Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 243 Moon Spirit Pearl

The wolf king was dumbfounded. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out how this was done.

However, the players didn't give him a chance to think.

At this moment, he heard a roar from the earthen mound behind him.

"Close the door - beat the dog!"

The heavy-armored warriors on the earthen mound jumped down all at once. Six players plus five guards directly blocked the gap in the depression and trapped all the wolf soldiers and wolf lieutenants in the depression.

However, Xiao Jie jumped onto the earthen mound with a somersault and summoned Daju.

The scene of such a large-scale event is a good time to level up and train the baby to gain experience.

After the little tiger was summoned, he immediately looked at the depression below, arched his back eagerly, and wanted to attack.

Xiao Jie hurriedly said, "Daju, stay up there and don't run around - understand."

He thought that with Daju's level 6 tiger baby, if he went down, he would be beaten to death by the wolf soldiers in one encounter. It was more appropriate to stay up there and gain experience.

The little tiger howled in dissatisfaction, but finally stood still obediently.

Xiao Jie smiled slightly, turned around and looked down at the depression. At this moment, the battle had already begun.

The first wave of attacks was the ranged group. On several commanding heights of the earthen mound, the ranged players pulled the bowstrings frantically, and dense rain of arrows was shot out frantically. Bows and crossbows were shot frantically, and kerosene and gunpowder pots were thrown down like they were free. Before the war, in order to increase the firepower output, Qianlong Wuyong specially used public funds to buy a large number of consumables for the players, striving to deal the highest damage in the first wave.

At this time, flames and explosions came one after another, and the effect was not ordinary.

But the real main output here is still Deidara.

He was seen wearing a red lotus robe, holding a lotus staff, standing on a high platform with the best view, muttering something in his mouth.

"Five Elements Magic, Fiery Fire, Flames Rage, Turn Bones into Dust, Heed My Command - Flames Dance!"

As he waved his staff, a ball of flames swirled and rose in the depression, instantly igniting the trees and shrubs in the depression into a sea of ​​fire.

The flames swirled and spread around, and the flames shot up into the sky.

The power of this powerful spell was comparable to the power of more than a dozen ranged players just now, and even the subsequent environmental damage could continue to cause more damage.

Xiao Jie was jealous, and it turned out that the wizard was really awesome. How much experience points would he gain from this.

The wolf soldiers below did not just stand there and take the beating, and almost immediately began to charge at the players.

Most of them were stuck under the earth mound, but there were still many wolf soldiers rushing towards the earth mound along several earth slopes.

This circle of earth mounds was not particularly steep, and there were several gentle slopes that could be climbed up.

Fortunately, as long as the ramp is blocked, no matter how many wolf soldiers there are, it will be useless. The players in the melee group have already divided into several groups, stuck in several uphill places, waving swords, spears and spears from a high position, and constantly chopping down the wolf soldiers who rushed up.

"Hahaha, it's cool!"

"Take my continuous arrows!" Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Overlord swing! Boom!

In fact, the strength of this wave of wolf soldiers is really not weak. If it is a melee on flat ground, it can be evenly matched, and it may also cause some casualties to the players.

But at this time, with the absolute terrain advantage, it is completely a closed door to fight the dog.

A wolf spirit captain squeezed his men and rushed up the slope. A lightning struck, paralyzed instantly, followed by more than a dozen arrows shot at him, and finally a warrior kicked him in the chest with a big flying kick, screaming and falling back into the pit.

Seeing his men suffering heavy casualties and being slaughtered one-sidedly, the wolf king also realized that something was wrong. He suddenly let out a long howl and rushed straight towards the exit.

When the long howl sounded, the wolf soldiers immediately turned around and followed the wolf king to rush towards the exit, obviously intending to break through.

Xiao Jie saw it on the mound and thought that the intelligence of high-level monsters was indeed close to that of humans. They knew that something was wrong and had to run away quickly - but it was not that easy to run.

He jumped and fell directly into the pit. At this time, the wolf soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and most of the remaining ones were at low health. They struggled and ran around in the sea of ​​fire and could not pose a threat to him at all.

However, others did not have his courage. The environmental damage of the sea of ​​fire below was not low.

Xiao Jie walked all the way through the sea of ​​fire. When he met someone blocking his way, he chopped him to the ground with a knife and prepared to stab the wolf pack from behind.

Unexpectedly, a burly figure suddenly blocked his way. It was a wolf spirit lieutenant.

Yueweixia (Wolf Captain). Level 18 Elite. HP 528/950.

This guy was full of arrows, but he couldn't hide his ferocious expression.

"Human - die!"

With a roar, he jumped into the air, and the big knife in his hand spun and slashed over.

Wolf Slash!

Xiao Jie was very familiar with this move, knowing that the attack range was high.

He rolled over and rolled under the opponent.

The moment he stood up, he turned around and threw out a cracking flash, and the wolf captain turned around and was hit by the knife.

Combat skills - thrust - spinning knife dance!

Xiao Jie's damage is now different from the past. With a set of silky combos, the wolf captain was instantly left with little blood.

Roar! The wolf captain roared, and actually gave up his weapon, opened his claws and grabbed Xiao Jie.

Wolf Embrace!

Phantom disappeared!

Xiao Jie disappeared instantly, leaving only a shadow behind, and was caught by the wolf captain. Before he could come to his senses, Xiao Jie slashed him from behind.

Just as Xiao Jie quickly killed the wolf captain, a fierce melee broke out at the exit of the ambush circle.

The wolf king rode a red giant wolf, and a giant wolf suddenly attacked and was about to break out of the gap.

The huge giant wolf charged with amazing momentum, and the few people blocking the mouth subconsciously retreated, only Qianlong Wuyong did not retreat but advanced.

He flew up, and the spear in his hand spun a circle and smashed it on his head.

Combat skills - dark clouds covering the top!

The wolf king swung his sword in the air with his backhand.

Ding! The sword and the spear collided, and with a loud bang, Qianlong Wuyong was actually directly shaken away, while the wolf king only paused for a second.

Although the level was four levels higher, it was still a combat skill against a normal attack, but the opponent was a leader-level BOSS after all, and it was not so easy to resist.

However, this one-second pause was enough.

A general behind him flew up.

Battle record - dark clouds covering the sky!

The same moves, the same position, almost repeating the previous scene.

The wolf king swung his sword, and there was no time for a second attack, so he could only parry.

Clang! This attack was easily blocked.

But the second general had already jumped into the air, and the iron halberd in his hand chopped down on his head.

Clang! The wolf king blocked the attack again, but the parrying posture was obviously a little backward. Before it could recover its physical strength, the third, fourth, and the remaining two generals in the group had already jumped up one after another.

This is exactly the combo routine that Qianlong Wuyong led a group of members to practice quietly.

When dealing with leader-level BOSS, especially those BOSS with huge size, super high toughness, and super strong attack power, players of the same level are actually at a great disadvantage, and it is difficult to win in a head-on confrontation.

This game is not like those traditional online games, with tanks and treatments, as long as you hold the BOSS, you can refill the cup infinitely.

Whether it is knocking flying or knocking down, once suppressed by the BOSS, it is easy to lose people.

Therefore, Qianlong Wuyong often trains with a group of four generals to fight together. The five of them have practiced this set of infinite toughness reduction tactics countless times.

Once used at this time, it really worked wonders.

No matter how tough the wolf king was, he was also hit stiffly under continuous parrying.


When the fourth strike fell, the toughness value of the wolf king was directly emptied.

The violent shock shook the swords and knives apart, and suddenly the gap was exposed.

The fifth general aimed at the wolf king's head and chopped it down with the dragon gall bladder spear.

Dark clouds covered the sky!

This strike hit the wolf king's head firmly, -


A red word appeared above the wolf king's head, and more importantly, this shot actually knocked the wolf king off the back of the giant wolf, and he fell down.

The giant wolf roared and charged. Bu Yu, who was holding a dragon gall spear, tried to parry but was still knocked away. Fortunately, several guards rushed out from behind the generals and chopped with swords and spears. Finally, they stopped the giant wolf. Several generals attacked the fallen wolf king together in tacit understanding.

They attacked together with spears and halberds.

This state of falling is just right for outputting damage.

Unexpectedly, the wolf king kicked his hind legs into the air and actually used a move of "scarlet whirlwind" - his body rotated and the sword also rotated and swung, instantly blocking all attacks and standing up.

The wolf king without a mount became even more ferocious.

He jumped into the air and chopped down with a sword.

The wolf king killed with two blades!

Qianlong Wuyong, who was the first to bear the brunt, hurriedly raised his gun to parry, but was chopped away by the huge impact force.

The wolf king instantly locked onto the next target.

Crazy wolf nine consecutive cuts!

The swords were swung wildly, and each strike was accompanied by a sharp sword wind and sword energy. A series of combos were launched like a storm. The second general was stunned after only three parries. After several consecutive slashes, his health dropped from more than 600 to more than 200 in an instant. And this was not over yet. This set of combos seemed to be able to continue.

Demon-catching hand!

A translucent yellow hand suddenly grabbed the general's waist and pulled him back.

It was I who made the move.

"Damn, thanks, man." The rescued general said in shock, and quickly poured a big red.

The wolf king's crazy combo did not end, and he slashed directly at the third general. The general did not resist for a few times, and his defense was broken. Fortunately, the nine consecutive slashes were finally completed.

I Yuchengxian said nothing, and rushed towards the wolf king with a savage collision, ready to follow up with a bear hug to control him.

Unexpectedly, the wolf king kicked out directly.

Combat skills - fierce kick!

Bang, I was kicked back again.

This series of battles took less than a minute, and the six people blocking the door were already in a mess.

Qianlong Wuyong hurriedly shouted to reorganize the formation, but the wolf king shouted, and the wolf soldiers with residual blood rushed towards the six people.

Qianlong Wuyong's face suddenly changed. These wolf soldiers were not a big threat, but once the formation was broken up by the wolf soldiers, the wolf king took the opportunity to defeat them one by one, and he could break through almost instantly.

He hurriedly wanted to use his ultimate move, the secret technique -

"Get out of here!" But suddenly there was a roar behind him.

Angry Wave Slash!

Boom - a torrent of angry waves appeared out of thin air, like a wave hitting a rock, and it rolled over. The wolf pack was rushed directly, and instantly people and wolves fell on their backs and lay on the ground.

Qianlong Wuyong was relieved.

Although his ultimate move could knock down a few people, the attack range was definitely not so huge, not to mention that it could resolve the enemy's offensive.

He was surprised in his heart - Yinyue Suifeng's teammates were indeed not simple.

"Reorganize the formation! Block the gap."

With a call, several generals retreated to their original positions and leveled the battle line again.

The wolf king was furious when he saw his men being knocked back by a move. He was about to charge again, but there were miserable cries from the wolf soldiers behind him. When he turned around, he saw a figure spinning and killing into the wolf soldiers in the sea of ​​fire. He chopped down six or seven wolf soldiers with residual blood in a whirlwind.

But Xiao Jie finally arrived.

Swish! Xiao Jie chopped down the wolf soldiers who rushed over with a knife, and walked slowly towards the wolf king. Wherever he passed, the flames automatically dispersed. Although he was walking in the sea of ​​fire, he was just like strolling in the garden.

"Little Red Wolf, why are you in such a hurry to run? Your opponent is me!"

The wolf king's eyes instantly turned red. It was him! It was him who led him here! It was him who killed the wolf cubs!

The hatred value instantly exploded. The battle could be lost, but this person must die!

"Kill this human!" The wolf king shouted, and the remaining wolf soldiers around him immediately rushed forward.

Xiao Jie was not in a hurry. He looked at the wolf soldiers rushing around and roared.

The tiger roared and roared!


The tiger roar was deafening and echoed in the woods.

This shocking tiger roar made these already soulless wolf soldiers explode instantly. They ran wildly in the sea of ​​fire with the sign of fear on their heads, and fled in all directions. They were madly focused on by the players on the mound and destroyed one by one.

The wolf king's eyes were red, "Despicable human - die!"

The wolf king killed with two blades!

A jump and a sword chopped down on the head.

Xiao Jie, however, would not resist.

Phantom without a trace!

He instantly appeared behind the Wolf King. Just as he was about to attack from behind, the Wolf King had already spun and swung his sword.

Scarlet whirlwind!

Clang! Xiao Jie swung his sword, but was directly deflected by the opponent's sword.

Damn, this guy is so fast! So powerful!

This kind of complete attribute crushing made it difficult for Xiao Jie to gain an advantage even with his peerless sword skills.

Crazy Wolf Nine-slash!

Watching the Wolf King swinging his sword aggressively.

Xiao Jie did not dare to roll or turn over. The opponent's speed was too fast, and ordinary body skills could not dodge at all, and Phantom without a trace was on cooldown - he could only use the ultimate!

Disillusionment! The Wolf King was instantly fixed in mid-air.

Xiao Jie did not hesitate to slash with the Crazy Wind Sword Skill in a series of strikes, slashing while moving sideways, and after five seconds of slashing, he just walked behind the Wolf King.

Five seconds passed in a flash. The wolf king's sword finally fell, but it chopped directly on the ground, and the blood volume instantly decreased by more than 500.

However, Xiao Jie was not too excited. As expected, it was a leader-level BOSS. The blood volume was thick and the defense was quite strong. He didn't even knock down one-fifth of the blood volume after a set of chops.

Fortunately, he avoided the opponent's fierce combo and cut it in half with a single cut, knocking down more than 60 damage again. Xiao Jie didn't dare to continue the fight and quickly pulled back.

But the wolf king didn't turn around to chase.

Instead, he suddenly reached into his arms and took it out. When he raised his hand, a white gem flew into the sky, hanging four or five meters in the air, emitting a bright white light.

Magic weapon - Moon Spirit Pearl!

In an instant, the midday sky, which was originally as bright as day, suddenly became dark, and a bright moon was hanging in the air.

The wolf soldiers who were screaming and running away suddenly howled excitedly. Although there were only a dozen left, their morale was instantly boosted.

And the wolf king was ignited with a moon-white flame - the wolf spirit fire!

His health began to recover slowly.

What is this? Xiao Jie looked at the orb in the air in surprise. Is this a magic weapon? Sure enough -

I saw a stream of light flying in the air.

Combat skills - sunset bow!

Ding! With a crisp collision, an eagle feather arrow hit the moon spirit bead!

It was the little white dragon who saw the opportunity and fired a big one.

The light was radiant, and the moment the arrow was bounced away, snap! A crack appeared on the moon spirit bead, and then the phantom moonlight hanging in the sky also cracked and disappeared.

The wolf king caught the falling moon spirit bead, his face full of disbelief.

After being defeated repeatedly, it finally showed a horrified expression, and didn't care about the remaining defeated soldiers. It suddenly jumped on the back of the giant wolf and rushed towards the shortest mound.

"Oh no, the boss is going to run away!"

Just now, it was obviously preparing to make a gap and run away with its men, so it rushed head-on, but this time it jumped directly from the air.

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