A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2539 The True Immortal Arrives Trading Conference

Fan Baozi smiled slightly, and immediately flicked his sleeves, and a palm-sized red jade box flew out from it. It was covered with a layer of golden talismans, covering almost half of his body.

As soon as the jade box flew out, Han Li shot away in a flash.

Han Li's eyes flashed, his arms blurred, and he grabbed it in his hand. He touched the jade box with one finger. All the talismans immediately floated down, and the lid of the box opened silently.

Inside were seven scales of different colors, all of which exuded an astonishing pressure.

"This is……"

Han Li was greatly surprised when he saw this situation.

"Fellow Daoist Han will understand it once he sees it for himself." Fan Baozi spread his hands and looked like he was letting Han Li do whatever he wanted.

Han Li was a little suspicious, but he was not afraid of what the other party would do. With a slight flick of his wrist, a light blue scale jumped out of the box and landed accurately in the other palm.

The moment his fingers touched the scales, Han Li's expression changed. As if he noticed something, he quickly put the scales on his forehead and closed his eyes.

Time passes little by little!

The expression on Han Li's face began to change rapidly. Sometimes he seemed very surprised, sometimes a bit horrified, and finally there was even a hint of fear.

After a full cup of tea, Han Li took the scales away from his forehead with a slight cough and opened his eyes again.

"It turns out that these scales are actually..."

"It's good that Fellow Daoist Han knows that these things are of no use to ordinary people, but for those who are bent on ascending to transcend tribulations, you can imagine how valuable they are. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to experience other people's The feeling of the disaster of ascension." The old man in golden robe said calmly.

"But there should be some differences between the nobles' ascension calamity and ordinary creatures." Han Li asked cautiously after his expression changed several times.

"It's slightly different, but generally speaking there won't be much difference. As far as I know, except for our True Dragon Clan, few people are willing to let others stay in the nearby area during the tribulation, let alone He said that he had witnessed the true power of the Ascension Tribulation with his own eyes. And this technique of leaving a true Lin's image is also a unique innate magical power of our Dragon Clan. Even if other people want to do the same thing, it is impossible to succeed under the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. These Among the scales, there are those who have successfully survived the calamity, and some who were directly destroyed by the calamity. I believe that the importance to Fellow Daoist Han should not be as important as the True Soul Pill." Elder Jin twirled his beard and said with unusual confidence.

"These should be consumable items that cannot be imitated, otherwise the seniors would not have taken them out so easily." Han Li briefly inspected the scales and asked with a hint of surprise.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Han is really worthy of being a strong man who has killed immortals with his own hands. These scales cannot be used permanently. Each one can only be used three times. Once the number of times is exhausted, it will be destroyed by itself. As for the imitation technique, the clan also Only this elder knows the difference. Otherwise, how could I dare to exchange such things for some foreign objects." The old man in gold robe did not feel surprised at all, but admitted frankly.

"If it can only be used three times, the practicality will be greatly reduced. If you exchange it for the True Soul Pill, it will not be enough." Han Li became very calm.

"If these things are not enough, I can add a bottle of Ten Thousand Years Golden Mulberry Liquid. Not only is this spiritual liquid extremely magical in itself, it is also necessary for refining several rumored elixirs. Even there are not many bottles on Dragon Island. Yes." The old man in golden robe said again without thinking.

"Ten Thousand Years Golden Mulberry Liquid? If you add this kind of spiritual liquid, it's almost enough. Okay, Han will change it." This time, Han Li didn't think much about it. When Fang heard the name of Golden Mulberry Liquid, he said He agreed immediately.

"Although the true soul pill can greatly increase the power of a person's soul and increase the degree of solidification, its practicality is not as good as the scales that record the experience of the dragon clan's ascension. What's more. They can be used several times, and the people close to them can benefit greatly from them, which is not comparable to just one True Soul Pill. Of course, this is also because he still has two True Soul Pills in his hand, otherwise it would not be possible. Will make a decision so happily.

The old man in golden robe was a little surprised that Han Li agreed so quickly. After being slightly startled, he said with a hint of joy:

"Fellow Taoist is indeed a generous person. No wonder Fan Baozi handed over the invitation when we first met. I believe that fellow Taoist will gain something else at the Daoguo Conference."

As soon as he finished speaking, he flipped his palm, and a golden vial suddenly appeared in his palm. With a flick of his finger, it slid silently towards Han Li.

Han Li shook his sleeves, rolled up the vial like water, opened the cap, swept his mind slightly inside, and then nodded and put it away.

Then his other arm moved slightly, and a large wooden box appeared out of thin air in front of him, with a flick of a finger.

There was a "whoosh" sound.

The wooden box also shot towards the opposite side.

The old man in gold robe only raised his hand, and the wooden box trembled and stopped firmly in front of him. Before he could make any move, the lid of the box opened on its own, revealing a golden elixir.

The old man narrowed his eyes, sniffed lightly, and showed a satisfied expression on his face.

"Haha, it is indeed the True Soul Pill. In this way, I can give an explanation to that old friend."

For the rest of the time, Han Li didn't talk much to the great elder of the True Dragon Clan. After saying a few more polite words, he said goodbye and left.

Fan Baozi naturally sent it out personally.

"Although I felt that Daoist fellow Taoist Han was not an ordinary strongman when I saw him wandering around for the first time that day, I did not expect that fellow daoist Han would become such a famous person after not seeing him for so many years. Not only did he kill the famous mother borer, Even the true immortal who came to the immortal world killed one. Tsk tsk, it’s a pity that Fan failed to catch up with such a good thing." In the void more than a hundred miles away from the golden giant boat, Fan Paozi was half-joking. He said to Han Li seriously.

"Han was able to do these things with the help of many external forces and by chance. If he had to do it all over again, how could he really be their opponent? I didn't expect that this Daoguo Conference would have a great history, and I would give away a gift on that day. This is a big favor from my fellow Taoist." Han Li smiled slightly and then replied.

"Haha, what a big deal! I did this because I liked Brother Han that day. Otherwise, if it were another person, he wouldn't have done this." Fan Baozi laughed and said nonchalantly.

"In any case, this Dao Fruit Conference is indeed of great benefit to me. If I don't get the Dao Fruit, the trip is not in vain." Han Li's expression straightened up.

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Han should have a good chance of winning the competition for the Dao Fruit in a few months. Although there are many powerful people from all walks of life invited to Dragon Island this time, there are probably not many who can really compare with Fellow Daoist. Besides, I I heard that this girl Tian Feier seems to have been a favor to you before, and this time she is one of the deacons of the conference." Fan Baozi rolled his eyes and asked with a half-smile.

"Ahem... Brother Fan's words are too exaggerated. There are so many powerful people who have come to Dragon Island just now, and who can really dare to say that they will be able to grab a Dao Fruit. As for Fairy Tian, ​​Han is just a talent. I've only seen him twice." Han Li coughed lightly and replied vaguely.

Fan Baozi chuckled, with a look of disbelief on his face, but he did not continue to ask. Instead, he changed the subject and asked with interest about the mother of borers and the true immortal Ma Liang.

There was not much to hide from these questions, so Han Li answered most of them one by one, making Fan Baozi listen with great interest.

Half an hour later, Fan Baozi returned to the golden boat alone, but Han Li was nowhere to be seen.

Half a month later, in an extremely hidden cave, Han Li placed a white jade slip on his forehead, his eyes flickering slightly.

"Feng Yue Zhenjun, who has advanced to the Mahayana for fifty thousand years, is from Yandu Realm, and is good at the Five Mountains Xuan Gong...

"Tian Quezi, who has advanced to the Mahayana for thirty thousand years, is a member of the Xuanwei Realm, and has mastered thirty-six kinds of poison skills. He can kill the same level and invisible people. He must not be allowed to come within a hundred feet of himself..."

"Prajna Sanren, who has advanced to Mahayana for 60,000 years, is from the Lingluo Realm, majoring in the three great magical powers of Buddhism. The golden body of Arhat has been completed. He once killed three Mahayana demon cultivators in one day with one person... "

These messages flashed through Han Li's consciousness one by one, but his face showed no expression at all.

Three months later, the Dao Fruit Conference was officially held as scheduled. After a grand ceremony held by the True Dragon Clan, in a huge space where the Dragon Clan's unique restrictions were imposed, the fight for Dao Fruit began.

In a dense forest towering into the clouds, Han Li was flying slowly forward under the trees three feet above the ground.

Suddenly, several big trees nearby were blurred, and turned into several ferocious giants with a height of 100 feet. Each one was naked and bald, with no evil spirit. A dozen arms just raised, and countless green thunder fires smashed down on their heads and faces.

Colleagues blasted!

Dense fist shadows emitting dazzling green light also shot down from the hands of these giants, and for a moment it seemed as if the entire void was about to be crushed to pieces.

“Good time”

When Han Li saw this, he didn't show any surprise. Instead, he sneered and stepped down with one foot.

There was a "boom"!

First, countless cyan sword energy shot out from below, cutting away most of the fist shadows and thunder fires. Then, with a flash of golden light, a thousand-foot demon god with three heads and six arms rushed out of the dense forest. The six arms were just dancing like wheels. Then, a circle of golden light suddenly shot out, and all the remaining fist shadows were instantly wiped out.


A surprised voice suddenly came from a giant tree several miles away. The three-headed demon god immediately swept away with his six eyes like lightning. Suddenly, the middle head opened a wide mouth, and a ball of dark green light spurted out. There was a vague light inside. Wrapped in a small green bottle several inches tall.

The mortal world is about to end, but some book friends have begun to embark on the path of creation because of the opportunity to write book reviews. Bless them!

"Legend of Bianhuang (Yan Fei)", the author of the "Mortals on Tao" series of book reviews, has published a new book "The World is a Game" under the pseudonym "Kangkongcai". This book starts from modern scientific theories and uses the Tao Te Ching to reveal a shocking secret: the universe we live in, just like the movie The Matrix, is just an illusory game world.

The book is prefaced by Professor Zeng Guoping, a doctoral supervisor at Tsinghua University, and recommended by many well-known scholars. It is published by Beijing Times Chinese Bookstore and is now on sale on Dangdang.com. The book purchase website is:

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