The voice of another spy sounded strange to Han Li. He must have never seen this person before, but judging from his voice, he was relatively young, probably in his twenties.

It was a pity that Han Li did not dare to take a sneak peek just to be on the safe side, fearing that these two people would be able to sense the prying eyes of his because of their superb skills, and thus they would notice that an outsider was nearby, which would be more of a loss than a gain.

After experiencing this incident, the journey ahead was very peaceful.

Han Li finally returned to his residence after dinner time passed for a long time.

As usual, Doctor Mo was not even interested in taking a look at Han Li's mysterious return. Apart from sending some prepared medicines, he was completely indifferent to Han Li's behavior.

If Han Li hadn't seen that the medicine Doctor Mo sent was composed of precious medicinal materials collected during his last trip down the mountain, he would have thought that the doctor had given up on him and was preparing some vicious plot.

Now Han Li had no regard for the so-called precious medicine sent by Doctor Mo, but in order not to make the other party suspicious, he would still hold his nose and take it.

He is not afraid that the medicine sent is mixed with poison. If the other party harms him now, it will only harm himself at the same time.

On the way back, Han Li thought of a good way to deal with the Wild Wolf Gang spies he met on the way.

Although he himself does not have deep feelings for Qixuanmen, he is still half an inner disciple, and he is too embarrassed to ignore the things that are happening under his nose that endanger Qixuanmen.

What's more, he has already found the best person to handle this matter for him - Li Feiyu, Senior Brother Li.

According to Han Li's observation, perhaps because of taking the "marrow extracting pills", Li Feiyu's ambition for fame and wealth is much heavier than ordinary people, and he has a lot of ambitions. He has always dreamed of entering the upper echelons of the Qixuan Sect and becoming a more popular person. The center of attention.

Han Li once guessed that the other party probably wanted to make himself even crazier and more glorious in the last moment.

Now, if he delivers such a great achievement to his door in person, he will definitely be overjoyed. This can be regarded as repaying his favor for obtaining the sword manual.

When he thought of the "Blinking Sword Manual", Han Li was filled with excitement.

He did not lie to his friend about the "Blinking Sword Manual". This sword manual was indeed not suitable for him to practice, but Han Li did not reveal many relevant details.

For him, keeping some little secrets in front of everyone is the only way to survive.

Even if the other person seems to be very close to you, this is no exception.

However, the things recorded in these secret books are really very different from ordinary martial arts.

In Han Li's view, it is more appropriate to call it sword skill than sword technique. It is a secret assassination technique that combines various factors such as time, place, people, etc. It is very rare. A pure killing technique that leads to instant death.

In these books, various techniques are described in different circumstances and at different times, using the secret sword skills that one has practiced hard to kill the enemy with one sword.

It teaches those who learn this sword skill to use the vegetation and trees on the terrain and the angles of various light levels to cause visual errors to the opponent, seize the enemy's weakness in an instant, and see through the opponent's Break the flaw and kill your opponent in an instant.

This is a secret technique that requires very technical skills. Without a little bit of talent, it is impossible to master this sword technique.

Therefore, those who practice this secret skill must have extraordinary five senses, and their vision and hearing are much better than ordinary people. Only then can they hope to achieve success.

If it were just the above conditions, there would always be some disciples who would take it as an elective course because they were greedy for its power.

But what is excessive is that it also has more stringent conditions, requiring those who practice this secret skill not to have pure internal strength, otherwise it will conflict with the skills of luck and power, making the practice extremely difficult.

Even if you are lucky enough to pass the test, in actual combat, due to the strong energy in the body, the sword moves will be unknowingly deformed, leaving a lot of flaws for the opponent, thus causing a fatal disaster.

Such a condition basically cuts off most people's attempts to practice. You must know that there has always been a saying in the martial arts world that "practicing boxing without practicing martial arts will result in nothing."

For them, not practicing internal energy is a huge taboo. If they give up their own zhenqi practice for this unknown and inexplicable swordsmanship, they will really become the laughing stock of the world.

As a result, there are only a few people left who still have plans to continue practicing.

But no matter how talented these people are, they have no problem with their Qi, so there is still one last hurdle that completely dispels their desire to continue to struggle.

That is this kind of sword skill, which is too complex and complicated, and has too complicated and detailed application conditions.

Looking at the thick secrets in the package, most people would be intimidated.

Basically, each sword manual represents a sword move, and each sword move will be divided into hundreds of sword moves. Each sword move must be executed in different environments and under different circumstances. Various different techniques when performing, etc.

Such a huge number of sword skills, not to mention practicing, will give people a headache just looking at them, let alone memorizing them all before comprehending and practicing them on their own.

The above abnormal training conditions have hindered many disciples who are interested in learning this sword technique, causing them to secretly curse the elder who created this unique skill.

As time went by, everyone in the Qixuan Sect gradually lost interest in this swordsmanship. They believed that it was impossible for anyone to master this martial arts. This martial arts was probably fabricated out of thin air by the elder before his death. , Otherwise, how could there be such outrageous cultivation conditions? This was clearly an attempt to make things difficult for the disciples who didn't know its details, so these secret books were shelved and no one cared about them anymore.

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