Then, the soldiers of the expeditionary army continuously broke through the enemy's defense line through the holes opened in the city wall.

Sasashima's magic sword is really powerful.

Especially in war, it can not only easily destroy the city wall, but also blow up the enemy soldiers in a wide range. If they are blown up by Sasashima's magic sword, even if they don't die immediately, they will completely lose their combat effectiveness.

Originally, Sasashima thought that this mass-produced magic explosion sword could only be used to contain the enemy, but Sasashima thought that it was only for strong people like Kamiyagiin Shiraori. For ordinary soldiers, it was simply a fatal attack.

Although in order to increase the production quantity, Sasashima reduced the power of the magic explosion sword, it was still enough to deal with ordinary soldiers.

The quality of the magic sword made by the magic sword depends on the amount of MP infused when it was created.

The best magic sword created by Sasashima at present is of course the magic sword infused with all MP.

And the mass-produced explosion sword is just something that Sasashima made casually because he couldn't bear to part with the extra MP that was automatically restored after Liangfei's MP was full.

Although it was made casually, the Explosion Sword is not weak.

It could have used the broken magic sword to self-destruct to increase its power. For this reason, the Explosion Sword is very powerful.

Moreover, the Explosion Sword was made in advance and stored in the space magic, so the magic Explosion Sword is different from using magic. It does not require chanting time at all. It can be used directly, and its efficiency in battle is particularly high.

However, even considering these points, Sasashima could never have imagined that the Explosion Sword he created would have such high damage.

It may be because the strength of the people who fought with him before was relatively abnormal.

When facing the ice dragon, the Explosion Sword could not cause any damage to the ice dragon. When fighting with Ai'er, because Ai'er's speed was too fast, the Explosion Sword could not hurt Ai'er at all.

It is true that they are too strong. If all the soldiers here are as strong as them, then Sasashima's magic sword may be completely useless.

Maybe they will be killed in a face-to-face encounter. In that case, will Sasashima still consider joining the army?

Of course, although he was at a disadvantage when he met Ai Er and the others, he still had anger to use, although Sasashima did not use it now.

Because he lost control and killed his colleagues, Sasashima would not easily use anger unless he had no other choice.

The battle continued. After Sasashima easily dealt with the attacking soldiers, he quickly looked around.

Sasashima found that only one corner of the city wall was met with quite fierce resistance.

Countless magic was released from the city wall, causing a large number of casualties to the soldiers who tried to approach.

It was the magic unit that was stronger than the expeditionary army that Shang Yanyuan had seen before.

Sasashima looked carefully and found that the power and speed of those magics were completely different from those in other areas.

It seemed that there was the main magic unit of the rebels.

While attacking the enemies around him, Sasashima approached the city wall there, and at the same time successfully blew a big hole in another city wall next to it.

A large number of the expeditionary army rushed in from the newly opened hole, madly killing the stubbornly resisting rebels.

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