Because Sasajima was faster, he soon rushed to the front of the army, and the distance between him and the army behind him was getting farther and farther. In just a few seconds, Sasajima shook off the army behind him and rushed to the edge of the city wall.

But there was a thick city wall in front of him. What should Sasajima do? Climb up and kill the soldiers inside and then open the city gate?

Sasajima took out the magic sword at his waist and aimed it at the city wall in front of him.

Sasajima was going to attack the city wall alone? Was he really that strong?

Of course.

Sasajima stabbed the city wall with a sword, and then destroyed all the city walls by himself, and then a huge hole was opened in the city wall.

The soldiers of the Barudo army turned around the big hole and rushed into the city.

The poor rebel magician worked tirelessly to build so many city walls, but was destroyed by Sasajima in one go.

Sasashima's magic sword is simply a plug-in skill. Because of the property of the magic sword that can explode, Sasashima is simply a mobile howitzer. Wherever he goes, he explodes. He is a living bomb maniac.

Now Sasashima can be said to be crazy, throwing explosive magic swords everywhere.

The rebels must be very desperate at this moment.

Sasashima is really too good, and Sasashima has not used the anger skill yet. Now Sasashima can use the anger skill and can control it. Shang Yanyuan is also looking forward to seeing how powerful Sasashima's anger skill is.

Now Sasashima's strength should be ranked behind Shiraori among the crowd.

Because of the victory over the vampire, the vampire must be ranked last. This is also one of the reasons why the vampire has always been hostile to Sasashima, because Sasashima joined the team, and it still did not change the situation that the vampire was ranked last.

Later, Sasashima's strength was stronger than the vampire, which led to the jealousy of the vampire, so he was hostile to Sasashima every time.

When Sasajima is angry, his combat power is ten times the normal one. In other words, even if he is not angry now, Sasajima's combat power is far beyond that of ordinary people, about two thousand.

Compared with ordinary demons whose ability values are less than one thousand, their basic abilities are not on the same level. Although

Sasajima's ability is not as good as Shiraori and Kamiyagiin, he still has the strength of a single man.

From this point of view, Kamiyagiin does not seem to see the exciting battle of equal offense and defense. This seems to be a one-sided strength crushing.

"Tsk! What on earth is that slow-witted fellow doing? He hasn't even defeated the enemy army yet. He shouldn't be looking down on his opponent, right?"

The vampire seemed very dissatisfied with Sasajima's performance, but Sasajima had already tried so hard to defeat the enemy army, wasn't that enough?

The vampire obviously hated Sasajima, but he got angry when he saw that Sasajima was not active enough. Was it because he felt that such an old enemy was too embarrassing?

In addition to paying attention to the situation on the battlefield below, Shang Liuyuan was more concerned about the suspicious actions on the battlefield. After all, paying attention to suspicious actions was the main reason they came here.

In addition to Sasajima's crazy bombing everywhere, there were only scenes of both sides bombarding each other with magic, or the defenders trying to repel the Barudo army that rushed in.

Although a huge hole was blasted out of the city wall, the rebels still tried to defend other places. Although the hole was large enough for one person to pass through.

But if so many troops all entered from here, it would take a long time for all of them to come in, right?

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