A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 824 Two chapters have been completed. Please vote for the single chapter.

I heard from others that it would be more effective to post a single post asking for monthly votes. hehe! Let's try it too.

The monthly vote list is very weird right now. The difference between before and after is more than a hundred votes. As a person who has never wanted a monthly pass, I had to ask everyone for a monthly pass for several days in a row.

If the ranking is too bad, or the disparity in monthly tickets is huge, we won't bother at all.

But now others are issuing orders and asking for monthly tickets. We can't help but ask everyone for the last monthly pass of this month.

We know that most book friends have already voted for the book. Wangyu sincerely thanks everyone for your support along the way! But there are always some book friends who forget or find it troublesome, and there are also those who didn’t vote.

I hope that on this most critical day of the month, everyone will not waste their monthly tickets and finally help this book. After all, if it really falls out of the top six by a few dozen votes, that would be really depressing.

hehe! This is all nonsense, I hope you don’t find me verbose. I hope that next month, everyone will continue to enjoy this book as well.

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