"Poisoned? No way! I am usually very careful, and there is a dedicated person in charge of all my meals!" Sun Ergou looked uneasy after being frightened.

After hearing what he said, Han Li was too lazy to explain anything to him in detail. As soon as he raised his hand, a flash of green light flew into Sun Er's body.

"Master, what is this? What is this?" Sun Ergou didn't dare to dodge, but he became a little panicked.

"This is the True Spirit Technique, which can reveal the toxins in your body. Look in the mirror and see for yourself!" Han Li sat on the chair and said lightly.

When Sun Ergou heard this, his heart skipped a beat and he hurried to the corner of the room, where there was a dressing table for women.

After hurriedly finding a small bronze mirror on the table, Sun Ergou looked into the mirror suspiciously. As a result, people were stunned for a moment! The mirror reflected a face full of black anger, and the black-purple skin looked like he was deeply poisoned.

"Young Master, help me! I have always been loyal to you and will never give up my heart." Sun Ergou rushed back with a look of fear on his face and knelt down in front of Han Li, begging bitterly.

At this time, he already believed more than half of it!

Because as Han Li is an immortal cultivator, it is impossible to deceive him in such a troublesome manner. If you really want to harm him, you can twist him to death with just one finger.

Han Li looked at Sun Ergou showing his loyalty, smiled lightly, and then said calmly:

"Don't worry, although this poison is secretive enough, it's not very toxic and won't kill anyone within a few days! No need to make such a fuss!"

After hearing what Han Li said, Sun Ergou felt more at ease, but he still pretended to be pitiful and continued to beg:

"Young Master has great magical powers, so let's give this villain a way to cure this poison! I, Sun Ergou, will continue to do my best for you! If you don't believe me, I can swear a poisonous oath. I'm here..." Sun Ergou Although his identity is very different from before, he is obviously much more afraid of death. Before Han Li could say anything, he pointed at the roof and uttered a series of curses, which made Han Li angry and amused.

"Working hard for him? It seems that I have always benefited him!" Han Li thought, somewhat dumbfounded.

"There is an antidote pill here. You can take it later. As long as you don't continue to be poisoned, there will be no serious problems in the future." Han Li shook his head slightly, then took out a blue pill and threw it to This person.

"Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!" Sun Ergou was overjoyed as he took the elixir, thanked him profusely, and cleverly got up and put the elixir away safely.

"This kind of poison didn't poison you so deeply just once or twice. It must have been for several months at least! I think you should be able to find out who poisoned you! Right, my Sun Da Gang leader!" Han Li suddenly chuckled and said half-jokingly.

"Young Master, I'm kidding! However, I do have some doubts in my heart as to who poisoned him." Sun Ergou touched his head and said with a smile.

Now that his life was saved by Han Li, he naturally respected Han Li even more.

"Well! As an immortal cultivator, I will not interfere in your mortal affairs. Let you handle it yourself! I actually came here this time to see Quhun and take him away. I am now a little bit For cultivation, bringing him along is not a big deal. Do you have any objections?" Han Li said in a deep voice, the smile on his face fading.

"Young master, do you want to take Master Qu away? But Master, Master Qu Hun is no longer with the Siping Gang." Sun Ergou heard Han Li say this and groaned inwardly, so he could only bite the bullet and reply.

"What do you mean? You lost him!" Han Li's face sank, and the temperature in the room suddenly dropped several times, making Sun Ergou shiver in excitement and feel extremely frightened.

"Young master, please calm down! I didn't lose it, it was Master Quhun who ran away. And although he is not in the city now, he is not far away. He is in the nearby mountains and forests. I have sent people to follow Master Quhun at all times! "Sun Ergou explained hurriedly, fearing that Han Li would burst into anger.

"Run away! What's going on? Tell me clearly. If it's really not your fault, I've always been clear about rewards and punishments, and I won't blame you!" A look of surprise flashed across Han Li's face, and he said with a slightly calm expression.

After all, Sun Ergou still knows the whereabouts of Qu Hun, that's all!

However, Han Li really couldn't believe that Quhun was just a walking corpse and would run away on his own.

Seeing that Han Li was not really angry, Sun Ergou felt relieved, but he still did not dare to neglect and hurriedly explained:

"Since the young master handed Master Qu Hun over to the young master, the young master has been following the young master's instructions to find out about Master Qu. He will not let others see Master Qu Hun unless it is absolutely necessary. The abnormality of Master Qu is six years old. It happened years ago. At that time, our gang was in a critical period of expanding its power, and the opponent was a mid-level gang with many good players. I had no choice but to ask Lord Qu Hun to help. As a result, in this battle, Lord Qu Showing his divine power, our gang won a great victory. However, a few days after the battle, a servant sent by Xiao Xiao to look after Qu Hun suddenly came to report that Lord Qu Hun had actually spoken. Xiao Xiao was extremely shocked when he found out. , hurriedly took the "Soul-inducing Bell" over to have a look. The result..."

When Sun Ergou said this, he showed a wry smile.

"What's the matter? It's rare that you have the soul-inducing bell with you, so he still attacks you!"

Han Li was extremely shocked when he heard Qu Hun speak. Seeing Sun Ergou's showy attitude now, he immediately scolded him angrily.

This made Sun Ergou startled, and he continued:

"There was no attack on me, but before I entered Lord Qu's house, Lord Quhun seemed to know that I was coming. He suddenly broke through the wall and ran away like flying. I couldn't catch up with him at all!" Sun Ergou said with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Run away!" Han Li raised his eyebrows with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Yes, Young Master! Lord Qu has been away for several years and has been wandering in the nearby mountains and forests for some unknown reason? Although I have helped many masters to find Lord Qu Hun many times, I don't know why. Once he gets close to Master Qu, he will immediately move away and is unwilling to meet me. And even if other people went there, no one would be a match for Master Qu, and even two gang masters were killed or injured because of this." Sun Er The dog said with some confusion.

"There's nothing surprising about this! It's probably because you possess the 'Soul-inducing Bell'! Although I don't know why the bent soul lost control, it's obvious that the restriction I placed at the beginning still has an effect." Han Li sneered, his expression Said as usual.

"So that's it!" Sun Ergou showed an expression that was indeed the case.

It seems that he also guessed the reason at first.

"Tell me the address of Qu Hun, and I will handle him from now on. It seems that you are really not to blame for this matter. I have to go and see it myself to find out what happened. In addition,' You don't need the soul-inducing bell anymore, so leave it to me." Han Li said calmly after thinking about it.

"Yes, Young Master. I listened to reports from my subordinates two days ago! Master Qu is currently in the west..." Sun Ergou respectfully told an address a hundred miles away from Jiayuan City, and then carefully took out the address from his arms. A "soul-inducing bell" magic weapon was handed to Han Li with both hands.

Han Li nodded, took Xiao Zhong and checked the magic weapon. Everything was fine, and then he put it into his storage bag.

"This time, in addition to the matter about Quhun, I also want to ask you some questions about the Five Color Sect. You must answer me honestly!" Han Li suddenly made a serious face and said coldly.

Han Li's expression made Gang Leader Sun Da obviously stunned, but then he nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"What kind of person is the current Master of the Five Color Sect? Does he have any other family members? Have any outsiders come to the Li Mansion recently? Is he staying in the Mansion now?" Han Li asked with a grim expression.

Sun Ergou trembled in his heart, but he replied without hesitation:

"Who is the leader of the Five Color Sect? To be honest, I still don't know much about him. I have only seen him twice from a distance. I only know that this person's martial arts is absolutely unfathomable. And he has two boys and one girl, and They are all married. I heard that the eldest son is in charge of the former site of the main altar of Wuse Sect, and the second son is following the leader of Wuse Sect and is in charge of the Li Mansion. I heard..."

Sun Ergou explained it in detail and comprehensively. Obviously, a lot of effort has been put into the information on the Five Color Sect.

Han Li listened to the information calmly, but unconsciously tapped it with a finger on the table, as if digesting the information.

Seeing that Han Li stopped asking questions for a while, Sun Ergou asked cautiously:

"Did Young Master want to take action against the Five Color Sect because of what happened in Mo Mansion back then?"

Upon hearing this, Han Li frowned, and his expression immediately darkened.

"You ask too many questions! Don't ask random questions about things you shouldn't know, let alone make random guesses. You don't want to become an amnesiac!"

Han Li's voice was cold and extremely cold, causing Sun Ergou's expression to change immediately and he hurriedly apologized.

After snorting, Han Li gave up!

For Han Li, when it's time to establish his authority, he won't be polite at all.

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