"Oh! I understand. I was just being sentimental. In my current state, I would probably die even if I left.

Shangyuan Liu nodded and consoled him,"The elves brought you here, maybe to protect you.""

"If this is the kind of protection, I would rather not"

"Forget it, I'm already very happy to see my classmates."

Kondo Akimichi obviously didn't want to continue talking. Of course, it might be related to his infantile mental strength. Even his voice sounded a little tired at this moment.

In the end, Shangyuan Liu left. The news he got from Kondo Akimichi was enough for him to have enough understanding of the elves.

As for Kondo Akimichi, Shangyuan Liu was not without a way to take him away.

It's just that!

Compared to taking him away, leaving him in the elves is undoubtedly a better choice...........

"Liu, where are we going next?"

After learning about her classmate's miserable experience, Urushihara Meili was obviously not interested.

Shangyuan Liu's eyes flickered:"Look for Teacher Ooka, I have something to ask her."

"Mr. Xiaogang! Liu, do you know where she is?"

Shangyuan Liu shook his head but smiled and said,"I don't know."

"But I know that she is the daughter of the elf leader, so it is not difficult to find her."


"My name is Kanami Okazaki, and I used to be a teacher."

"But in a class, a white light suddenly shone in, and I was reincarnated into another world."

And I have a talent skill"Student Handbook", which records the information of all the students who traveled to another world together.

And it clearly records! The time of death of all students!

At that moment I panicked!

Until I saw a"telepathic communication" skill in my skill column.

I asked for help from my father, Potimas Parfenas, the chief of the Fairy Village!

Finally! I am a qualified teacher, even if I go to another world, I will protect my classmates well

""Long time no see, Oka-chan!"

In a moment, a young boy's voice rang out in the room.

The drowsy child in the crib suddenly opened his eyes, blinking with energy.

"This voice!"

Xiao Gang turned over with difficulty, because her body of several months old had no strength at all.

When Xiao Gang saw the teenager next to the crib, her chubby face was stunned.

Xiao Gang was definitely a dedicated teacher, and it was impossible for him not to recognize his student.

Even though Shangyuan Liu's body was obviously shrunk at this moment, Xiao Gang would definitely not mistake that appearance.

"Wow! (Shang... Shangyuan Liu-san)"

Shangyuan Liu came to the crib with a smile on her face, looked at the chubby baby who was scratching his teeth and waving his claws there, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The devilish hand had already reached out:"Oka-chan is much cuter than before!"

"These chubby hands! Wow, wow, wow."

Shangyuan Liu touched the baby's arms, pinching his cheeks, rubbing his head, and occasionally tickling his pointed ears.

"Ouch! Liu, you've gone too far."

At this moment, Xiaogang finally reacted and his whirring voice came through the"telepathic voice transmission"

"Liu, you are being very rude. I am your teacher, how can you do this?"

Let go! Of course not.

Upper House Liu's eyes curved into crescents:"No! You are no longer our teacher now."

"So you can't make decisions for us."


Xiaogang's voice suddenly froze, and then he asked:"Ryan, what do you mean by this!?"

Shangyuan Liu smiled and said:"Just now on my way here, I saw Kondo, unfortunately he also turned into a baby"

"And I learned that it was the elves who took him away from his parents."

"He is very sad."

Shangyuan Liu pinched Mr. Xiaogang's chubby face into various shapes, because he thought it was very interesting, especially the touch... was great.

Ahem! I have gone off track, I can't say anymore.

Xiaogang said anxiously:"Shangyuan Liu, I know you will think so, but things are not what you think!" Xiaogang's voice was filled with tears:"If I don't do this, you will all die."


Shangyuan Liu froze:"Why do you say that!?"

Xiaogang's telepathic voice came again:"I have a skill"Student Handbook" that records the information of all students. In the records, everyone will die in 20 years."

Shangyuan Liu frowned. He has always been an objective person. Compared with questioning the truth of Xiaogang's words, he is more willing to think with common sense. Why? Everyone is going to die.

"Can you explain the specific reason?"

"I don't know! But I can feel that this is no joke"

"So I prayed to my father Potimas Parvenus to bring all the students to the Fairy Village for protection."

Upper Court Liu took a breath, his eyes sparkling:"Where is Ruoye Ji Se! Is she in the Fairy Village?"

"Ji Se Jiang! She……"

"She's not here."

Shangyuan Liu felt disappointed, but he had already considered this situation. He sighed and said,"Since the teacher can know the location of all the students,"

"Then could you please tell me the location of Himese-chan and the specific information?"

Although he failed to find Wakaba Himese-chan this time, Shangyuan Yanagi was not discouraged.

If Mr. Ooka really had the skill of"Student Handbook", it would be very easy to find Wakaba Himese-chan.


Xiaogang's voice suddenly became a little flustered:"She's fine, so you don't have to worry."

"Since you are here, please stay in the Fairy Village. My father is the chief of the elves. He will arrange everything for you."

"Inhale! Exhale!"

Shangyuan Liu took a deep breath, feeling upset and bitter inside:"Teacher Xiaogang, you stutter every time you speak!"

"At the same time, he deliberately changed the subject"

"But Ji Se-chan is very important to me, please tell me where she is."

"No! Absolutely not, the teacher will never lie to the students."

Okada's voice became even more flustered:"Ruoye is very good, we will find her in no time, don't worry, we will definitely protect all of you well."

"So, students in the upper house, please listen and stop asking questions, okay?"


An inexplicable sense of crisis came over him, and Shangyuan Liu's breathing became heavy.

"Himese-chan is very important to me, Mr. Ooka, please tell me seriously! Okay!"

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