say today. If we can call off the troops and make a truce at this time, wouldn't it be great if the well water in Bailang Cave and Luoyang Town does not interfere with the river water from now on? Otherwise, if swordsmen and soldiers come together, I'm afraid that the Wolf King's palace will be littered with corpses and rivers of blood! "

"You can't allow others to sleep soundly where you're lying on your side. Old Wolf, there's no need to talk nonsense anymore, just do it."

"President General, this is just a bunch of remnants and defeated generals, kill them."

"Give the order, President!"

Everyone was making noises, and they were all red-eyed at the fall of the two bosses in front of them. The wave of wolf soldiers and wolf spirits killed hundreds of wolf soldiers and wolf spirits just now, and the wolf spirit captain alone killed several, and the demon giant The wolves also killed two, but there were no casualties on the players' side. No wonder everyone's morale was so high.

There are only a dozen mobs, four elites, and two BOSSs with half-health in front of them, so fighting them is not like playing.

Qianlong Wuyong said in a deep voice: "Old man, there is no need to say anything. If you don't want to participate in this matter, just leave, but this red brow must die today."

He didn't say anything for sure. It would be much easier if the white wolf in front of him left and killed the red eyebrow first, then turned around and attacked the white wolf.

At the same time, he ordered in YY.

"When the battle starts, the melee team will hold back the BOSS, and the long-range team and assassin team will kill the priests immediately!"

The white wolf was not fooled, and sighed, "Well, it seems that humans and wolves cannot coexist peacefully after all. I hope you don't regret your choice."

As it spoke, it stood up from the bed and walked slowly toward the crowd. With every step it took, its size grew larger. By the time it reached the front of the wolf formation, its originally thin and short body had grown to six inches tall. Seven meters high.

The claws were like knives, the red eyes were like lamps, and the huge body cast a huge shadow under the light of the fire, shrouding everyone's heads.

Even Dong Lingzi's voice became sharp and sharp, and he said sternly, "If you don't want to leave, then stay!"

"Do it!" Qianlong Wuyong and Dong Lingzi shouted almost at the same time.

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