Seeing the cold sweat breaking out on Sun Ergou's face, Han Li knew that the heat was almost over, so his expression softened and he was ready to give the other party some benefits.

"Okay, let's continue to be your Sun Da gang leader from now on. If there is nothing special, I won't look for you. But after today's farewell, I don't know when I can see you again. So this thing, you Keep it well. If you leave any descendants in the future, you can recognize me with this thing. As long as your descendants are willing to serve me, I will ensure that they are rich and noble for the rest of their lives."

As he spoke, Han Li took out a piece of ordinary blank talisman paper and tore it into two halves with a crisp "swish" sound. He handed one half to Sun Ergou while he put away the other half.

After hearing what Han Li said, Sun Ergou first looked surprised, and then his face was full of ecstasy. He knelt down in front of Han Li excitedly, kowtowed three times, then raised his head and said seriously:

"Thank you for your great kindness, young master! Please rest assured, young master. I, Sun Ergou, belong to the Sun clan. From now on, I am willing to serve you as the master for generations to come and never regret it. Otherwise, you will suffer the catastrophe of annihilation of your family." After saying this, Sun Ergou After another kowtow, he stood up with a respectful expression.

Seeing this scene, Han Li was stunned for a moment!

Although his original intention was to win over Sun Ergou, he didn't expect that just making a promise would actually make him cry with gratitude.

But after thinking about it for a moment, Han Li understood.

In the mortal world, the most important thing for mortals is to carry on the family line and the rise and fall of the family! Han Li's words guaranteed the prosperity and wealth of the Sun family for several generations. In this way, Sun Ergou naturally wanted to attach himself to Han Li.

After all, Han Li had not given any excessive orders to Sun Ergou in these years, which naturally made him feel that letting his descendants continue to be loyal to Han Li was the best choice.

After figuring this out, Han Li felt very happy. From now on, Sun Ergou will do things for himself sincerely, and the results will be very different from doing things perfunctorily.

"Okay, since you sincerely submit to me now, I will naturally leave you some more benefits. Take these two bottles of elixir. One bottle is specially designed to treat various internal and external injuries. As long as you don't die in one breath, you will It can be saved. The other bottle of elixir is the antidote elixir I gave you earlier. It can cure all poisons in the world, so I will leave it for you to save your life!"

Han Li flipped his hand, and two small and exquisite porcelain bottles appeared in his palm, and then threw them to Sun Ergou with a normal expression.

Of course Sun Ergou was very grateful and felt that he had not made the wrong choice!

Then, Han Li gave Sun Ergou a few more words, and then left the Siping Gang chief helmsman calmly as he was sending him off.

It’s better to keep this alternative, who knows when it will be used again! Han Li thought silently in his heart.

Standing on the street outside, he looked up and saw that it was getting dark now, just in time to go to the Li Mansion.

As a result, Han Li's body swayed and his imperial weapon flew into the sky. In a short time, he reached the sky above the "Li Mansion".

Taking advantage of the pitch-black night, Han Li landed from the air very easily, and then cast several concealment spells, and disappeared silently into the Li Mansion.

Because of his experience in sneaking into Prince Xin's Mansion, Han Li was very skilled in using the Calming Talisman to restrain a "master" who was not weak in skills, and then used the "God Control Technique" to inquire about the whereabouts of the five-color sect master.

As a result, to Han Li's great joy, the master of the Five Colors Sect did not go to the heavily guarded back house, but went to his second son's residence in a side courtyard, as if he wanted to discuss something.

After asking for the location of the side courtyard, Han Li turned it into ashes with a fireball.

Now that this person has heard his own accent and words, it's better not to be soft-hearted and keep him alive.

Afterwards, Han Li dodged numerous light and dark sentry posts and came to a large courtyard.

But what surprised Han Li was that in front of the closed courtyard door, there were four men in white standing motionless. These four men's temples were bulging high and their eyes were shining. They were all masters of martial arts. .

Han Li frowned. It seemed that these were the personal guards of the Five Colors Sect Master. Now that these people had stayed outside, the Five Colors Sect Master was really here.

Han Li looked at the four guards coldly. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly appeared in front of them.

The four men in white were shocked and were about to take action, but Han Li's figure swayed again, and he transformed into four phantoms at the same time, waving his palm lightly at the four men.

Immediately, these people fell to the ground and died silently. Each of them had a shining ice pick inserted into their heart, and their bodies were also covered with a layer of white frost.

With an expressionless expression, Han Li used the fireball to dissolve the corpse, then he opened the wooden door and walked into the yard.

On the way here, he had searched the entire Li Mansion with his spiritual consciousness, and found that there was not a single monk here. This made Han Li feel relieved and started murderous intent.

It seemed that the master of the Five Colors Sect really died in his own hands.

Han Li had already planned to kill all the people in the courtyard as soon as he entered the courtyard.

It would be no joke if he left any trace alive for the monks from Spirit Beast Mountain to find him.

With this thought in mind, Han Li walked into the courtyard with a murderous look on his face, but when he saw the situation in the courtyard clearly, he was stunned.

There was a young woman in the yard, holding a two or three-year-old little girl in her arms, singing children's songs to lull her to sleep. Although this woman lowered her head and couldn't see her face clearly, her voice was soft and loving. Even Han Li, an outsider who had just entered, could clearly sense her love for the girl.

Such a scene was beyond Han Li's expectation, and most of the murderous intent in his heart was unconsciously released, making him feel like he was unable to advance or retreat.

This woman is the young sect leader's wife, but why didn't Sun Ergou tell him that they had a child?

Because Han Li did not hide his actions when he came in, so although the young woman lowered her head, she still knew that someone had come in.

So she stopped singing the hypnotic children's songs and said somewhat unhappily:

"Didn't I tell you to stay outside and don't come in casually? This will wake up my "Ying Ning"." After saying this, the young woman looked up coldly.

Obviously, she regarded Han Li as one of the four guards outside.

When the young woman and Han Li saw each other's faces clearly, they both exclaimed in shock.

"It's you?"

"How will you be here?"

The young woman's expression was gloomy, her stunningly beautiful face became gloomy, and at the same time, she showed a hint of panic at a loss. It's like having an affair with someone and being caught and raped in bed. It's really ridiculous.

Han Li didn't smile at all, and his expression was extremely ugly.

After a while, Han Li let out a sigh of relief and said coldly:

"Should I call you Senior Sister Mo, or should I call you Mrs. Li? Senior Sister Mo Yuzhu!"

This young woman was actually the eldest of the three sisters of the Mo family. Back then, she made all the young masters of Jiayuan City fascinated, and they did not even think about that peerless beauty.

Although she is now dressed as a young woman, her alluring beauty has not diminished by half. Instead, she exudes an amazing charm that drives men crazy.

When Mo Yuzhu heard what Han Li said, her face turned extremely pale, her body swayed a few times, and she almost fell to the ground with the child in her arms.

"Yuzhu! Why did I hear outsiders' voices! Who are you talking to?"

The people in the room seemed to notice something strange outside, and a somewhat familiar voice came to Han Li.

Then the door opened, and an old man with white hair and a young man in his thirties walked out.

The young man was a young man surnamed Li who Han Li had met once in the "Xiangjia Restaurant" during the day. The white-haired old man, with snow-white beard and hair, a maroon complexion, looked kind and kind, but when he saw Han Li, something strange appeared on his face.

"Is this person the master of the Five Colors Sect?"

Han Li looked at the old man with a cold look and asked Mo Yuzhu politely.

But at this time, Mo Yuzhu didn't have the thought to say anything. He just held the little girl tightly in his arms and looked at Han Li, as if he refused to speak.

"Who are you? What have you done to my wife?" When the young man saw a young man standing in the yard, he was extremely shocked. Later, when he heard Han Li call Mo Yuzhu by his name, he became even more angry and swayed. He just wanted to teach Han Li a lesson.

But before he took a step, the Five Color Sect Master next to him grabbed him and said calmly:

"You're such an adult, why are you so impulsive! It's definitely not easy for this person to get through Li Da and the others silently. Don't fall for other people's tricks."

Sure enough, ginger is still spicy! Just looking at the careful thoughts of the Five Color Sect Master, one can tell that it is really extraordinary.

If he was really a cultivator in the foundation-building stage, Han Li would definitely be wary of him and regard him as a powerful enemy. But it's a pity that he is just a mortal. No matter how scheming he is, in the face of absolute power, Han Li will not take him into consideration at all.

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