A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 38 Meeting a spy at night

Walking in the dark dense forest, Han Li opened his sense of touch vigilantly. The mountain road that was blurred in the eyes of ordinary people was as clear to him as daylight.

He was so cautious, not because he was wary of wild beasts in the forest, but because he had developed an instinctive reaction.

You know, since the Qixuan Sect moved to the Caixia Mountains, the small and large animals in the mountain forest have been gradually cleared away. Not to mention the ferocious beasts, even the various venomous snakes in the wild have mostly become numerous. The thing in the belly of the disciple.

This habit of being cautious and keeping one's ears and eyes open at all times in unknown circumstances was not something he was born with. But he was specially cultivated after careful consideration after escaping from Doctor Mo last time. This good habit will allow him to avoid many accidents in his future actions and reduce the risk factor to the lowest limit.

The mountain wind seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and there were "wow" sounds one after another, which made people feel a little creepy.

From a distance, Han Li felt that he was almost out of the edge of the forest.

He let out a soft breath. Walking alone in this dark forest made him feel really depressed.

Han Li quickened his pace, taking steps a little wider than before, as if he wanted to get out of the woods as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, a strong mountain wind blew over us.

After the mountain breeze passed, Han Li suddenly stopped. He seemed to have discovered something unusual. He frowned, then tilted his neck and listened.

After a while, Han Li's expression slowly became serious, and the faint sound of footsteps came to his ears. Although the footsteps of the owner of the footsteps were very light and they were far away from Han Li, there were indeed two people heading towards him. Coming towards him, getting closer and closer to him.

With a slight flick of his body, Han Li hid in the dense forest beside the road like a civet cat, swiftly and quietly.

Behind a big tree more than ten feet away from the path, his figure stopped. His whole body curled up into a small ball and was hidden behind the trunk. Looking from the front of the tree, no trace of Han Li's figure could be seen. not see.

After finding a hiding place, Han Li felt slightly reassured.

It's not that he is too sensitive, but in such a remote place, when the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is really unreasonable for two people to come here. In all likelihood, it is something shameful.

He didn't want to be hunted down and silenced because he broke into other people's privacy and triggered murderous intentions.

However, Han Li was still happy to listen to other people's little secrets when he was safe and in no danger. He is not a rigid hypocrite. He will not turn away good things like this that come to his door.

"...Those who are going down the mountain...arrange...the time...the person...the gang leader..."

Waves of low-pitched words came intermittently from a distance. The wind on the mountain was very strong at this time, and most of the words were blown to pieces by the strong wind. Only a small part of the words reached his ears. inside.

Han Li was stunned. He didn't expect to overhear an incredible secret. In this land with a radius of hundreds of miles, the only person who could be called a gang leader was the "Golden Wolf" Jia Tianlong, the gang leader of the Wild Wolf Gang. It's really intriguing that the sect's archenemy is heard here.

In the minds of Qixuanmen disciples, Jia Tianlong is an out-and-out bloodthirsty demon. According to the rumors, he was big and round, with a green face and fangs, and a cruel temperament. He would eat human flesh three times a day and drink human blood alive. His inhuman existence really frightened many young disciples in the sect.

However, according to Li Feiyu, this is not the actual situation. Jia Tianlong is not only not tall and intimidating, but also very thin and handsome. He is also young, only in his early thirties, which is exactly the opposite of the rumors. But his iron-blooded character, who is willing to kill people at every turn, is as real and terrifying as the legend says. Otherwise, how would he be able to suppress other gangsters who were born horse thieves based on his appearance.

Han Li recalled the memory about Jia Tianlong, and took a deep breath in his heart. He quickly curled up even more, and his breathing became slower.

"...this time...steal...the list of people who want...to start..."

Another wave of faint whispers came over, much clearer than before. By now, the two people should be closer to Han Li.

Han Li did not dare to vent his anger loudly, knowing that if he was discovered, he would only die. These two people must be spies from the Wild Wolf Gang, and he would never let a third person live to know their secrets.

"...the plan...is...not...quick..."

Slowly, the voices of the two people talking became lower, and it seemed that they were talking about the core of the matter.

After a while, the sound became louder, but then it was no longer audible. Only the whistling sound of wind passed by their ears. They had walked through the mountain road in front of Han Li, and their figures gradually faded away. go.

For a while, Han Li still crouched behind the tree and did not dare to move. It was not until he used Changchun Kung to confirm that there was indeed no second person within dozens of feet that he slowly got up.

This time, he managed to save his life. Fortunately, he discovered the movements of the two spies in advance, otherwise he would have encountered them head-on. Judging from the other party's identity, he must be silenced. What's even more tragic is that based on his own skills, there is not even the slightest hope of escaping.

Han Li did not move on the spot, gently rubbing his chin with his fingers, staring at the direction where the two disappeared, with a slightly thoughtful expression on his face.

Judging from the incomplete content of their conversation, it seems that the other party is going to take some kind of action that is detrimental to Qixuanmen in the near future, and this action has a lot to do with a certain list.

What surprised Han Li even more was that even though he didn't see the specific figure or appearance of the two people, he recognized the voice of one of them.

Although he had only interacted with him once or twice, with his extraordinary memory that was different from ordinary people, he was still able to connect the person he was talking to with the humble steward in the big kitchen on the mountain.

This man who had sold rabbits to him in the past, and who in his mind liked to take advantage of others, had a mustache, and had a philistine image on his face, could be a spy from the Wild Wolf Gang, which really put Han Li's nerves to the test.

But when I think about it, it's not too unexpected. Only with this status can I often travel up and down the mountain and deliver messages without attracting the attention of others.

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