A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 141 Zhuge Liang drinks from the horse pond! 【First update】

"Brother Yu, where are you going now? Are you going back to the provincial capital?"

"Let's find a place to have lunch first. You can go to the town later and buy a set of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Send it to school and give it to Liang Zhichao!"

"Three Kingdoms?"

Wu Xiaobao looked at Chen Muyu inexplicably, not understanding what Chen Muyu was doing!


Afternoon, Wollongong!

Wollongong is not far from Wolong Town. Beyond the town and to the north, there are rolling hills and mountains.

Deep in the mountains, pines and ancient cypresses cover a scenic spot that was once very prosperous in history.

On Wolong Mountain, there is a group of Tang Dynasty grottoes and inscriptions that are cultural and artistic relics from 1373, as well as the remains of the horse drinking pool and camp left by Zhuge Liang in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

In its long historical memory, it not only echoes the sound of horse hooves when Zhuge Liang went to war during the Three Kingdoms period, but also the hustle and bustle of folk cigarettes in the Tang Dynasty.

Legend has it that during the Three Kingdoms period when the heroes were fighting for hegemony, Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu, went north to attack Wei and set up camp here. He once praised this mountain as being like Wolong Gang in Nanyang, so it was named Wolong Mountain.

Scenic spots are scenic spots, there is no tourism development, no publicity and exposure. Except for some locals, few outsiders come to Wolong Mountain specifically to visit.

It was winter now, the place was remote, the mountain roads were difficult to walk, and it was cold on the mountain. Chen Muyu and his wife didn't see many people all the way up the mountain.

First, we went to the grottoes. The grottoes were built against the mountains. They were built in the Tang Dynasty and have gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes. Many of the Buddha statues were destroyed and then restored, but there are still some parts that have not been restored.

Compared with Thousand Buddha Rocks in Qingshan City, each has its own characteristics and advantages.

After simply turning around, there was nothing that Chen Muyu noticed. After all, this was a stone sculpture from the Tang Dynasty. Although it was very old, there was still some time gap compared to the Three Kingdoms.

Chen Muyu came all the way here just because the tip bag Zhuge Liang left for him mentioned Wollongong, Mian City, so there must be something waiting for him here.

Since it is related to Zhuge Liang, it must not be these caves that are hundreds of years later.

After bypassing the grotto and going to the top of the mountain, Chen Muyu shook his head repeatedly when he saw the so-called camp ruins.

On a vast flat land near the top of the mountain, there are some piles of rubble, which were basically built by later generations. After all, what kind of camp ruins can be preserved to this day after more than a thousand years?

It didn't have much reference value. Chen Muyu used the scrap system to scan the scene and found nothing.

There is only one questionable target left, the horse drinking pool!

Not far from the camp, there is also a small pond in the middle of the mountain.

The pond is only two to three feet in diameter and is surrounded by stone guardrails. It should be a natural rainwater pond. It has rained in recent days, so the water in the pond is not turbid.

It's very deep. If you stand next to it and look down, it's so dark that you can't see the bottom at all.

There are two signs erected by the pool. One of them has the words "Zhuge Liang drank from the horse pool" and some allusions about drinking from the horse pool.

Another sign said "Pay attention to safety, no playing in the water!"

"Brother Yu, do you think this thing is real? Did Zhuge Liang really come here?"

After reading the introduction on the sign, Wu Xiaobao was a little curious. How could such an ordinary pond really have such a rich history?


Chen Muyu shrugged, he was not sure.

Chen Muyu was still not sure whether the Three Kingdoms world he went to was the real history he had experienced or whether it was just a parallel world.

"What are we doing all the way here?" Wu Xiaobao asked.

Wu Xiaobao was running around here and there every day, looking for a child he didn't know, and then hiking in the deep mountains and forests. Wu Xiaobao was really confused.

"Don't you like treasure hunting so much?"

Chen Muyu smiled and pointed to the horse drinking pool in front of him, "There is a treasure at the bottom of this pool. Do you want to go down and have a look?"


Wu Xiaobao looked at Chen Muyu in astonishment, "Brother Yu, did you bring me here to find the treasure?"

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, "I didn't bring you here, you insisted on following me!"

Wu Xiaobao laughed dryly, came to the edge of the pool and took a look inside, "Brother Yu, are you kidding? There is really a treasure at the bottom of the pool? What treasure? Who did you listen to?"

Chen Muyu said, "No matter who tells you, I'm telling you now that there is a treasure at the bottom of the pool. Do you want to go down?"

Looking at the cold pool water, it was a winter moon. Wu Xiaobao shuddered first, "Come on, it's so cold. If I go down and don't find the treasure, I have to die here first. Besides, will the water be dry?" Is it clean?”

"Then you stay here and guard me!"

Knowing that this kid didn't dare to do it, Chen Muyu gave him a look and took off his coat and trousers while speaking.

"Brother Yu, you are really awesome!"

On such a cold day, the wind was still blowing on the mountain. Chen Muyu actually took off his coat and put on a pair of underpants. Not only that, he also had to get into the water.

It's cold just looking at it.

"I'll go down and take a look. You wait for me here. Don't run away!"

Throwing the clothes on Wu Xiaobao, as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Muyu came to the horse drinking pool, put on his goggles, took a breath, first used his feet to roughly test the temperature of the water, and then plunged directly into it. Go in.

Seeing this scene, Wu Xiaobao was so cold that he was shaking.

"Brother Yu, hurry up, it's almost dark!"

Wu Xiaobao shouted, but he didn't know if Chen Muyu heard it.

I looked around, found a place with less wind and squatted down.

One minute, two minutes...

A few minutes passed, but Chen Muyu still didn't come up. Wu Xiaobao's heart was beating. Normal people can't bear it after just a minute or two under the water, but Chen Muyu actually stayed there for so long and still didn't come up.

This martial arts practitioner is really powerful, so don’t drown in it!


However, Chen Muyu swam about ten meters down the bottom of the pool and reached the bottom. The fish and shrimps at the bottom were disturbed, making the water turbid. Although he had goggles, he could not see clearly what he saw in front of him. Basically, It can only be touched by hand.

Fortunately, there was not much space at the bottom of the pool. After a while, I felt a round thing like a manhole cover in the mud at the bottom of the pool.

It should be a stone.

Touching the edge of the stone, Chen Muyu lifted it up hard.

Didn't mention it.

Lift it harder.

After repeating it several times, it finally became loose.


With a groan in his heart, Chen Muyu used all his strength to lift a corner of the stone.


A huge suction force came from below.

There is nothing underneath the stone.

The surrounding water flow dropped rapidly, forming a whirlpool. The huge water pressure almost pulled Chen Muyu into it.

Wu Xiaobao jumped when he felt the strange movement in the horse drinking pool. He quickly came to the pool and took a look. The water in the pool was sinking rapidly, as if someone had penetrated the bottom of the pool, and the water surface dropped rapidly.

After a while, a head appeared, it was Chen Muyu.

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