Fairy Village.

A wooden house sits on top of a huge tree.

"Father, are you back?"

"Have you found my classmates?"

The baby wrapped in swaddling clothes stared at the man who just walked in with his black and white eyes.

Potimas had a gentle smile on his face:"Your students don't really trust us, but I have told them the information and sincerely invite them to come to our fairy village at any time."

"No...I don't believe it!"

"Eh, if it was Liu, maybe he wouldn't trust others so easily."

"In this case, please arrange for someone to be by his side. If there is any danger, please help him."

Potimas smiled even brighter:"Yes! You are my daughter, and as a father, I will naturally meet all your needs."

"Woohoo, Father~! Thank you"

"Chief, it seems someone has entered the Fairyland without permission."

"Hmm! ?"

Podimas narrowed his eyes slightly, but his mouth was still filled with a gentle smile:"Filmace, you don't have to worry about your classmates. Even if they don't want to come to our elves, I will have people protect them all."

"Father has some things to deal with, you take a rest first"

""Yes, thank you, father."

After leaving the cabin, Potimas' eyes were cold and interesting, and he spoke directly to the air:"Did you find anyone?"

"Lord Potimas, the other party used El's identity token to activate the teleportation array and came in. The geographical location is"Hengduan Mountains". As for who it is, we have not found it yet."

"Hengduan Mountains."

Potimas murmured softly, then smiled and said,"Catch him alive."


"Liu-san! Wait!……"

"What happened?"

Shangyuan Liu, who was shuttling between the towering trees, stopped hesitantly and looked at the little blue fat dragon in his hand, which was already a little dizzy.


Urushihara Meili shook her dizzy head and pointed her chubby paws at the distance:"Over there! Let's go over there!""

"Over there!?"

Upper Yuan Liu looked in the direction that Urushihara Meili pointed, with a bit of hesitation on his face.

"I heard a cry for help, it was in Japanese」!"

Shangyuan Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his agile figure instantly changed the direction of his advance!

The languages of different worlds are not mutually intelligible. If this cry for help is in"Japanese", then there is only one possibility!



"Is this the place?"

The willow of the upper courtyard fell on the trunk of a tall tree. Not far below, a carriage was driving slowly.

The driver was an elf woman.

Urushihara said excitedly:"It's there! The voice is inside the carriage."

"You wait here, I'll go over and take a look."

Shangyuan Liu let go of the beautiful lacquer, then jumped to the ground, and then turned into a black shadow and landed on the carriage at an extremely fast speed.


The sudden noise startled the elf woman driving the car.

But before she could raise her head, she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, and then everything in front of her became dim.


The woman fell on the carriage, and the horse slowly stopped.

After doing all this, Shangyuan Liu did not relax his vigilance. He raised his long knife and gently pushed aside the curtain, looking inside along a corner.

"Hmm! A baby?"

Shangyuan Liu looked at the baby in the corner of the carriage, slightly stunned.

"You are... Shangyuan Liu! ?"

At this moment, a cry of surprise suddenly appeared in Shangyuan Liu's mind.

"This is the skill of"telepathy"."

Shangyuan Liu came over instantly, and he was not unfamiliar with this skill. The first person who used it on him was the"Urushihara Meiri" who was hatched and could not speak yet.」

"Woohoo! Woohoo!……"

"Finally, the savior has arrived! Shangyuan Liu, I am Kondo Akimichi! Please save me."

Shangyuan Liu hesitated and walked forward slowly:"Kondo, why did you become a baby?"

The baby, who was still in the cradle, was about three or four months old, with his eyes only slightly open. At this moment, he was waving his delicate arms at Shangyuan Liu.

""How is Liu-san?""

Outside the carriage, Urushihara's beautiful voice came.

Shangyuan Liu didn't turn around, but shouted directly to the outside:"Urushihara-san, come in, he is Kondo-san"


"Woohoo! Is Urushihara-san here too? I finally see my friends."


Then, under Kondo Akimichi's narration, Shangyuan Yanagi finally understood what was going on.

Urushihara Meili exclaimed:"The elves! They are actually human traffickers!?"

Kondo Akimichi sent a telepathic message:"No! Their target is actually the"reincarnated」!"

"It was"Teacher Ooka" who was able to find the whereabouts of the"reincarnated person", and it was with the help of Teacher Ooka that the elves found our location."

"These are the information I heard"


The narrow space of the carriage was filled with coldness and silence.

Urushihara Meili's eyes widened:"Why would Mr. Ooka do such a cruel thing!"

From Urushihara Meili's point of view, it was a very cruel thing to take a baby away from his mother.

Shangyuan Liu frowned slightly:"Then I can understand why those elves were able to find us and know about the reincarnations."

Just from the conversations with Urushihara Meili during this period of time, Shangyuan Liu probably knew that as"reincarnations", they all seemed to have their own unique"talents and abilities".

Urushihara Meili, needless to say, had just hatched tens of thousands of skill points.

As for myself!

Although I don't have any skill points that exceed the standard, I have a bug-like talent skill like"Great Sage".

And Kondo Akimichi in front of him also has similar talents and skills.

If Mr. Ooka also has similar talents and skills, and he also records the information of all the"reincarnations", it seems reasonable.

"Woohoo! Can you guys help me, I want to go back to my parents?"

"It's only been a few months, but I really like them."



Shangyuan Liu hesitated:"Where were you born?"


The baby, who was previously waving his arms and legs, suddenly stopped and stared blankly.


Shangyuan Liu sighed slightly;"Kondo, we all understand how you feel at this moment."

"You are still a baby and we have no way to find food for you."


Urushihara Meili felt a little reluctant...but facing this situation, she didn't know what to say...................................... ps: Don't say I'm lazy! I'm already in the transition of updating frequently! If you say I'm lazy, I'll go on strike! (Threatened by fists!~)

A day when I dare not ask for flowers, comments, or rewards (pitiful!)

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