A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 823 Tongtian Lingbao Giant Python Ancient Beast

Lu Weiying stopped speaking the curse and pointed at the Dharma flag with his hand.

As soon as the flag trembled, the flag suddenly unfolded, its brilliance dazzling.

Cyclones that were the same as before swarmed out from above and turned into more than a dozen white wind dragons, sweeping toward the gray mist in the distance.

The golden giant sword also shot out from the place amidst the buzzing sound, flew into the sky above the gray fog, and began to hover.

It seemed that Marquis Nanlong was preparing to wait for the gray fog to clear, and as soon as the monster appeared, he would use his thunderbolt method to kill it suddenly.

Han Li silently flicked his sleeves, and a shining silver alms bowl flew out of his sleeves, then turned into a ball of silver light and flew away into the distance.

This alms bowl is one of the few ancient treasures that Han Li got from killing Master Mulan. The power can only be regarded as unsatisfactory.

Using this treasure to attack, Han Li probably had a temptation in his heart.

More than a dozen wind dragons took the lead and plunged into the thick fog. The gray mist rolled in waves, and large swaths of fog were rolled up high by the hurricane, and then torn apart and shattered.

The gray fog sea was gradually weakened by the hurricane.

But this situation only lasted for a moment, and a strange "hissing" sound suddenly came from the mist.

A huge snake tail as thick as a water tank was suddenly thrown out of the fog and hit a wind dragon. The hurricane disappeared in a flash.

The snake's tail slapped twice quickly, and two more wind dragons were easily defeated.

When the old man surnamed Lu saw this, his expression changed.

But immediately he created a strange magic spell with both hands. Say the word "break" at the mouth.

The remaining ten hurricanes flashed with white light and exploded at the same time.

The bursting wind suddenly raged in the fog sea, and the strong wind blew in all directions, blowing most of the gray fog into pieces. The entire sea of ​​fog finally dispersed, and the monster's figure was vaguely revealed.

Extremely huge, like a black body like a hill, coiled there

The golden giant sword, which had been hovering above the gray fog for a long time, took this opportunity to drop down and silently slashed at the giant python that had just revealed its whereabouts.

Han Li used his magic skills and flew up to shoot the alms bowl. The silver light emitted, and his body suddenly grew in size and became as big as ten feet.

A dull buzzing sound came out, and a piece of silver light poured out from the huge light group and swept straight towards the giant python opposite. He and the golden giant sword suddenly became a force to join forces.

The giant python seemed a little sluggish. Facing the attacks from the silver wave and the golden sword, it still curled up in a ball, motionless.

Nanlong Hou was naturally overjoyed and hurriedly poured some more spiritual power into the sword. The giant sword actually grew a little bigger.

But before the golden light could really cut through, there was an unexpected flash of light on the python's body, and a layer of green glow suddenly appeared on it.

There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and the golden and green rays of light intertwined together, and then the green glow of the glow exploded, and the golden giant sword bounced away.

At this time, the three monks were secretly surprised.

The silver light that followed also hit the Qingxia light, but also disappeared in vain.

After these two blows, the giant python seemed to wake up a little.

It slowly pulled out the huge head buried deep in its body, waved it a few times, and then looked at Han Li and others.

At this time, the gray fog had completely dispersed, and the appearance of the giant python truly fell into the eyes of the three people.

This python is as black as iron and is more than fifty or sixty feet long. Its body is extremely thick and covered with dark scales as big as a palm. A pair of green snake eyes were shining with a cold light.

Han Li was shocked. Just when he was about to cast a spell to call back the silver bowl, the giant python seemed to move.

In the flash of a long shadow, the giant silver bowl that was more than thirty feet away suddenly disappeared.

Han Li was startled. Before he could understand what was going on, Nanlong Hou's golden giant sword also encountered the same situation.

The golden giant sword in the sky suddenly disappeared after the shadow flashed.

But this time, Han Li, who was prepared in advance, saw everything clearly.

The giant python's body stretched and thinned in a strange way in an instant, and swallowed the two treasures into its belly like lightning. Because the movement was too fast, Han Li and others were unable to react at first.

This giant python is so huge, but its movements are so fast.

Han Li's expression suddenly became serious.

Marquis Nanlong on the side saw that the flying sword was swallowed, but he was first surprised and then happy.

His golden flying sword was a magic weapon that took hundreds of years to cultivate. Originally, the python's scales were extremely hard and could not be harmed at all outside. But now that it has been swallowed into the belly of its own accord, isn't this python seeking its own death?

Thinking of this, Marquis Nanlong remained silent and hurriedly used his spiritual consciousness to urge the golden flying sword, preparing it to show its power in the belly of the giant python, and burst out of the monster's belly directly, killing the giant python.

But the next moment, Nanlong Hou's expression froze.

Although the natal magic weapon can still be contacted. But at this moment, it seemed as if something was imprisoned in the python's belly. Couldn't move at all. This time, he couldn't help but become nervous.

After all, if his natal magic weapon is damaged, he who is connected with his mind will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Two fellow Taoists, my flying sword is trapped. This giant python is indeed no ordinary monster, so be more careful."

After saying the words of reminder, Marquis Nanlong took a deep breath with a gloomy expression. When he raised his hand, a green ring fell off his finger and flew out, floating in front of him.

The surface of the ring flickered darkly and brightly, with various runes faintly flashing. It seems to be no ordinary treasure.

Lu Weiying on the other side was shocked when he saw that Han Li and his two men had lost their treasures, and hurriedly took back the Dharma flag.

Then he raised his hand, and several talismans flew out lightly. Then white light burst out, and dozens of strange white and dazzling fireballs appeared out of thin air in front of the old man.

Han Li looked at these white fireballs in surprise, vaguely feeling that he had heard of such fireballs somewhere. But now was not the time to dwell on this matter. He looked back and patted the storage bag on his waist. Four white lights shot out of the bag and landed on the ground.

Three white wolves, two red bulls, and a green python. These were the six ancient puppet beasts that were exchanged from Master Tianjing during the trade fair.

After obtaining these puppets, Han Li had not actually used them yet, and now he was facing the giant python ancient beast to test their power.

When Marquis Nanlong and the old man saw Han Li's puppet beast, they were slightly surprised, but then their expressions remained as before.

The three of them were all experienced in fighting with others. After looking at each other solemnly, they each activated their magical powers and jointly attacked.

But the giant python stared at the three people and began to show a fierce look. It actually raised its head and exhaled vigorously.

Suddenly, there was a nauseating smell, and Han Li and the others stood in front of them.

Han Li and the others were startled, and the body-protecting spiritual light flashed around them in a hurry, and they held their breath. But the next moment, I realized that although the smell was a bit unpleasant, it was not harmful.

The three of them couldn't help but hesitate for a moment in astonishment.

But in this moment of delay, the giant python's mouth opened wildly, the snake's belly flattened, and it sucked in suddenly.

In an instant, the gravel and soil in front of the giant python bounced up from the ground, and poured into the giant python's mouth.

Without warning, the three of them felt as if they were being pushed with great force from behind. As soon as their steps slackened, their bodies were unable to move at all. They floated out of thin air and were about to be forcefully swallowed by the giant python.

Han Li's four puppets were sucked in without any resistance and were at the python's mouth in an instant.

Han Li had a look of shock on his face, but he didn't feel panic at all. There was a flash of green light outside his body, and his body immediately became extremely heavy. Falling straight down. At the same time, with a thought, the six puppet beasts that had just reached the giant python's mouth suddenly launched an attack.

The four horns of the two red bulls flashed red and suddenly shot out, turning into four red lights and shooting toward the giant python's mouth.

The giant python was trying to suck Han Li and the others into its belly, but the red light effortlessly hit the python's exposed core.

After a flash of red light, a "thumping" sound came out.

The giant python groaned in pain, and its huge snake core shrank back. Although I couldn't see the extent of the injury, I sucked furiously and paused unconsciously.

In this moment of relaxation, the three white wolves regained control of their bodies. White light emanated from their bodies, and they instantly regained control of their bodies. Several-inch-long claws sprouted from the four wolf claws, and a sharp blade-like blade protruded from the wolf's mouth. Sharp fangs. The figure flashed and turned into three white rainbows, heading straight for the giant python's head.

A "Zila" sound, like the sound of metal friction, came from the head of the giant python. .

Although I don’t know why, the original cyan glow did not appear this time. However, regardless of whether the claws or long fangs scratched the black scales of the giant python's head, they could only leave a faint white mark and could not hurt the giant python at all.

But two of the white wolves immediately changed their body shapes and shot to both sides, directly attacking the two snake eyes of the giant python. Its eyes are exposed and not protected by snake scales.

The purple shadow flashed rapidly, and two dull sounds came out.

The two white wolves had just flown halfway when the giant python spit out its snake core like lightning and swung it left and right. The left one was hit hard and flew diagonally.

The snake head, which was as big as a room, tilted its head slightly and bit into its big mouth a white wolf puppet that was shot backwards. When I want to make another puppet in the same way.

The green python puppet suddenly grew to a height of more than ten feet and pounced on him fiercely. The two red bulls also shot out their horns again. "

The ancient giant python was completely angered by the attacks of these puppets. It let out a low roar, and after the snake's head shook sharply, a stream of black air spurted out from its nostrils, instantly enveloping its entire head.

The remaining two white wolves took this opportunity to shoot back.

But in the black air, two black shadows flashed out and bit the two white wolves at the same time. It turned out to be two identical snake heads, but smaller in size.

It's all a long story, but it only happened in a split second.

At this moment, the black energy quickly subsided, revealing the giant python's true face in Lushan.

On the opposite side, Han Li and others, who had just regained their freedom, immediately heard screams of surprise.

"This is……"

"Three-headed black snake!"

"How can it be!"

The words of the three people were full of disbelief.

Opposite them, a strange python with three snake heads was staring at them angrily. The snake head in the middle is looking up and spitting out the snake core. The heads on the left and right sides used force with their mouths at the same time to bite the puppet beast in their mouths.

But at this moment, a cold word "explosion" came from the opposite side.

"Rumble" two loud noises. The two puppet beasts in the snake's mouth exploded and turned into two dazzling white lights.

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