165. Look for suspicious people.

So the Barudo army not only attacked from this opening, but also from other places.

The rebel army that was using magic attacks was quite powerful.

It was obvious that the magic forces of both sides were bombarding each other, but they could gain a unilateral advantage.

Although the tall city walls were also an advantage, it seemed that every soldier of the rebel army was very strong.

Whether it was the speed of magic activation or the power of magic, they were much higher than the Barudo army.

However, that was only the advantage of the magic forces of both sides, and the ground forces lost miserably.

Because of the existence of Sasashima, E'er and Mera, and although Bro was very weak, he also learned a move from Utahiyagiin, so it was more than enough to kill a few ordinary demons.

If nothing unexpected happened, this war would end so easily.

From the beginning of the battle to the end, Utahiyagiin, who was observing in the hotel, did not find anything unusual.

Maybe Shiraori's premonition was wrong, but that was a good thing. In this way, there would be no need to worry about any unexpected situation causing greater losses.

Now, maybe the rebels will start to escape? After all, it seems that the failure of the rebels is inevitable. With the decisiveness of the rebel leader, he may decide to escape immediately.

After all, if this kind of rebellion is caught, the person will generally be killed to boost military morale.

Kamiyagi looked at the location of the room of a rebel general. At this time, the rebel general was talking to the wall in a room in the lord's mansion. Yes, he was talking to the wall.

He was walking back and forth in the room, and seemed to be very anxious. He kept talking in his mouth. I don't know who he was talking to. Although Kamiyagi can see the situation over there, he can't hear what is being said over there.

In this case, it seems that Shirahiko can only be asked to find out the situation. Her split spider can definitely hear it, so Kamiyagi said to Shirahiko,"Shirahiko, there is a situation over there, go and listen to what that person is saying."


Bai Zhi also looked towards the room that Shang Liuyuan was concerned about. Of course, there was a split spider hiding in the room of a rebel general like this.

This split spider had been monitoring the rebel general, so Bai Zhi easily heard the situation over there.

The rebel general walked back and forth and said anxiously:

"I hope you can send reinforcements here immediately. We can use that transfer array to do it, right? Even if we don't have many people, this town will be captured if we continue like this!"

""Okay, I heard what he said."

Bai Zhi proudly showed off his ability as a split spider to Shang Liuyuan, and then repeated the words of the rebel general to Shang Liuyuan.

Before, Bai Zhi had been monitoring the rebel general. The general was an important member of the rebels, so the split spider was always monitoring him.

But the rebel general didn't know if he felt that someone was monitoring him, or maybe out of worry, he hadn't done anything suspicious before.

Maybe it's because this world has skills that can monitor people, so he is so careful. After all, it is too easy to monitor others in this world.

For example, right now, there are two peeping Toms using their clairvoyance to monitor everything around them, no, there are three.

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