A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 142 Underground Palace, Treasure! 【Second update】

"Fuck, Brother Yu, what did you do?"

In less than a minute, the water in the pool leaked completely, exposing the mud at the bottom of the pool.

There was a fishy smell that made me want to vomit.

Chen Muyu stood at the bottom of the pool. The mud was half knee deep, holding a stone covered in mud with both hands.

Next to it, several eels were writhing in the mud.


After holding it for so long, I finally took a breath. Although it smelled bad, it didn't matter.

A circular hole appeared under the stone slab. The stone slab was like a floor drain. As soon as Chen Muyu opened it, the water in the pool leaked out from under the stone slab.

This stone slab, which weighs about a hundred kilograms, was pressed by the ten-meter-deep water pressure. I can't imagine how much force Chen Muyu used just now.

Wu Xiaobao blinked, what a tough guy!

Throwing the stone slab aside casually, the large hole about one meter in diameter was revealed. Chen Muyu stretched his neck and looked inside. It was pitch black and he couldn't see clearly. He only knew that it must be very deep.

"Stay up there and don't move, I'll go down and take a look!"

Chen Muyu only replied, then jumped in again.

Wu Xiaobao was speechless for a while, but he wanted to continue, but did he dare.

It was so dirty and smelly down there, and he was covered in mud to keep it there. Although he liked treasure hunting, he had never really practiced it.

Wu Xiaobao still has a shadow of what happened to Meieryan Reservoir last time.

To Chen Muyu's expectation, after falling five or six meters, the passage reached the bottom and turned into a horizontal passage.

I took out a strong flashlight and took a photo. I saw that the stone cave wall was obviously man-made and was quite old.

Walking along the direction of the passage, I don't know where the water that just leaked has gone. This direction should be heading towards the heart of the mountain.

The air in the passage is relatively fresh and not turbid. At least it is much better than the stench at the bottom of the pool.

The passage became wider and wider as we walked, and the surroundings were so quiet that Chen Muyu could only hear his own breathing and footsteps.

Excited, heartbeat pounding.

This is probably where Zhuge Liang wanted him to come. What would be his purpose in letting him come here?

Do you want to help him? Or, do you have something to keep for yourself?

There are so many thoughts in my mind.

After walking for who knows how long, the passage ahead was blocked, and a tall stone gate blocked Chen Muyu's way.

I took a flashlight and saw that the stone gate was nearly two feet high, with many obscure lines carved on it. On both sides of the stone gate, there were two stone statues about one foot tall, with armor holding sharp swords.

Although the surface has been weathered, you can still feel their majesty. The stone statues are holding spears and standing upright. It is unknown how many years they have stood here.

I walked over carefully and saw that the two stone doors were tightly sealed and extremely heavy. It was impossible to push them open with brute force.

There is a small jade plate in the middle of the stone door.

The jade plate is about a foot wide, with red and white sides, in the shape of a yin and yang fish. There is an obvious depression where the yin and yang fish meet.

When I shined a flashlight, I could see clearly.

Chen Muyu directly took out the jade key from Zhuge Liang's brocade bag and gestured at it from a distance. It looked like it was about the same shape and size.

He immediately took out the Silver Shadow Flying Board, flew into the air, and came to the front of the jade plate.

Carefully place the jade key into the depression in the middle of the jade plate.

Not to mention, the size is just right, nothing wrong with it at all.

With a gentle twist, Chen Muyu aligned the trajectory of the yin-yang fish on the jade key with the trajectory on the jade plate, and then Chen Muyu heard a click, like the sound of some kind of mechanical return.

The jade plate shook slightly, and Chen Muyu quickly stepped back.

Immediately afterwards, a magical scene happened.

The two yin and yang fish on the jade plate actually started to rotate slowly, and as they rotated, they sank deeper in. After a while, they disappeared from the stone door and completely sank inside.


The stone door shook violently, as if some mechanism had been triggered, and the two stone doors on the left and right slowly opened inward.

The dust and mud kept falling, and Chen Muyu quickly held his breath and stepped back far away.

I am afraid that this stone door has not been opened for a long time, and no one knows what is going on inside. What if some poisonous gas has accumulated over the years, and when the stone door is opened, it is released all at once, then wouldn't you be the first to bear the brunt?

He took out the mask from the storage ring and put it on. After the stone door opened for a while, Chen Muyu held his breath and took out a lighter and lit it. It was able to ignite, and then he felt a little relieved.

The stone door is open, and there is a long corridor inside. I don't know where the light source comes from. Even without a flashlight, the situation inside can be seen clearly.

For safety reasons, Chen Muyu waited at the door for a long time before walking in.

Inside is an octagonal space, the size of a basketball court, very high, with a dome that is at least three to four feet tall. The entire space is basically made of bluestone. Although it has been thousands of years old, it is clean and almost spotless.

The dome is inlaid with eight pearls, and the light in the space comes from this.

The octagonal space has eight walls. In addition to one wall occupied by the entrance door, there are also seven stone walls.

On every stone wall, there is a stone door.

This Zhuge Liang wouldn't play Qi Men Dun Jia with me. Seeing these gates, Chen Muyu could easily connect them with the eight gates in Qi Men Dun Jia. After all, the legendary Zhuge Liang was an expert in this.

But Chen Muyu knew nothing about this stuff.

Chen Muyu walked towards the nearest stone gate. There were words on the stone gate.

"Choose my door to enter. There is a treasure in the door."

Is there a treasure in the door? So straightforward?

Chen Muyu's eyes lit up and he immediately reached out and pushed the door open.

This stone door was just like a toy, it looked more and more heavy, but as soon as Chen Muyu put his hand on it, the stone door clicked inward.

It was filled with dust and smelled like decay.

After reaching out and patting for a long time, the dust dispersed a lot. Chen Muyu looked up and saw that there was a stone chamber of dozens of square meters. There were piles of unknown things, which seemed to have decayed. One by one, one by one, there were piles of them. It piled up slowly.

I just lifted my legs and walked in, wanting to see clearly.

There was a bang.

A piece of cowhide cloth fell from above.

Like a big flag, it was spread out and hung in front of Chen Muyu.

"The straw boat borrowed 100,000 arrows, but they have not been returned for a long time. Today, we cast 100,000 arrows and hide them here to prepare for the future and return them all to Cao Wei!"

There was even a smiley face drawn on the back.

Chen Muyu stayed for a long time.

A face turned blue and purple, then purple and black, and its expression became very wonderful.

God, what a straw boat to borrow arrows.

Is this being played? What's the use of having 100,000 rotten arrows for yourself?

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