A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 41 Leave a message at night

Han Li does not have such a long time to suffer. In four to five months at most, Doctor Mo will have a complete showdown with him. He must have a certain ability to protect himself before then.

So he finally decided to practice only a few of the secret techniques that were simple and easy to use and put them aside for the time being. It would not be too late to practice them again after he really escaped from the tiger's mouth this time.

In this way, the training time is greatly shortened, allowing one to learn several quick and easy secret techniques as early as possible.

In fact, Han Li also knew very well that even if he mastered all these secret skills, he might not be a match for the opponent.

If Doctor Mo hadn't lied last time, given the opponent's prominent status as the overlord of the previous side, and the many vicious and vicious methods he had used in the last conflict, the skills the opponent showed were probably only a fraction of their true strength. .

Even so, Han Li still felt chills in his heart when he thought of that ghostly skill, and he was extremely afraid of Doctor Mo.

He knew very well that what he had learned in a short period of time was limited, and the threat he could pose to Doctor Mo was very small, almost negligible. However, Han Li would never do such a foolish thing as surrendering to others and being manipulated by others. made.

Han Li knew that if he fought with the opponent again, the only chance of victory would be the opponent's contempt for him. Only when the other party is careless, neglects oneself, and then takes action unexpectedly can it be possible to gain a glimmer of hope.

In the following days, Han Li memorized all the blinking sword manuals, selected several secret techniques that were useful to him, and began to study them, hoping to find a quick way to practice.

After racking his brains for several days, he compiled a whole set of cultivation methods from the book. He was able to complete such a tedious work in such a short period of time. He was very proud of his high efficiency. .

In the following half month, Han Li took care of all the trivial matters one by one, making himself fully prepared and leaving no worries.

First of all, he returned the original copy of the secret book to Li Feiyu intact on a certain day, and took advantage of the situation to tell him how he met the spies of the Wild Wolf Gang. Of course, he also told him about the identity of the kitchen steward.

After Li Feiyu heard this, he became surprised and happy. He hugged his shoulders and said "good brother" repeatedly. He was really touched that Han Li gave him such a great achievement for nothing. .

But he didn't know that Han Li was busy worrying about his own life, so why would he want to catch the spy? If he could do it without having to worry about it, and he could be a favor, why wouldn't he do it!

After finishing his work with Li Feiyu, Han Li went to the door one after another in person to find several skilled blacksmiths in the sect.

There, they ordered several sheathed daggers of different styles, and asked them to secretly make some small changes on them. In addition, there were some nameless parts with no clear purpose and a few small and exquisite iron bells, which were also required to be completed as quickly as possible. For this, Han Li spent a lot of money to give him another Feeling a little bit of pain.

A few days later, Han Li received the custom-made items from the blacksmith. He was very satisfied when he saw the bright dagger and the small and exquisite iron bell. He praised the blacksmith's craftsmanship repeatedly and felt that his money was not wasted.

That night, Han Li disappeared from his residence without a trace, leaving only a note on his bedside that read:

"Old Mo, you don't have to worry about getting angry. I'm not running away. I just feel that being in the same valley with you is too depressing and is not conducive to the practice of Changchun Gong. For this reason, the disciple decided to find another secluded place on the mountain. So, go to retreat for practice. You can rest assured that I will come back to meet you on time on the same day four months later.

Han Li pays his respects

Leaning against the imperial chair, Doctor Mo held the note in his left hand and read it carefully, his face clouded. There was another note on the table beside it, which recorded the order catalog that Han Li had given to the blacksmith not long ago.

At this time, in the room, except for the "pop" sound of Doctor Mo tapping the table with the fingers of his right hand, there was no other sound.

Suddenly, he snorted coldly, and the paper in his hand turned into pieces and scattered all over the floor.

He stood up irritably and walked around the room for a few steps, frowning and thinking about something. After walking back and forth for a few times, he stopped and said to himself:

"Little bastard, I don't know what you are planning, but no matter what tricks you want to play, you can't escape my grasp. I will definitely decide on you."

After finishing speaking, Doctor Mo suddenly turned around and walked to the window. A low whistle sounded in his mouth, and then an unknown bird with yellow feathers flew in from the window and circled around the room several times. It fell on his shoulders.

As soon as the little bird stood firm, it rubbed its beak on his face affectionately and made a crisp sound of "Gulu".

"Okay, I know you're hungry. Here, this is your favorite "Huangli Wan".

As soon as Dr. Mo saw the bird, his gloomy face showed a hint of smile and a doting look. He took out a grain of yellow bird food from his pocket and stuffed it into the bird's mouth.

"Go, just like before, follow that man carefully. As soon as he leaves this mountain range, he will fly back and tell me immediately." Doctor Mo ordered as if he were telling someone.

As soon as the bird ate the food, it flew up in the room with excitement. After listening to his words, it circled in a circle, flew out of the window, and disappeared into the sky.

"Hmph! There is a "cloud-winged bird" under surveillance, which is said to be able to shoot sharp arrows and fly faster than a strong bow. Let me see what tricks you can play." He said to himself eerily.

"Four months? I've been waiting for this day for you. It seems that the plan will be successful! Now whoever dares to stand in front of me and hinder the implementation of the plan, I will kill him. God will kill God if he blocks it, and Buddha will kill if he blocks it. Buddha."

"Haha! Haha!" Doctor Mo suddenly laughed wildly, his eyes full of madness.

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