A Mortal's Story of Cultivation into Immortality

Chapter 2538 The True Immortal Arrives and Harvests

A month later, in a seemingly ordinary town, some people with strange horns on their heads and scales on their faces were walking back and forth on the streets.

In addition, there are also a few people whose aura is particularly powerful and who use various methods to hide their appearance. They appear on the main street dedicated to selling goods in the east, and from time to time they go in and out of some hidden shops that are rarely visited by people.

"What, senior wants 20,000 kilograms of wind essence gold?" In a dark shop, a middle-aged shopkeeper with short purple horns looked at the customer in front of him in surprise.

Although he was somewhat accustomed to the large-scale transactions that had occurred recently, the sheer amount of materials requested by the person in front of him still made him feel a little shocked.

"Why, you can't bring it out? I've heard that this shop is famous for selling wind essence gold on Long Island. It can't be that it can't even bring out this amount." The person standing in front of the shopkeeper said, His voice was low, and his whole body was shrouded in a light green light. His appearance and age could not be seen at all, giving people an extremely mysterious feeling.

"If seniors had come half a month ago, our store would have been able to collect such a large amount of wind essence gold, but now there is indeed only eight thousand kilograms in inventory. The rest were bought by several other seniors half a month ago. ." The middle-aged shopkeeper said respectfully.

The people in front of him who dress up and act so generously are undoubtedly other interface experts from outside the island. As a middle-level dragon man with only some true dragon blood, he naturally does not dare to show any slights. .

"Eight thousand gold means eight thousand catties. I want the rest. This is the payment for the goods!" The person in the green light opposite just pondered for a moment before making a decision. With a flick of his sleeve, a ring flew out of it. out. "

"Okay, senior, wait a moment, junior, I will ask someone to send the materials immediately." The middle-aged shopkeeper just briefly checked the contents of the storage ring and immediately agreed.

Then he took out a disc-shaped magic weapon from his body, whispered a few words to it, and then waited with the guests in front of him.

After a cup of tea, a tall young dragon man appeared in a flash of light from a small hidden magic circle in another room behind the shop.

He quickly walked into the shop in a few steps, took out three identical cyan storage bracelets from his arms, and handed them all to the middle-aged shopkeeper.

"Senior, please click on the quantity to see if it is correct." The middle-aged shopkeeper immediately turned around and handed the newly received storage bracelet to the customer in front of him.

"I believe in the reputation of the nobles. There is no need to check anymore." After the man in Qingguang said lightly, his arm moved slightly, and a piece of green cloud flew out, and he pulled all three storage bracelets back into his hand. Unexpectedly, he didn't He turned around and left immediately to check something.

Only two dragon men were left in the shop, looking at each other.

"This man is so majestic. He didn't even take a look at such a large amount of wind essence gold." The tall young dragon man said with some emotion after exhaling lightly.

"What do you know! If these people can come to Dragon Island, they must have something to do with the real dragon masters on the island. Moreover, with their realm reaching their level, they are really afraid that shops like me will not deceive them. Otherwise, as long as I tell them Deacon on the island, you and I can still have good things to eat." The middle-aged shopkeeper said with a roll of his eyes.

After thinking about it again, the young dragon man nodded in agreement.

At the same time, a ray of green light fell from a mountaintop outside the town. After the light faded, a man in green clothes appeared, none other than Han Li.

He took out three storage bracelets again. After a brief inspection, he showed a satisfied look on his face. The light escaped again and turned into a green rainbow and shot through the sky in the other direction of Long Island.

Three months later.

A green rainbow shot over a red mountain range. After a few flashes, it suddenly fell into an ordinary valley below.

On an unobstructed platform in the center of the valley, five men and women with different appearances and clothing were sitting.

There was a girl who looked to be no more than seven or eight years old, an old man with green skin, a middle-aged couple in their thirties, and a big man with countless silver patterns on his body.

Qinghong circled in the air and landed at the center of the platform with great accuracy, from which Han Li slowly walked out.

Han Li glanced at the other people present, smiled slightly, and sat down cross-legged not far from the girl.

None of the people present showed any surprise at Han Li's appearance, and they all sat there in silence.

After a while, there was a sound in the sky in the distance, and at the same time, another five-color rainbow shot out.

After the rainbow flashed for several times, it also reached the sky above the upper valley. The light dimmed, and a beautiful woman wearing neon clothes appeared from it.

The woman slowly fell from the air to the platform, looked around with a cold expression, and found a deserted corner to sit down.

"We have enough people, so let the exchange we are waiting for begin immediately. If you don't have any objections, let me make the first move." As soon as the green-skinned old man saw the woman sitting down, he stood up slowly and spoke.

"Since fellow Taoist is willing to come first, just feel free to do it yourself."

"Such exchanges naturally have no before or after."

Several others, including Han Li, had no objections, either directly agreed or silently acquiesced.

So the old man shook his sleeves unceremoniously, and there was a roar in the middle of the platform. A rectangular stone table emitting white light appeared out of thin air from the ground. Then he flipped his palm again, and suddenly in the flash of spiritual light, more than a dozen things were stabilized. It landed firmly on it.

Han Li's eyes narrowed and he could clearly see what these things looked like.

Except for a few items contained in jade boxes and wooden boxes, most of the others were rare treasures rarely seen in the spiritual world, and even he could not identify some of them.

"I have to exchange these items for ten thousand years of Yin Marrow, Xuanyuan Wood, and Nine-aperture Lingcui. Of course, if there are things like the Xuantian Remnant Treasure, I will definitely satisfy the person who exchanges them." The old man pointed with his finger. After opening the jade boxes and wooden boxes one by one, he said calmly.

After reading the things on the stone table, the others either had expressionless faces or frowned, but no one said anything immediately.

"Why, old man, these things are all incomprehensible to the eyes of fellow Taoists. If that's the case, I'll put them away immediately and let the next fellow Taoist come up." After waiting for a while, the old man saw that no one had exchanged anything. Meaning, he immediately said impatiently.

"Why are you so impatient, fellow Taoist? I have a piece of Xuanyuan wood here, but I don't know if it suits fellow Taoist's wishes." After listening to the old man's words, it was the girl who seemed to be the youngest who spoke, her voice was extremely delicate, and her small hands After one move, a black thing flew out immediately.

There was a hint of joy on the old man's face. He raised his hand and sucked the thing out of thin air. However, after looking at it for a moment, he showed a bit of disappointment.

This piece of Xuanyuan wood is slightly less aged and slightly smaller in size. What does fellow Taoist intend to exchange it for? "After the old man thought about it carefully, he still asked.

"I plan to use this wood in exchange for a Taiyi Pill on the table." The girl pointed her finger at a jade box on the table and replied politely.

"A Taiyi Golden Pill is about the same value. I'll change it!" This time, the old man agreed without hesitation.

The girl pursed her small mouth and flicked a finger towards the jade box on the stone table. A golden elixir immediately flew into the air and flew to her side.

The girl grabbed the elixir, put it away, and sat down again as if nothing had happened.

"I am very interested in this jade palace. How about exchanging it for a bottle of filthy yin liquid that is similar to the yin marrow of ten thousand years?" Seeing someone starting, the man who looked like a couple finally spoke.

"Okay." The old man just thought for a moment and nodded.

In the following time, other people also started to exchange one after another. As a result, most of the things on the table were successfully exchanged.

Han also exchanged it for a piece of material that looked like gold but not gold, and looked like stone but not stone.

After the old man asked three more times and confirmed that no one was willing to exchange, he put away the remaining things with some satisfaction.

"Which fellow Taoist below is willing to go up?" Someone asked lazily.

"If no one is fighting, I'll go up first." Han Li's eyes flashed for a few times before he stood up with a smile.

Four months later.

On a huge golden boat floating on a certain giant lake, nearly a hundred guards in silver armor were patrolling the area.

In a magnificently decorated hall on the highest floor of the giant ship, Han Li was sitting with an old man in a golden robe, facing each other.

Behind the old man, there was a silver fir boy standing. His face was pale, but he was smiling. He was actually Fan Baozi who was inviting Han Li to Dragon Island.

"So, Fellow Daoist Han needs to see what I brought out in exchange before he can decide whether to exchange the True Soul Pill." The golden-robed old man's first son had purple horns similar to Fan Baozi's, with a square face and double eyebrows. Like a sword, when Fang opens his mouth, he gives off a feeling of calmness and authority.

"Forgive me, Elder Jin! In the past few months, Han has also transferred most of the entire Dragon Island, and also exchanged some rare materials from many fellow Taoists. The harvest can be said to be huge. But if it can be compared with the True Soul Pill But I have never seen anything before. Therefore, I am also very interested in the things that Senior Jin took out." Han Li replied very calmly.

The old man in gold robe opposite was actually Elder Jin from the True Dragon Clan.

"Hehe, it's natural for fellow Taoists to think this way. In fact, the True Soul Pill I exchanged for this True Soul Pill is not of much use to our True Dragon Clan, but is intended to be used to repay an old friend I owed back then. It's a great favor. As for the things used in exchange for the True Soul Pill, Brother Han will definitely be satisfied. Fan Baozi, please take out the things." Upon hearing this, Elder Jin did not show an unhappy look on his face, but smiled slightly. He ordered back.

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