Han Li, who had not moved for a long time, suddenly raised his right hand and raised a finger, which seemed a bit puzzling.

But soon, half an inch above Han Li's fingertips, a slight fluctuation in space suddenly occurred, and a few sparks appeared out of thin air. As soon as the sparks appeared, there was an immediate "snap" sound, and the space was distorted for no reason. It turned into a red fireball the size of a walnut. Although the fireball was not big, a hot high temperature followed the appearance of the small fireball and spread throughout the room.

Han Li's face was still covered with books, and he lay motionless as if asleep. Only the small fireballs on his fingertips continued to make a high-temperature burning sound of "Boom! Boom!" Compared with the fingers, they look particularly eye-catching.

As time passed, the fireball still maintained its extraordinary vitality and showed no sign of wanting to be extinguished. But Han Li finally had a different reaction. His fingertips holding the fireball trembled slightly. At first it was just the fingers, but as time went by, the wrists, the whole arm, and even the whole body gradually began to tremble.

Suddenly, Han Li sat upright from the Grand Master's chair, and he didn't even realize that the book on his face fell to the ground.

His eyes were fixed on the small fireball on his fingertips, and his face turned red from holding back. The exposed skin from the forehead to the neck also exuded many small beads of sweat, as if he had just finished some strenuous exercise, and his whole body was steaming.

After a while, the fireball began to sway as Han Li's body shook violently. The flames on it began to grow bigger and smaller, unable to maintain its calmness. After a while, it finally became smaller, turned into sparks again, and disappeared into the air. among.

As soon as the fireball disappeared, Han Li immediately lay back on the chair as if his backbone had been ripped out. He looked extremely tired, as if he had just done something that consumed a lot of energy.

"This fire bomb technique is really difficult to practice! I have studied it for nearly half a year, but I still haven't fully mastered its essentials. I just extended the time for it to appear a little longer." Han Li looked at the roof and said to himself Said to himself.

It turned out that the last few pages of this secret book of Changchun Kung also recorded several crude spells. These were clearly entry-level tools for cultivating immortals. Han Li felt like he had found a treasure, and he was so excited that he couldn't sleep for several nights. .

It's no wonder that he was so excited. Ever since he saw several spells performed by Doctor Mo, Han Li had been very interested in these incredible, powerful and unpredictable things.

But what is pitiful is that Han Likong now has the sixth-level Changchun Kung Fu, but he is like a beggar holding a golden bowl to beg for food. He does not know the slightest spell-casting skills, and he does not even know the most basic magic principles. But now he found several spell formulas suitable for novices like him. How could he not be overjoyed?

The spells recorded on the last page of the book include five formulas such as "Fire Bullet Technique", "Calming Talisman", "Wind Control Technique", "Object Control Technique" and "Sky Eye Technique". Every formula contained in these spells is so special to Han Li. It is so ancient and profound that it is difficult to understand.

It's no wonder that the terms of these oral sentences are all spelled out with some relatively ancient grammatical vocabulary. Although he has read a lot of books, his attainments in this area are really very shallow, and naturally he cannot understand the meaning. You can understand it all at once.

In desperation, Han Li finally regained his original enthusiasm for learning Changchun Kung and plunged into a pile of books on ancient Chinese literature. He began to study the true meaning of the formulas day and night, and learned about each skill. One sentence, each word must be thought over and over dozens of times before giving up. It must be thoroughly understood without causing any ambiguity.

Even though he has never learned any spells before, he still knows that if such an infinite power goes wrong, it will be much more powerful than the infuriating energy that goes crazy, and it is very likely to kill him in one fell swoop. Little life. For the sake of his own safety, Han Li was so cautious and did not dare to be careless.

After three months of in-depth study, Han Li finally integrated all these formulas theoretically, so he began to practice real spells.

This practical hands-on learning was a big blow to Han Li.

He originally thought that with his intelligence in learning the "Blinking Sword Technique", it wouldn't be too difficult to learn the spell, but who would have thought that he suddenly became incredibly stupid at it. He clearly knew the principle, but he didn't really get the hang of it. Shi Ke couldn't do it correctly. Either the technique was wrong, the formula was pronounced wrong, or the magic power was not in place, making him look dull.

Han Li had nothing to do about it. If it was a problem of insufficient mana, he could still solve it. At most, he could solve it by taking two more elixirs.

But this was obviously a problem that he couldn't control. It seemed that his talent in magic was not as good as he thought. This was the conclusion Han Li came to for himself after a lot of hard work.

After Han Li practiced hard for a long time, he finally achieved some success in the "Fire Bullet Technique" and "Celestial Eye Technique", but he didn't even touch the threshold of the other three spells, and they had no effect at all.

Frustrated, he had no choice but to focus on the "Fire Bullet Technique" and "Sky Eye Technique" that he could now master, and he had a lot of hope in them.

Among them, the power of the "Fire Bullet Technique" really did not disappoint Han Li, and even far exceeded Han Li's expectations.

Although the fireball of the "Fire Bomb Technique" is not large in size, the terrifying high temperature contained inside it is indestructible to almost everything and inflammable.

Even if it is a weapon made of fine steel, after being hit by this fireball, the parts where the weapon comes into contact will be melted into iron juice in the blink of an eye.

After seeing this inhuman and terrifying power, Han Li even threw the fireball on the water to test it. As a result, the water area was immediately ignited by the fireball like oil, without revealing anything that could be restrained by the flood. tendency.

After thoroughly understanding the power of the "Fire Bullet Technique", Han Li finally understood why Yu Zitong looked down upon mortals with such arrogance.

Think about it, a cultivator who knows a little bit about magic can easily kill the so-called masters in the world with a small spell like "Fire Bullet". If a cultivator with more advanced skills were to take action, he would not be able to sweep the entire world and become invincible.

With such a huge disparity in strength, it's no wonder that immortal cultivators like Yu Zitong look at ordinary people like ants.

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