The other party's generous gesture let Han Li know that as long as the conditions he mentioned were not too excessive, the other party would most likely agree to it. From this point of view, his original expected goal can be easily achieved.

However, this kind of generous treatment is rare in the entire Qixuan Sect. It can be seen that the senior officials also know what a miracle doctor with excellent medical skills means to the people in the world.

Han Li was not polite. He demanded on the spot that the Divine Hand Valley be given to him to live alone, and he did not want outsiders to disturb him from studying medical skills in the valley.

Such a condition, which was not considered a condition at all, was naturally agreed to by Master Ma. Perhaps in order to win over Han Li, the other party actually offered to send a young and beautiful maid to Han Li to take care of his daily life.

Han Li was so excited by this unexpected bargaining chip that he almost acquiesced. But when he calmed down and thought about the many secrets he was carrying, he still refused with some heartache.

Han Li's actions made the Ma Sect Master admire him quite a bit. He looked at him with special eyes and kept saying that he was young and promising, not addicted to women, and that if he had a daughter, he would definitely marry him. .

Han Li couldn't help but laugh or cry after hearing these words. It's not that he doesn't like women, it's just that he can't do it now.

So just like that, the entire Divine Hand Valley became Han Li's private territory, and outsiders were generally not allowed to break in at will.

To this end, Han Li also specially placed a big bell at the entrance of the valley. No matter who wanted to see Han Li, as long as he rang the bell, Han Li would immediately come out of the valley to meet him. This weird rule was placed by Han Li in a grand manner, and even some middle- and high-level personnel could not avoid it.

The reason why Han Li made such a weird rule was entirely to prevent the last possibility of the bottle's secret being leaked. As long as no one breaks into the valley, Han Li can ensure that no one else will know about the bottle's amazing uses.

At first, this rule didn't matter to the low-level disciples, but it made many high-level people very dissatisfied. They thought that Han Li had too high self-esteem and didn't know the heights of the world. Even Doctor Mo didn't have such a big arrogance. He was just a fresh graduate. How dare you be so presumptuous as an apprentice.

But when Han Li brought a seriously injured and dying protector back from the brink of death and completely cured him, all the shouting disappeared without a trace, and no one mentioned it again.

No one would offend a miracle doctor who might save their lives several times over a trivial matter. This behavior of ringing the bell to meet him was naturally regarded by them as some kind of weird temperament that a miracle doctor should have.

As the days passed, even several sect masters gradually acquiesced to this rule. When they wanted to seek medical treatment, they would send someone to ring the big bell politely, and then respectfully invite Han Li over.

In this way, Han Li gradually became an anomaly in the legend of Qixuanmen.

Say he is a high-ranking person! He holds no senior position and holds no power. He is said to be a low-level disciple! But who has ever seen such a famous disciple? Even several sect leaders would respectfully call him Doctor Han when they meet him. Few people dare to call Han Li by his first and last name anymore.

Of course, this does not include our Li Feiyu and Senior Brother Li.

Li Feiyu continued to maintain his cold appearance in front of other people, but as soon as he saw Han Li, he immediately changed to a carefree appearance and called him by his name without politeness. It was not because of Han Li's change of identity, like Wang Da Like other disciples, Fatty became distant and respectful.

However, this made Han Li somewhat relieved. After all, it was not pleasant to be alone.

Thinking of Li Feiyu's playful expression, Han Li couldn't help but think of another bitter pumpkin face.

Not long ago, he unexpectedly met another acquaintance who rode into the mountains with him in the past, and is now the core disciple of Qijuetang - Wu Yan. He suffers from a disease that is neither serious nor serious, but is difficult to cure for a long time by other quack doctors. The strange disease tortured him so much that he had no choice but to seek treatment from Divine Doctor Han in the name of the master of Ma Gate.

It must be said that Wu Yan's memory is still very good. When he saw the famous Doctor Han, he immediately recognized his partner in the car that day - Han Li. The look of surprise and weirdness on his face was still fresh in Han Li's memory. After all, his attitude towards Han Li back then was not very good, and was even a bit bad.

When Han Li saw Wu Yan's embarrassed look, he felt a little funny in his heart. Naturally, he would not deny him medical treatment because of this. But in order not to ruin his reputation, Han Li deliberately increased the amount of medicine he prescribed, allowing Wu Yan to be cured of his illness in just two days. It's just that the other party suffered a little more pain during the recovery process due to the excessive potency of the medicine. This can be regarded as a small punishment from Han Li for his bad attitude back then.

It seems that Han Li is not as generous as he thinks, but he is actually very vindictive.

In this way, Han Li slowly and completely replaced Doctor Mo's position on the mountain, and even went up a level.

Now, he takes out the vial every day and places it in an open space in the valley, allowing it to brew magical green liquid every seven or eight days to produce long-lasting rare herbs, and then carefully prepares various Patent medicine.

A small part of it was used on people who came to seek medical treatment; most of it was taken by Han Li himself to strengthen his energy and Qi and promote the practice of Changchun Gong.

Han Li gently moved his body lying on the Grand Master's chair to make himself more comfortable.

Although he was sitting on Doctor Mo's imperial chair, this was not Doctor Mo's room, but Han Li's own residence. However, he unceremoniously took over all the items he thought were useful from Doctor Mo's room. For his own sake, he moved into his own room. With his current status, even if someone saw his disrespectful behavior towards Doctor Mo, they would not do anything to him. After all, in the eyes of others, Han Li was now more important than Doctor Mo. People are still very realistic!

In fact, Doctor Mo's residence is much larger than Han Li's, and it would be more suitable to move there directly.

It's a pity that Han Li always felt that it was a bit strange to live there. After all, Dr. Mo's death had a lot to do with him. He was blatantly living in the house of a deceased person who died by his own hands. He still felt a little chilly in his heart, something wasn't right. It is more secure and comfortable for him to live in his own kennel.

But when he thought of Doctor Mo, Han Li naturally couldn't forget the frustration of still being controlled by the dead.

During this period of time, he carefully checked the inside and outside of his body several times, and there was indeed a trace of something cold and cold that he could not figure out lurking in his Dantian. Han Li tried taking "Qingling Powder" and other Various methods of detoxification were tried, but unfortunately none of them worked. It seemed that a long trip in a year's time was inevitable. .

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