175. Conquer the wall of the magician army

When there was still about 500 meters away from the fiercely resisting wall, Sasajima took out a magic explosive sword from his sakura and threw it towards a corner of the wall.

Although there was a distance, it was easy to do with Sasajima's current ability value and throwing skill level.

However, the explosive sword that flew over was hit by the magic released from the wall and was detonated at the critical moment. Sure enough, the gimmick of the main magic unit is not exaggerated. It is indeed much more difficult to attack than other magic units.

Of course, it is also because Sasajima is too far away that the enemy's main magic unit has time to react.

As long as they can get a little closer and then explode, they can cause some damage to the wall.

But it is not without gain. Since the throw from this position will be intercepted by the opponent's magician in the air, they can go to another position, to a position where they will not be discovered.

Sasajima sprinted to another position, and then removed the two explosive swords.���, and then rushed towards the city wall.

While running, Sasashima took out a new Explosion Sword again.

The Explosion Sword just thrown over seemed to have made the enemy more alert. The two new Explosion Swords thrown by Sasashima were also shot down by the local magic troops.

Although the Magic Explosion Sword was shot down, Sasashima's goal was achieved. Sasashima successfully rushed out a distance. While sprinting, Sasashima did not forget to continue throwing the Magic Explosion Sword. In this way, the enemy would have no spare energy to deal with Sasashima who was rushing towards the city wall.

While running, Sasashima took out the Magic Explosion Sword from the air and threw it towards the city wall. Although it was shot down by the opponent every time, Sasashima was getting closer and closer to the city wall.

Compared with the Magic Explosion Sword that can be thrown, the opponent needs time to launch magic, and must accurately shoot down the Magic Explosion Sword.

This is Sasashima's advantage, and it also determines that the opponent must not be able to deal with the Magic Explosion Sword and Sasashima who is running at the same time.

As Sasashima was getting closer and closer, the magic blasting sword was also getting closer and closer, but the time for the opponent's magician to cast magic was constant.

As Sasashima threw more and more blasting swords, the opponent finally did not have so much time to launch a new round of magic, and the magic blasting sword exploded near the city wall.

Although the city wall did not collapse directly due to the explosion of the magic sword, a large number of cracks appeared, because the explosion would produce aftermath, and the magician troops inside must not be feeling well, at least it must have affected the speed of their magic casting.

Sasashima certainly would not waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Immediately afterwards, the magic blasting sword thrown by Sasashima was not shot down again, and it exploded directly on the city wall.

The city wall collapsed with a loud bang, and most of the rebels hiding behind the city wall were also killed. There may be a few survivors, but they are definitely not combat-capable.

After the dust from the explosion cleared, Sasashima walked into the city wall.

In order to prevent a sneak attack, Sasashima took out the magic sword for close combat.

Different from the Magic Explosion Sword, this is a magic sword created by Sasajima using all his MP.

As long as you inject MP, you can instantly unleash fire and lightning attacks that are as powerful as the Explosion Sword. This is also the main weapon Sasajima uses in battle.

In theory, if a magician is engaged in close combat with the enemy, he will not be able to exert his strength at all, after all, the enemy will not give you time to build magic in close combat.

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