"You are too complacent. This boy is very shrewd, and he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Don't expect that you will succeed only to fall short in the hands of this boy." Suddenly, the voice of another young man appeared in Doctor Mo's mind. sounded.

Doctor Mo's expression changed, his face seemed to be covered with frost, and he reprimanded coldly:

"Yu Zitong, please stop interfering in my affairs. I don't need you to teach me a lesson. If I can succeed, I will naturally benefit from you. However, there seems to be something wrong with the exercises you gave me. Do you want me to come here?" Something unexpected happened!" The suspicion in Doctor Mo's words was clearly visible.

This voice seemed to be very afraid of Dr. Mo. After hearing his threats, he hurriedly explained:

"How could there be a mistake? Haven't you tried it with animals? As for the death of one of them, it was just because you were not familiar with the technique, but the dead one should not hinder your plan."

"Hmph! It's best like this. It's a pity that I can't practice more, otherwise I would be a little more sure." After hearing this voice, Doctor Mo thought about the last exercise test, and the last thing in his heart was The doubts disappeared.

After he said this, the voice seemed to have learned the lesson just now and stopped talking. Dr. Mo was left talking to himself nervously, and the atmosphere in the whole room seemed particularly strange.

At this time, Han Li was in an inconspicuous ravine, which was even more remote and private than the place where he met Li Feiyu.

The terrain here is in the shape of a long strip, formed into a "one" shape by two steep hills. The two ends of the ravine are blocked tightly by bushes, making it impossible to pass. There was no way out except a rope secretly suspended from the summit of the lower mountain.

Moreover, there are dense thorn forests growing here. They occupy a large area of ​​land here, leaving only a small open space for Han Li to intervene. On the top of the ravine, there were countless unknown vines woven together to form a natural green sky. Han Li didn't have to worry about anyone passing by accidentally and could see him underneath.

Han Li put his belongings under a huge rock, returned to the center of the open space, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then opened his eyes with a determined expression, and said softly: "Just start from the most difficult to practice. Let the cartilage work begin.”

In this way, Han Li began his own path of cultivation.

He didn't know that not far from him, there was a yellow bird squatting on a branch, watching him day and night. Only when he saw that he didn't want to escape, it didn't fly back and report to its owner. .

Time flies so fast, half of four months passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, in the ravine, at first glance, there was no one. Han Li, who was originally here, was nowhere to be seen. Only the little yellow bird stayed in place calmly, combing slowly with his beak. Feather, turning a blind eye to the surveillance target, seemed to have forgotten its mission.

Suddenly, another gray bird flew through the green vines above and flew into the ditch. After circling above for a few times, it landed on a yellow wooden pile on the edge of the clearing. It seemed that it was going to take a rest. , and fly away later.

At this time, the little yellow bird tilted its head and looked at another of the same kind that had just flown over with arrogant eyes. Then it showed a sarcastic expression like a human being and seemed to be dismissive of the gray bird.

The little bird that just arrived stood on one leg, looked around, and finally found its kind. It spread its wings as if it wanted to fly over.

Suddenly, an unexpected thing happened. A withered yellow palm fell from the sky and grabbed the bewildered gray bird.

This change made it terrified. It struggled desperately, but unfortunately it could not escape the control of the owner of this hand.

At this time, the little bird discovered that the wooden stake under his feet had turned into a young man wearing a yellow shirt. This young man had dark skin, ordinary appearance, thick eyebrows and big eyes. Except for his clear eyes, There is nothing else attractive about it.

The young man smiled and watched the little bird in his hand struggling. When it was almost completely tired, he let go of his hand and said warmly:

"Go ahead, don't be so stupid next time! Look at the location before settling down."

The little bird was free all of a sudden. Regardless of its fellow bird, it flapped its wings in a panic and flew out of the bottom of the ditch without looking back.

After watching the bird fly away, the young man stood there without moving. After a while, he slowly said to himself:

"It seems that my breath gathering skills and pseudo-concealment skills have reached a certain level. Now it's time to practice the secret room assassination skills."

After speaking, Han Li moved his body and walked towards the newly built cabin nearby. When passing by the little yellow bird tree, he couldn't help but look up.

Han Li discovered this strange little bird more than half a month ago. It has been staying on a nearby branch, watching me all the time, and seems to be very spiritual.

When he first saw it, Han Li was fascinated by its spirituality and loved this little yellow bird very much.

He tried to abduct it, but no matter what method he used, "lure", "seduce" or "trap" didn't work. The little bird had no intention of being deceived, and from time to time looked at it with contempt as if it were looking at a fool. Looking at him, Han Li couldn't help but smile.

Later, when he got angry, he wanted to step forward and use force, but before he could get close, it immediately spread its wings and flew into the sky. When Han Li left again, it immediately flew back and landed in the same place, leaving Han Li to stand there. Staring.

Thinking of this, Han Li turned around angrily and ignored it. In fact, he had vaguely realized in his heart that the origin of this little bird might have something to do with Doctor Mo, and it was probably sent by him. Keep an eye on your eyes and ears.

But Han Li didn't care. As long as Doctor Mo didn't come to monitor him personally, a little bird could tell him anything. Besides, he really liked this little psychic guy and couldn't bear to use other vicious methods to deal with it.

At this time, Doctor Mo was in a stone room, using animal bone meal to draw a strange formation. While he was drawing, he was discussing something with another person in his mind. He had no idea that Han Li had already seen through his surveillance. s method.

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